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Thread: OU President Gallogly

  1. #526

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    When was the last time a liberal was prevented from speaking on a university campus? When was the last time a conservative mob of students rampaged, burned and threatened because liberals were giving presentations? When was the last time a conservative mob managed to stop liberal groups from organizing on campus, posting or distributing literature? When was the last time liberal speakers or educators were shouted down at sponsored events or during classes? When was the last time a conservative student mob took over a school administration, demand safe zones from certain ethnic groups, demand all people of certain ethnic groups get off campus for periods of time? ( yes, l know on the last couple of items but its been at least a couple of decades).
    Happened in Oklahoma in 2009, when Richard Dawkins was invited to speak at OU.

    But yes, it does happen more often with conservative speakers and its ridiculous. Dont like the speech, dont listen or debate them. The pouting, the protesting, the shouting down of speakers of any kinds needs to stop.

  2. #527

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Happened in Oklahoma in 2009, when Richard Dawkins was invited to speak at OU.

    But yes, it does happen more often with conservative speakers and its ridiculous. Dont like the speech, dont listen or debate them. The pouting, the protesting, the shouting down of speakers of any kinds needs to stop.
    Yeah I remember that when I was in school there. I’ve always leaned conservative but the fact that the legislature even commented on that, let alone made any attempt to stop him from speaking, really really bothered me.

    That said, there was no widespread protest by conservatives on campus, there was no student uprising, nor was there any attempt by the administration to ban him from speaking as has been the case with conservative speakers at other universities. I’ve never seen the type of reaction from school administrators or students in regard to far left wing or any other liberal speakers. When Dawkins came, I remember several people who vehemently disagreed with him that didn’t attend or did attend and had respectful conversations with him through the question and answer sessions. There was no disrespectful heckling or screaming in the audience, it was exactly what the college experience should provide...the ability to listen to different types of thought that make you think outside the box.

  3. #528

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Folks...see what I mean? This kind of thought denies that the concept of free speech never included the right to create harm to other people. To promote this concept of "free speech" is not protected and never has been. Some people hide behind religion by misinterpreting and misrepresenting holy writings too, but it doesn't make what they are advocating holy, just an abomination.
    How does speech alone harm anyone? You could even advocate a genocide and not actually harm anyone. If someone is so fragile as to experience emotional harm from speech shared in the marketplace of ideas, that's on them. Liberal or conservative fragility is a choice. If students disagree with a speaker on campus, they should be offered adequate facilities to protest that speech. They should be offered an opportunity to confront those speakers peacefully. They shouldn't have the ability to deny other students the ability to invite and hear a speaker. Universities should be places where we have a free exchange of ideas. If ideas are particularly absurd, we should hope that our students are bright enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  4. #529

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Happened in Oklahoma in 2009, when Richard Dawkins was invited to speak at OU.

    But yes, it does happen more often with conservative speakers and its ridiculous. Dont like the speech, dont listen or debate them. The pouting, the protesting, the shouting down of speakers of any kinds needs to stop.
    Yeah, my example isn't speech per say, but when I was at OSU *mumble mumble* years ago, we had a showing of Clockwork Orange and The Last Temptation cancelled because of protests.

  5. #530

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    New hire executive salaries under Gallogly's administration: Some will serve at both OU campuses.

    Lauren Brookey, vice president for marketing and communications, $200,000 for 12 months.
    Rowdy Gilbert, former vice president for public affairs, $42,083.

    Charles Wright, chief audit executive, $225,000 for 12 months.
    Clive Mander, former chief audit executive, $181,800.

    John Woods, executive director for governmental affairs, $155,000 for 12 months.
    Jonathan Nichols, former vice president for governmental relations, $175,000.

    Ken Rowe, senior vice president and chief financial officer, $400,000 for 12 months.
    Nick Hathaway, former executive vice president for administration and finance, $301,670.

    Eric Conrad, Vice President for Operations, $310,000 for 12 months.
    Position did not exist in previous administration.

    David Surratt, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, $225,000 for 12 months.
    Clarke Stroud, former Dean of Students, $145,000.

    Jacquelyn H. Wolf, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, $317,000 for 12 months.
    Marcy Fleming, current still employed as Human Resources Director and previously Interim Vice President for Human Resources until January 7, 2019, 2018 salary - $157,000.

    TBD Chief Information Officer
    Eddie Huebsch, former Interim Chief Information Officer, $215,000.

    After July 2nd restructuring, "Moving forward, the chief financial officer, chief human resources officer and vice president for facilities and services will report directly to the president, reducing the total number of executives from 25 to 17, a reduction of 32 percent across all OU campuses.

    The move will save the university $1.13 million annually, but Gallogly said the move was less about cost savings and more about streamlining a top-heavy administration." - Norman Transcript

    Total salary prior to new executives = $1,217,553
    8 new executives salaries = $1,832,000 + one unfilled Chief Information Officer

    Savings from restructuring direct reports (25 to 17 ~$1.13 million) is going to additional compensation to hire new executives.

  6. #531
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Huh? There are multiple supreme court cases that specifically state that hate speech is protected speech under the first amendment. Hate speech is different than a direct threat of harm to another person.
    The criteria is intent, imminence, and likelihood with regard to breaking the law. If someone is advocating the violating of the law regards racial or other matters otherwise protected by law and that it is likely the audience will act upon it soon, then there is a case to be made about hate speech being illegal. Like all freedoms, we have rights and we have modifiers of those rights. The current right wing push to flood the judicial system with right wing advocates is to assure interpretations and rulings most in line with their advocated issues.

  7. #532

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    l'm sorry dantruka, l'm nit sure if you are sincere and just don't understand what you are talking about or are completely aware and just try to be a politician. l've seen you stereotype old white guys in a demeaning and offensive way then profess not to. Now, l have to call BS on this. I see daily examples of occurrences showing the opposite of what you are saying and have seen it with my own eyes here in CO.
    What speakers did people protest? Your post and assertions are vague. Which conservative speakers were stopped by a mob? The primary speakers I've seen massive protests for are White Nationalists. In most cases, universities permitted them to speak and there were big protests. If you want to be a White Supremacist or Neo-Nazi then I am completely fine with people using public pressure -- i.e., free speech -- to lead to an event being cancelled. Violence is almost never a good response to speech and I never condone that, but cases of that happening are very rare. I have seen conservative speakers speak at universities many times without problem... I bet that didn't make conservative media. But claiming this is widespread requires some references. Again, please detail the events you saw with your own eyes. In most cases, your "mobs" are just protesters with whom you disagree.

    I work in academia and I can give you tons of examples of "liberals" facing persecution:
    - I've seen explicit racism against Black job candidates because of their views (which are pretty standard in Black communities)
    - I've seen students revolt against faculty of color multiple times because of mainstream perspectives on issues of race, sex, etc.
    - I've witnessed university faculty and staff spread rumors that the Black Student Association was actually bused in outsiders when they held a silent protest.

    In many cases, I've seen conservative university emplyees work behind the scenes or used their power to take a variety of measures to silence faculty with whom they disagreed. If you think "liberals" are the only ones who've faced any types of persecution, I saw all these events with my own eyes. None of them made the news and all of them happened. As others pointed out, "liberal" speakers have been protested in Oklahoma.

    However, I won't respond to your constant mischaracterization of my posts.

    As I've said before, I'm happy to discuss these issues, but these discussions are going nowhere. I'm out on this thread not because it's not a worthy topic, but because it's just not educational. Nothing but love. Best.

  8. #533

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazio85 View Post
    New hire executive salaries under Gallogly's administration: Some will serve at both OU campuses.

    Lauren Brookey, vice president for marketing and communications, $200,000 for 12 months.
    Rowdy Gilbert, former vice president for public affairs, $42,083.

    Charles Wright, chief audit executive, $225,000 for 12 months.
    Clive Mander, former chief audit executive, $181,800.

    John Woods, executive director for governmental affairs, $155,000 for 12 months.
    Jonathan Nichols, former vice president for governmental relations, $175,000.

    Ken Rowe, senior vice president and chief financial officer, $400,000 for 12 months.
    Nick Hathaway, former executive vice president for administration and finance, $301,670 and **Chris Kuwitzky, former chief financial officer, $292,000.**

    Eric Conrad, Vice President for Operations, $310,000 for 12 months.
    Position did not exist in previous administration.

    David Surratt, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, $225,000 for 12 months.
    Clarke Stroud, former Dean of Students, $145,000.

    Jacquelyn H. Wolf, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, $317,000 for 12 months.
    Marcy Fleming, current still employed as Human Resources Director and previously Interim Vice President for Human Resources until January 7, 2019, 2018 salary - $157,000.

    TBD Chief Information Officer
    Eddie Huebsch, former Interim Chief Information Officer, $215,000.

    After July 2nd restructuring, "Moving forward, the chief financial officer, chief human resources officer and vice president for facilities and services will report directly to the president, reducing the total number of executives from 25 to 17, a reduction of 32 percent across all OU campuses.

    The move will save the university $1.13 million annually, but Gallogly said the move was less about cost savings and more about streamlining a top-heavy administration." - Norman Transcript

    Total salary prior to new executives = **$1,509,553**
    8 new executives salaries = $1,832,000 + one unfilled Chief Information Officer

    Savings from restructuring direct reports (25 to 17 ~$1.13 million) is going to additional compensation to hire new executives.
    **Edit in the quote**

  9. #534

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Man’s history has shown that those nations and individuals who live with freedom and who are the most innovative have had the best rising standards of living, for all well-adjusted people.

    Building a more innovative intellectually based state and local economy creates an environment where the boats rise, for all well-adjusted people.
    For those who are still stuck in the mud and are not well adjusted ...we will have more resources to help them achieve their best outcomes!

    Just as individuals seek opportunity so do corporations who hire people and pay well. If OU is improving and growing it’s in demand STEM programs it gives us another selling point in economic development and in the recruitment of new and expanding industries....This in turn creates many additional opportunities in a growing economy.

    One of the things Texas did many decades ago was to build a very strong university system that has helped fuel their states economic growth and greater wealth for many well-adjusted individuals.

    Since nobody else is going to do it for us, it’s up to us to improve our own economic conditions in part via our states university systems by producing graduates in degree programs that have real jobs waiting on them in our state.

  10. #535
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerheart View Post
    Man’s history has shown that those nations and individuals who live with freedom and who are the most innovative have had the best rising standards of living, for all well-adjusted people.

    Building a more innovative intellectually based state and local economy creates an environment where the boats rise, for all well-adjusted people.
    For those who are still stuck in the mud and are not well adjusted ...we will have more resources to help them achieve their best outcomes!

    Just as individuals seek opportunity so do corporations who hire people and pay well. If OU is improving and growing it’s in demand STEM programs it gives us another selling point in economic development and in the recruitment of new and expanding industries....This in turn creates many additional opportunities in a growing economy.

    One of the things Texas did many decades ago was to build a very strong university system that has helped fuel their states economic growth and greater wealth for many well-adjusted individuals.

    Since nobody else is going to do it for us, it’s up to us to improve our own economic conditions in part via our states university systems by producing graduates in degree programs that have real jobs waiting on them in our state.
    Also countries with respect and advancement of culture and social programs also lead the world in prosperity.

    I won't argue the fact that there needs to be more emphasis on STEM education. But it needs to start in the lower schools and OK's commitment there by these same people now wanting to run the University is abysmal.

    I would also argue that OU is a comprehensive UNIVERSITY. It isn't a vo-tech, or a technical university. It provides a comprehensive curriculum of studies that are more than just technical and training to work at a big company or an oil and gas company.

    I do applaud Texas, but the landmark schools got money from oil endowment, not necessarily from taxes. And, for every UT and TAMU there is a UTEP and TTech. I would also point out that UT is well known for many of the things you suggest aren't so important at OU... international studies, arts and humanities, etc.

    Now, TAMU is a right winger's dream school. Lots of military and faux military. But there is a reason why Aggies are thought of the way they are.... smart, but......... well... Aggies.

  11. #536

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    As it turns out when Boren was trying his best to make OU’s debt sound like a normal situation it was misleading as seen below. Of the universities reporting OU spends a higher percentage of it budget on servicing it’s debt than any Big 12 university. This is why the cuts are necessary, current operations were being impacted.

    Once the waste at OU is stopped and the most reforms are made at OU, well-adjusted people within our states leadership will be far more supportive of increased state dollars to OU. It’s likely the same deal for important OU donors who would not have wanted their money wasted and or misused as some had previously believed.

    ...It’s still amazing that the Boren groupies are still so gullible and are still putting Boren, his people and their ideology above the future improvement of the university and our state.


    The review found that OU's debt levels are significantly higher than many other peer institutions' and the university does spend more than its counterparts of its overall budget on debt payments.
    “It’s hard to make a totally definitive statement, but when (debt) gets in the way of current operations, that may be problematic,” Menditto said.

    But the Board of Regents approved a $1.02 billion preliminary budget for the Norman campus this fiscal year, leaving OU to spend roughly 6.5 percent of its total budget on debt payments until official budgets have been approved.

    The University of Texas has $1.6 billion in debt, but it spends about 4 percent of its overall budget on debt payments.
    Oklahoma State University said it has roughly $863 million in total debt and spends 5 to 6 percent of its total budget on payments.
    West Virginia University has $753 million in debt and spends approximately 5.5 percent on debt.
    Iowa State has about $503 million in debt, with 3 percent of its overall budget going to payments.
    Kansas State University said it has $464 million in debt and spends 4.5 percent of its total budget on debt payments.

    Texas Tech has $445 million in debt, and most of its payments are covered through donations and gifts to the school.

  12. #537
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerheart View Post
    ...It’s still amazing that the Boren groupies are still so gullible and are still putting Boren, his people and their ideology above the future improvement of the university and our state.
    Or maybe it is amazing that corporate sycophants or maybe Gallogy employees, are so intent on trying to advance an agenda. Bowing at the corporate alter doesn’t prove a commitment to improving the university or the state or the understanding what actual improvement means.

  13. #538

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Or maybe it is amazing that corporate sycophants or maybe Gallogy employees, are so intent on trying to advance an agenda. Bowing at the corporate alter doesn’t prove a commitment to improving the university or the state or the understanding what actual improvement means.
    I worked at the OU under Boren for a few years, the environment was toxic and incredibly political. I appreciate the moves Boren made to make the university a better place, but he perpetuated a separate set of issues. I don't agree with Gallogy's politics, but it is completely disingenuous to act like increasing research opportunities at the university does not improve the university a great deal. Gallogy's "agenda" as far as any of us are aware is to balance the books, improve private research partners, and generally improve OU's standing. Rover, we probably agree on quite a few things politically, but you need to remove the tinfoil hat.

  14. #539
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by citywokchinesefood View Post
    I worked at the OU under Boren for a few years, the environment was toxic and incredibly political. I appreciate the moves Boren made to make the university a better place, but he perpetuated a separate set of issues. I don't agree with Gallogy's politics, but it is completely disingenuous to act like increasing research opportunities at the university does not improve the university a great deal. Gallogy's "agenda" as far as any of us are aware is to balance the books, improve private research partners, and generally improve OU's standing. Rover, we probably agree on quite a few things politically, but you need to remove the tinfoil hat.
    I appreciate your perspective. But I have known others there for some time who would disagree with you experience. That is not to doubt you observed and felt what you felt.

    I do appreciate increased research, but it can be a slippery slope. Many universities have had to turn to private funds as public funding has been reduced in any number of places. If research is conducted as a discount R&D branch for certain companies or industries, it can become a form of corporate welfare. Or if certain outcomes are dictated to legitimize certain industry activities or impacts by putting a university stamp on it, it is wrong. Count me skeptical, not tin hat. We already have had issues with integrity of research biased in favor of large O&G interests in this state. Gallogly comes from this same group, donates money, and suddenly is the top candidate to run the university. He is planted there by
    Clay Bennett (Gaylord family) and immediately starts trying to cast Boren as a villain. This is reminiscent of tactics used by Trump to try to wipe out Obama and then replace swamp critters with swamp ogres.

    I know there is much more division within and regarding OU than there has been fo a long time.

  15. #540

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    I appreciate your perspective. But I have known others there for some time who would disagree with you experience. That is not to doubt you observed and felt what you felt.

    I do appreciate increased research, but it can be a slippery slope. Many universities have had to turn to private funds as public funding has been reduced in any number of places. If research is conducted as a discount R&D branch for certain companies or industries, it can become a form of corporate welfare. Or if certain outcomes are dictated to legitimize certain industry activities or impacts by putting a university stamp on it, it is wrong. Count me skeptical, not tin hat. We already have had issues with integrity of research biased in favor of large O&G interests in this state. Gallogly comes from this same group, donates money, and suddenly is the top candidate to run the university. He is planted there by
    Clay Bennett (Gaylord family) and immediately starts trying to cast Boren as a villain. This is reminiscent of tactics used by Trump to try to wipe out Obama and then replace swamp critters with swamp ogres.

    I know there is much more division within and regarding OU than there has been fo a long time.
    If you remember, Boren was at the center of one of the situations where oil and gas interests were being accused of pressuring researchers to change their findings and Boren aides with the oil and gas companies as far as the public was concerned so he wasn’t the protector of integrity that you’re acting like he was.

  16. #541
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    If you remember, Boren was at the center of one of the situations where oil and gas interests were being accused of pressuring researchers to change their findings and Boren aides with the oil and gas companies as far as the public was concerned so he wasn’t the protector of integrity that you’re acting like he was.
    And I agree with you. I am not offering Boren as a saint...far from it. However, it does point out the dangers. I was in favor of finding someone to lead OU that was a leader in academics and NOT associated with special interest groups and strong backwards politics.

  17. Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    And I agree with you. I am not offering Boren as a saint...far from it. However, it does point out the dangers. I was in favor of finding someone to lead OU that was a leader in academics and NOT associated with special interest groups and strong backwards politics.
    The worst thing was the search committee was not transparent. We don't even know the other candidates.

  18. #543

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by citywokchinesefood View Post
    I worked at the OU under Boren for a few years, the environment was toxic and incredibly political. I appreciate the moves Boren made to make the university a better place, but he perpetuated a separate set of issues. I don't agree with Gallogy's politics, but it is completely disingenuous to act like increasing research opportunities at the university does not improve the university a great deal. Gallogy's "agenda" as far as any of us are aware is to balance the books, improve private research partners, and generally improve OU's standing. Rover, we probably agree on quite a few things politically, but you need to remove the tinfoil hat.
    Boren brought in too many people who had been too immersed in the political world which well-adjusted people should be able to understand how polarizing this could be... particularly when these people stood in such extreme contrast to the mainstream thoughts of a very strong majority in this state’s population, including the OU BOR and most of the states elected and business leadership and many OU employees.

    Every OU employees I know that I have spoken with are happy that both Boren’s are now gone...This also includes people working at the OUHSC in significant supervisorial positions. Most feel Boren stayed on too long. For years they have all spoken about the wasteful practices at OU caused by the Borens.

    They also talked about the toxic atmosphere where a many people grew biter. A biter working atmosphere is not an efficient or good work place (I expect more cuts at OU that will mostly come from the ranks of the toxic employees)

    Not everyone I know understood this as soon as others... but they now understand how they and OU both suffered when Boren pissed off the states leadership class and by publicly embarrassing OU on several occasions...It’s looking like many more people are now realizing this^ and how damaging it was to OU.

    People who depend of charts, grafts and statistics are well behind the reality and are often poorly informed.

  19. #544

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    The worst thing was the search committee was not transparent. We don't even know the other candidates.
    Not knowing who the other candidates are and protecting their identity is a very common practice....
    The pool of candid’s is reduced when they are made public....They don’t want to risk backlash against them at the current place of employment if they are not hired.

    For example Boren and Joe C have long hired virtually all of their coaches in complete secrecy without complaints....By comparison the entire OU BOR (appointed by the governor) and others were involved in this hire.

    PS: Boren was the king of special interest groups...he hired many people with his brand of political ideology. We see the results being corrected and put more in line with the rest of the state.

  20. #545

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    What brand of political ideology are you referring to and who are the people who shared it? What special interest groups are you talking about? The ones that he served on the board of directors?

  21. #546
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerheart View Post

    PS: Boren was the king of special interest groups...he hired many people with his brand of political ideology. We see the results being corrected and put more in line with the rest of the state.
    You're probably right. Boren did bring in a bunch of persons with special interest in inclusiveness, progressiveness, academics, global excellence, worldliness. And you are also right in that OU is being brought in line with the rest of the state... tea party rightists, lack of support for academic excellence, lack of support for cultural development, extreme pro oil and gas interests, etc. We should be right in our group of sub-standard states... Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana.

  22. #547

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    What brand of political ideology are you referring to and who are the people who shared it? What special interest groups are you talking about? The ones that he served on the board of directors?
    According to multiple sources a toxic atmosphere was not uncommon. People hated it when Molly showed up. In this atmosphere with no pay raises, benefit reductions, turf wars that never seemed to end... people grew biter some left for other jobs or retired. Unless you’re like Rick, living under a rock... it’s not hard to understand why. For many years this was tolerated by OU’s BOR and others who shared Boren’s thoughts. Some were going along to get along yes people and have been fired.

  23. #548

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    This is sad to see but not unexpected
    This man has done very good things for OU and our state


    University of Oklahoma business is officially underway. Chairman Clay Bennett has resigned from the Board of Regents due to health reasons.

  24. #549

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

  25. #550

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt


    Regents Frank Keating, Natalie Shirley and Renzi Stone all publicly voice their support for President Gallogly moving forward. "We are family and there's no room for this kind of behavior. We will move forward and take this task on," Gallogly concluded.

    President James Gallogly is currently addressing the racist video and the reaction across campus. "We have to create a culture of equity, respect and safety on our campus.

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