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Thread: Streetcar

  1. #8151

    Default Re: Streetcar

  2. #8152

    Default Re: Streetcar

    A lot more off-wire than I had imagined.

  3. #8153

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    100%. This city is so strange. Sam Anderson needs to get to work on Boom Town 2. I'm sure there is some rich material to mine, such as Kimberly Lowe's absurd public comments about "instant gratification" as related to a modest request for signal priority. WITAF?
    Yeah, she's about as out of touch as the politicians that can't figure out how to use grocery store scanners or think stores will just work with furloughed federal employees and let them have things on credit, etc.

  4. #8154
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    MAPS3 Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Good graphics, shows that the actual times are not that far off from the target times. As 5Alive mentioned, 'A lot more off-wire than imagined.'

  5. #8155

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    Good graphics, shows that the actual times are not that far off from the target times. As 5Alive mentioned, 'A lot more off-wire than imagined.'
    Um, total loop time of 52 minutes as opposed to 40 minutes (I'm using 40 minutes, not 48, because you aim for the lowest time, as the guy from Embark making the presentation said during the council meeting) means it takes about 30% longer, that's not "not that far off". Same goes for peak time and off-peak time, about 30% longer. If you had a flight that was supposed to take 4 hours, but it took 5, would you say "that's not that far off"? If I missed some metrics on a project by 30%, I'd probably be fired.

  6. #8156

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    Good graphics, shows that the actual times are not that far off from the target times
    i see it completely different... since the Actual is an average... and with that average outside of all of their projected targets, it means that well more than half are far off from the target times...

  7. #8157

    Default Re: Streetcar

    My experience with a group of 10 last weekend was all it took for 8 people new to the streetcar to already want to write it off. And this is an example of a Friday night where there was no major event to bog the system down.

    If this is happening regularly. Especially after people pay the fare - you are going to have a lot of potential riders writing the system off and telling their friends about how much it sucked they waited 30 minutes in the cold for a streetcar they paid for that never arrived. The Uber picking us up off the platform was the ultimate facepalm moment of the system.

  8. #8158

    Default Re: Streetcar

    We took a support staff outing yesterday and rode the SC and did lunch. Just missed the SC at Myriad Gardens and it said 9 minutes which was correct. SC was clean. Ate at Abuelos ($9.99 lunch buffet is legit here, especially when paired with 3 pitchers of margaritas) Walked outside as the SC was crossing Gaylord so was able to get on immediately.

    Good experience but tbh....4 of us times $2 round trip and the having to ride all the way through midtown to go to BT would cause us to just drive and lay off the margaritas. If the BT loop was running during the week....we would me more likely to use.

    On the SC, the announcement says you must have a new fare everytime you get on but the article in newspaper today said the $1 is good for one hour. Which is it.

  9. #8159

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    We took a support staff outing yesterday and rode the SC and did lunch. Just missed the SC at Myriad Gardens and it said 9 minutes which was correct. SC was clean. Ate at Abuelos ($9.99 lunch buffet is legit here, especially when paired with 3 pitchers of margaritas) Walked outside as the SC was crossing Gaylord so was able to get on immediately.

    Good experience but tbh....4 of us times $2 round trip and the having to ride all the way through midtown to go to BT would cause us to just drive and lay off the margaritas. If the BT loop was running during the week....we would me more likely to use.

    On the SC, the announcement says you must have a new fare everytime you get on but the article in newspaper today said the $1 is good for one hour. Which is it.
    $1 per hour $3 for 24 hrs.

    I agree that maybe the bricktown loop should be considered for operation during the week. I think people would use it pretty regularly. That being said, if you want to avoid riding the entire downtown loop to get to Bricktown, instead of getting on at the Myriad Gardens Stop, you cold walk through the park to the Century Center Stop.

  10. #8160

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    We took a support staff outing yesterday and rode the SC and did lunch. Just missed the SC at Myriad Gardens and it said 9 minutes which was correct. SC was clean. Ate at Abuelos ($9.99 lunch buffet is legit here, especially when paired with 3 pitchers of margaritas) Walked outside as the SC was crossing Gaylord so was able to get on immediately.

    Good experience but tbh....4 of us times $2 round trip and the having to ride all the way through midtown to go to BT would cause us to just drive and lay off the margaritas. If the BT loop was running during the week....we would me more likely to use.

    On the SC, the announcement says you must have a new fare everytime you get on but the article in newspaper today said the $1 is good for one hour. Which is it.
    The fair will show up on the token transit app for 1 hour after you activate it (It really should be 1.5 hours to make lunch trips more reasonable).

    Also I know transfers are not ideal but if you got in at myriad and got off at the federal court house stop. You could walk across the street and get on heading south at the memorial stop and avoid midtown and cut off most of that extra time

  11. #8161

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    The fair will show up on the token transit app for 1 hour after you activate it (It really should be 1.5 hours to make lunch trips more reasonable).

    Also I know transfers are not ideal but if you got in at myriad and got off at the federal court house stop. You could walk across the street and get on heading south at the memorial stop and avoid midtown and cut off most of that extra time
    yep... i do this type of stuff all the time on the BART and SF metro when i'm in the bay area, to minimize time getting somewhere.

  12. #8162

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    $1 per hour $3 for 24 hrs.

    I agree that maybe the bricktown loop should be considered for operation during the week. I think people would use it pretty regularly. That being said, if you want to avoid riding the entire downtown loop to get to Bricktown, instead of getting on at the Myriad Gardens Stop, you cold walk through the park to the Century Center Stop.
    Even if they only ran the BT loop during lunch time would make it more useful. More likely to get Devon and all the ghost people working in the BOK building to use it for lunch in BT. We are in film row, if we are walking to Century center, we are walking 2/3 of the way to ride the last third to the BT stop. Might as well walk the entire way at that point. Catching it coming back though is great.

    It will be great for conventioners and those staying at hotels downtown and I am glad they have them but not real practical to use instead of just jumping in the car.

  13. #8163

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Trickle-down transit. When will we ever learn?

  14. #8164
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    Default Re: Streetcar

    If you haven't seen all the press, for the month of February, all fares in the Token Transit app are half off. So, I rode the bus this morning for .88. But that also means you could get a streetcar annual pass for $150 this month.

  15. #8165

    Default Re: Streetcar

    All fares are half off, but from what I understand, you can only use the discount one time. So if you are gonna use the discount, it would be worth it to pick up a month or year pass rather than spend the discount on a single ride.

  16. #8166
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    Default Re: Streetcar

    well crud. you're absolutely right. I definitely wouldn't have used that on my bus fare this morning, but I didn't see a way to choose not to (but didn't look hard). gah.

  17. #8167

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I know it's only been one day but has anyone been asked to show a fare yet?

  18. #8168
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    Default Re: Streetcar

    Rode it to Bricktown and back, no issues. I had bought fares on the app, but no challenges today. Volunteers were out though to help folks with that.

  19. #8169
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    Default Re: Streetcar

    They'll need to work out the kinks with the streetcar system; hopefully the weather warms between now and March; it's no fund at those stops with the actual times not in sync with schedules or possibly the apt used.

  20. #8170

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    well crud. you're absolutely right. I definitely wouldn't have used that on my bus fare this morning, but I didn't see a way to choose not to (but didn't look hard). gah.
    Shawn you've been a big supporter - just message Michael Scroggins and I bet they can hook you up with 1/2 off a monthly or annual pass

  21. #8171

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I just wanted to report that Inhave ridden the streetcar several times since February 1st. The automated green lights have helped completely change the experience going southbound on Robinson. It’s fun to watch them jump to green. A much improved experience overall actually. We had full trains Saturday and the system was handleling the load well. I’d like to do five more at the most problematic remaining areas if we’re going to do this in increments.

  22. #8172
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    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pryor Tiger View Post
    Shawn you've been a big supporter - just message Michael Scroggins and I bet they can hook you up with 1/2 off a monthly or annual pass
    I did hit him up and he reminded me that I actually had a different kind of pass discount pending for being a token transit beta tester. I have since gotten that and am very pleased.

  23. #8173

    Default Re: Streetcar

    A car ran a red light and hit a streetcar tonight: https://twitter.com/WILLIAMCRUM/stat...32126032408576

    It's really requires some negligent driving (or of course some kind of medical condition, hopefully not) to hit a streetcar. Seems everyone's okay.

  24. #8174

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    A car ran a red light and hit a streetcar tonight: https://twitter.com/WILLIAMCRUM/stat...32126032408576

    It's really requires some negligent driving (or of course some kind of medical condition, hopefully not) to hit a streetcar. Seems everyone's okay.
    We have that negligent (actually, entitled is what it should be called) driving here a-plenty, it's not that unusual. Every single commute on every single day, no matter if it's just a mile or 20 miles, I see at least one car blow through a red light when they have plenty of time to stop. Hence, entitled. Saw an SUV (seems like most offenders are of that variety) blow through a red light on 30th/May going south, then go 40 through the school zone in front of Taft, *then* blow through the red light on 23rd/May. Wish I had a paintball gun with me in the car....

    Having said that, we're thinking about trying the streetcar when we eat in Midtown, then go to the Civic Center on 2/23, but not sure if the wait times will be accurate/stable enough. Need to balance out getting to the stop too early and sitting at the Civic Center for way too long, and also don't want to miss the first part of the ballet by getting to the stop at a reasonable time, then finding out it's going to take 30 minutes for the streetcar to get there instead of 5. Think things will be flowing smoothly enough for wait times to be accurate by then? Might just also park in the middle and walk to both places, depending on the weather...

  25. #8175

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    We have that negligent (actually, entitled is what it should be called) driving here a-plenty, it's not that unusual. Every single commute on every single day, no matter if it's just a mile or 20 miles, I see at least one car blow through a red light when they have plenty of time to stop. Hence, entitled. Saw an SUV (seems like most offenders are of that variety) blow through a red light on 30th/May going south, then go 40 through the school zone in front of Taft, *then* blow through the red light on 23rd/May. Wish I had a paintball gun with me in the car....

    Having said that, we're thinking about trying the streetcar when we eat in Midtown, then go to the Civic Center on 2/23, but not sure if the wait times will be accurate/stable enough. Need to balance out getting to the stop too early and sitting at the Civic Center for way too long, and also don't want to miss the first part of the ballet by getting to the stop at a reasonable time, then finding out it's going to take 30 minutes for the streetcar to get there instead of 5. Think things will be flowing smoothly enough for wait times to be accurate by then? Might just also park in the middle and walk to both places, depending on the weather...
    So this should work extremely well with a minor adjustment - get off at the Business District stop and walk about 2-3 blocks to the civic center will ensure your trip there is pretty fast. The app will show times to get on the platform after dinner so you can wait til nearly the last minute.

    After the show, you could also pull the app and wait times up, get to the when it says about 3-4 minutes away and it won't be far off. Use the library platform and it would take about 5 minutes to walk there max. From there you are looking at about 8 stops only to get back into midtown!

    I personally have found that the longer the wait time listed the further off it can be - if it is under 10 minutes on the board it tends to be very close to that.

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