Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
I-35 Frontage Road Trails: One section would provide a side path trail from
Mercy Health Center to 15th. Another section would provide a path from Fox Lake
Trail to the Spring Creek Trail. These projects will receive funding assistance from
ODOT for construction. The projects should be bid by ODOT in April 2019. Once
a bid is selected a construction timeline will follow.
Once this part gets done, usage should go way up. As it is now, most of Edmond is cutoff from these trails. Once these access points are done then people will be able to bike to the trails from any of the several surrounding neighborhoods. As it is now, you'd have to bike down rte 66 (not recommended) or load up your bike and drive to the trails which makes the trails lose part of their appeal. Really, these access points should have been done a long time ago.