What makes a Bricktown eaterie?By Steve Lackmeyer
The Oklahoman
One restaurant opens with great success just as another closes — a business perhaps doomed from the start.
Bricktown's demise has been predicted time to time as one prominent restaurant or another went dark over the past decade.
And don't be too surprised if similar predictions are made when last week's closing of Al Eschbach's Hall of Fame Sports Bar is followed by the inevitable failure of more Bricktown restaurants later this year.
Those same doomsayers will somehow dismiss the lines of customers that awaited the opening Friday of Falcone's Pizzeria and Deli. Customers were still dining both inside and on his canal side patio tables late into the evening on Sunday.
I doubt anybody in Bricktown is really surprised by the closing of Al's.
Certainly not Chad Huntington, who accompanied me for lunch at the restaurant when it first opened last fall. Huntington, a former Main Street manager, has kept some of the philosophies learned while working in Automobile Alley and used them in dealing with fellow Bricktown merchants.
He does more than simply introduce himself to new neighbors. He does his best to also explain the quirks of doing business in the state's premier downtown entertainment district: try not to open in the fall or winter, when business is almost at a standstill, and don't assume you can operate a restaurant as you did out in the suburbs.
And most importantly, he advises, never, never, never think selling hamburgers and beers in Bricktown is a sure path toward riches.
He cringes when he sees operators not prepared or open during big events or when the district is packed with visitors when the weather is good. As manager of the Bricktown Water Taxis, Huntington knows just how wildly business can swing in a month, week or even a day.
Newcomers with no experience in Bricktown often seem least prepared, staffing too much during slow times and not staffing enough when the district is filled with visitors. Huntington also urges new operators to get acquainted with fellow merchants in the Bricktown Association, where they discuss upcoming events, challenges and opportunities at monthly meetings.
The folks at Al's were offered these tips. Whether they listened, or followed such advice, may or may not have played into their demise. Pizzeria owner Danny Falcone is being welcomed into Bricktown, and so far is showing signs he's got the picture. He opened just as the district's busy season is starting, and with a crowd packing his restaurant at 10 p.m. Sunday, he admitted Bricktown is not May Avenue — where his original restaurant is located.
For Falcone, the swings were literally hour to hour. Welcome to the neighborhood Danny, and good luck.