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Thread: Streetcar

  1. #7851

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorTaco View Post
    Is this a public meeting? Can I show up and advocate?
    Yes. The MAPS 3 Oversight Board is in one hour in City Hall chambers. I am prepping to head over. Be sure to denote that you want to speak on that issue when "committee reports" comes up as our Chairman Nathaniel Harding will discuss it with the other MAPS 3 Oversight Board Members.

    If you can't make it, there will be future meetings. Hopefully, this can be resolved through the process without having to advocate at the City Council and Mayoral level yet.

  2. #7852

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I was under the impression that signal prioritization was already a thing and the downfall right now is tweaking the setup for certain scenarios and times. That is extremely disappointing if that is not the case. I am not sure about others, but I had no idea that the majority of the route's intersections have no idea where the streetcars are.

  3. #7853

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I can cut and paste full a report about it in minute detail if people like.

  4. #7854

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    I can cut and paste full a report about it in minute detail if people like.
    I personally would find that incredibly interesting!

  5. #7855

    Default Re: Streetcar


    September 24, 2018 Automatic Signal Priority Meeting for OKC Streetcar

    Between City Staff, EMBARK Staff, Consultants, and Myself
    420 Main (4th Floor MAPS Office Conference Room)

    There are 39 traffic signals that may potentially affect the efficient operation of OKC Streetcar.

    15 Signals will have some sort of degree of priority control that is fully-funded by MAPS.

    24 Signals currently do not have funded priority control and are being evaluated.

    An additional $600,000 is required to deploy priority control equipment to the remaining 24 locations.

    Consultants and OKC Streetcar Staff have identified three signal locations on the Bricktown loop that would potentially, positively affect route times.

    An estimated $150,000 has been identified as “next-step” investments and involve outfitting the seven train cars with OPTICOM transmitters and to convert the initial three signal control cabinets with new controllers that can communicate with the system.

    OPTICOM is the current method for actuating the signals due to historic reliability precedents with minimal, ongoing traffic management programming requirements from Public Works.

    OPTICOM has its limitations however as it is not a “smart” technology. It can cause preemptive traffic management cycling times to occur on demand. However, it does not actively make “smart” judgments about real-time situations at intersections. A camera-type solution may provide better overall results but also would likely require more ongoing programming investment costs to keep such a system reliable.

    The goal is 12 – 14-minute intervals between trains.

    Additional time extending beyond 12 – 14 minutes is projected to have a detrimental effect on ridership.

    Current Consultant estimates based on projected averages have trains estimated to function within reason.

    The Bricktown loop is taking longer to travel than projected. Factoring crosswalk signal cycles, Bricktown times can only be marginally improved but probably require the initial three OPTICOM signal investments to keep travel times within reason.

    (1 of 3)


    Public Works Staff is resistant to a blanket Signal Priority Policy such as I have proposed to the OKC Traffic Commission and attempted to promote through the MAPS process.

    The attempt at implementing the policy has continued to elevate awareness about the issue.

    There is strong communication occurring between EMBARK and Traffic Control and active monitoring of route times.

    OPTICOM is not the ideal long-term solution to improve overall times but it is the immediate technology of choice by Public Works to resolve current obstacles that are delaying efficient streetcar circulation at key signal points.

    One of the main obstacles to improving times system-wide is pedestrian crosswalk buttons. If a reliable “camera-type” technology could be obtained that Public Works found acceptable, real-time evaluation of pedestrian activity might be achieved allowing for the smart ongoing evaluation of real-time conditions of crosswalks. Cameras could detect whether the crosswalk had fully cleared of activity and automatically shorten the length of time as necessary thus improving the promptness of green lighting streetcar through-movement. Such a system is being deployed in Kansas City.

    The problem with route timeliness and its relationship to signal cycles is incredibly dynamic and varies throughout the day. Additional building development and increased pedestrian activity downtown will ironically exacerbate the timeliness problem. A smarter preemption technology than OPTICOM should be pursued to assist with the new dynamism downtown and its impacts to streetcar movement.

    The meeting illustrated that there is an earnest effort to coordinate between city departments to achieve a consultant-based level of service timeliness that the consultant, JACOBS/URS, believes will obtain reasonable streetcar ridership.

    The current plan does not attempt to wholly eliminate unnecessary stops at red lights.

    I believe it is essential to actively monitor the situation as we enter testing and aggressively evaluate what the ridership experience is like.

    I also believe that additional “smart” solutions should be evaluated and a vendor solution selected that provides the necessary reliability and ongoing support that Public Works desires be provided in the immediate future.

    Eliminating unnecessary stops at red lights will improve the ridership experience and the sense of expediency that riders throughout the US expect out of streetcar travel.

    (2 of 3)


    1. Approve the estimated $150,000 investment out of excess MAPS sales tax collections to improve travel times at three signals identified in Bricktown.

    2. Actively test and reevaluate B Line circulation after OPTICOM is deployed on the B Line.

    3. Begin testing on D line and evaluate performance.

    4. Identify bottlenecks that OPTICOM may temporarily improve.

    5. Develop a Request for Proposals through the Consultant for a truly “smart” priority system that uses technology such as cameras and achieves a real-time evaluation of intersection activity. This RFP should include commitments and provisos from potential vendors describing the level of ongoing support that they would be willing to commit to. Recognize that OPTICOM is not a long-term solution and is only a stop-gap measure. Utilize available MAPS funds to jump-start a permanent solution.

    Jeff M. Bezdek
    MAPS 3 Streetcar Subcommittee Appointee
    OKC Streetcar Initiative

    Cc. MAPS 3 Subcommittee Members, MAPS 3 Oversight Board, David Todd, Eric Wenger, Dennis Clowers, Doug Smith, Jesse Rush, Jason Ferbrache, James Cooper,

    (3 of 3)

  6. #7856

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Submitted to the Committee yesterday.


    OKC Streetcar Subcommittee Meeting
    December 19, 2018

    (In Order of Importance)

    Compiled by Jeff Bezdek, Mark Gibbs, and Debbie Blackburn, Jill Adler

    1. An additional $450,000 is required to deploy priority control equipment (OPTICOM) to the remaining 21 locations identified by JACOBS / URS. I recommend we immediately contract with necessary companies to install OPTICOM on all remaining traffic lights.

    2. Convert four-way stop signs to two-way stops-

    SW 2ndand Hudson
    Joe Carter / Sheridan
    NW 11thand Walker

    3. Installation of the donated back-up Generator for Maintenance Facility.

    4. Procurement of a wheel lathe and modifications made to the maintenance facility.

    5. OCS and energizing equipment for OCS and track switches at the 5thStreet Turn-Back for redundancy and TWC light controls.


    1. Replace System Maps with new artwork that utilizes colors depicting routes that do not match the streetcar’s exterior colors.

    2. Modify or replace recordings to eliminate “yellow strip” references, emphasize blue stop request buttons, emphasize moving to the ends of the trains to allow more boarding, and announce “transfer to AMTRAK here” at Bricktown and Santa Fe Hub Stops. Better optimize timing on recordings after Signal Priority (OPTICOM) is installed.

    3. More stabilizing straps on streetcars per public.

    4. Better language on website about disembarking at Dewey and Scissortail “end of line” stops.

    5. More access to information regarding potential Park-N’-Ride scenarios with City of OKC Garages.

    6. A final public meeting to solicit final opinions about improvements.

  7. #7857

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    I was under the impression that signal prioritization was already a thing and the downfall right now is tweaking the setup for certain scenarios and times. That is extremely disappointing if that is not the case. I am not sure about others, but I had no idea that the majority of the route's intersections have no idea where the streetcars are.
    Me too. I guess the signal prioritize that we heard about was just on the "wish list". Hopefully this gets added in the coming months.

    This makes the streetcar pretty worthless during major events if its just stuck in traffic.

  8. #7858

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I've made a point to ride it almost every day to and from the courthouse. As things have sort of normalized, it has gotten faster, but the cars are still stopping at every single stop. I think people will miss stops just once for failing to press the button, but they'll learn eventually. The traffic, as expected has really thinned out. It isn't crowded at all. The trains seem further apart than they were on opening day--now about 10 to 15 minutes apart. In a few years, I hope to see development around the stops.

  9. #7859
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    Default Re: Streetcar

    Oklahoma City has 3 times as much streetcar rail miles as Kansas City. We will have time to evaluate expansion on a 'go' or 'no go' decision with regards to other districts like the OUHSC and the Boathouse District.

    We need to work on the kinks in the current route loops before we consider an potential expansion.

    OKC did go full throttle with the streetcar, now let's give it an opportunity to develop along the loop and work.

  10. #7860

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Rode it last night to get a sense of what it was like in the evenings. We went to dinner in Midtown and instead of parking at the restaurant, I intentionally parked in the office garage and took the streetcar the rest of the way.

    Holy crap it was crowded. This was about 7 pm. Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves, it certainly has the "new toy" vibe. There were people of all different types there, from older people in suits to young people with really weird hair. It seemed to move a bit faster than it did the first time I rode it. Maybe the operators are getting more comfortable with it, or drivers are starting to learn to stay out of the way. When we left the restaurant close to 9:00 it was much less crowded, though still a decent number of people were on it.

    I think a website showing the arrival times of the cars at different locations would be helpful. People getting ready to walk to a stop could check their phone and see if they have enough time to use the bathroom, or maybe have another drink. This'll particularly be useful during inclement weather when you don't want to stand outside a lot.

  11. #7861

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    1. Replace System Maps with new artwork that utilizes colors depicting routes that do not match the streetcar’s exterior colors.
    Haha I can attest first hand to seeing people confused by this, rode the street car Friday and a guy I was with was like "oh, sh*t we're on the green one we have to get off!!" thinking we had just got on the southbound green bus route at the courthouse stop.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	map.jpg 
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  12. Default Re: Streetcar

    Rode it this evening. Agree with many, very diverse crowd, young, older, families. Had no idea where the yellow strip was to request a stop, some of the announcements where off (now departing, we were already moving), and it would be nice to have stop announcements point out some attractions. Overall it was a positive experience.

  13. #7863

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I can't tell you how pleased I am with this new Streetcar we now have. My hope is that soon it will be the link that connects the rest of the OKC area together. It makes me feel good to know that OKC is finally learning to step it up in some areas. I have 2 thoughts that need to be addressed to whomever can make it happen or get it to the right people. I rode this the other night after the Thunder game and got off at the 11th and Hudson stop, I live about 5 blocks and decided to walk. When I got off, I was the only person around the area, and it was insanely dark. It made me wonder if I was going to make it home safely? I literally jogged quickly in shoes that were not meant to be running and I looked back every few seconds. Before people start becoming prey to criminals, can the city please address the street lights in all areas of downtown with six blocks of all stops on every corner? If crime starts happening and God forbid, a horrible violent crime that could be less likely by lighting the place up, then people will stop using this as much and the city will have the blood on their hands. It is not much to ask in providing safety for the citizens using this service.

    Also, I can't even tell you the looks and remarks people made while we were going through Auto Alley and it being all lit up. I urge for whoever to make this a year round thing. I am not talking about the Christmas stuff like the poles and trees, but having each individual building lit up gives a vibrant perception and is quite infectious. It will be great for businesses and the city. In fact, I would encourage all of downtown to drastically improve its lighting up the buildings and give it a more vibrant feel and it will only encourage more visitors and future residents who want to be a part of the downtown area.

  14. #7864

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Rode last night also with a group of friends, overall great experience. I really love this for our city! The only thing I really noticed that would speed things up and that is in the drivers control is to NOT stop at EVERY stop unless there are people wanting to get off or there are people waiting to get on. With 22 stops in addition to stop lights, etc this could make some time up.

  15. #7865

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCbyTRANSFER View Post
    Had no idea where the yellow strip was to request a stop, some of the announcements where off (now departing, we were already moving).
    Yes, note item #2 above. These issues are being resolved by EMBARK right now.


  16. #7866

  17. #7867

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by roci28 View Post
    Rode last night also with a group of friends, overall great experience. I really love this for our city! The only thing I really noticed that would speed things up and that is in the drivers control is to NOT stop at EVERY stop unless there are people wanting to get off or there are people waiting to get on. With 22 stops in addition to stop lights, etc this could make some time up.
    I wonder if this is a two fold problem. 1) they are trying to get “worst case scenario” on time performance ironed out I.e. simulating a passenger requesting a stop at every stop
    2) don’t want people unfamiliar with the system missing a stop and having a sour experience.

    I imagine this is an issue that will have less of an impact over time, especially given that everything they have put out therenindicates the operator will only stop when requested.

  18. #7868

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Too big to fail.

  19. #7869

    Default Re: The Modern Streetcar and Commuter Transit Project in MAPS 3 Progresses

    Robinson ave. Desperately needs some kind of signal prioritization or at least synchronization. It takes for ever and sometimes sits at lights that don't even have cars. It would be great if all southbound lights could be green when the streetcar is moving.

  20. #7870

    Default Re: Streetcar

    [QUOTE=baralheia;1058630 then I noticed he was carrying a Glock 17 and 6 magazines on his hip.[/QUOTE]

    As a person with a CC license and carries pretty regularly, this is just absurd. There is no reason to have that much ammo on you unless your just trying to cause a reaction or you're up to no good. Sounds like the situation was handled correctly by all around as nothing caused an escalation. But the guy is a moron for sure.

  21. #7871

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Mballard85 View Post
    As a person with a CC license and carries pretty regularly, this is just absurd. There is no reason to have that much ammo on you unless your just trying to cause a reaction or you're up to no good. Sounds like the situation was handled correctly by all around as nothing caused an escalation. But the guy is a moron for sure.
    Carry should be banned on the streetcar. Visably brandishing a weapon only causes unease among some and can lead to an overreaction to a minor incident. A shooting on the streetcar will all but kill ridership

  22. #7872

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
    Carry should be banned on the streetcar. Visably brandishing a weapon only causes unease among some and can lead to an overreaction to a minor incident. A shooting on the streetcar will all but kill ridership
    I'd agree that open carry should be banned. Concealed carry is a different story to me, but I understand your thought process. Sadly it'll likely happen at some point as some people just have no sense.

  23. Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    Thanks for this, Jeff. I really appreciate you clearly stating the problem, understanding what the outcome of failing to address the problem is (loss of trust in the system), and what the solution is (signal prioritization). I hope the committee got the message and allocates the funds.

  24. #7874

    Default Re: Streetcar

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    Good work! This quote...:

    Todd is responsible for the oversight of all the city’s MAPS projects. He said he’s trying to be responsive to the committees’ requests but urged patience. In the case of the streetcar, for example, one week is too soon to tell what’s truly needed.
    Honestly, what does he think will change to make these delays disappear? As Urban Pioneer has stated, this was clear before the streetcar opened and is even more clear now that it is open. It will also be clearer next week. There's a reason why rider after rider on this thread is commening on the need for signal prioritization.

  25. #7875

    Default Re: Streetcar

    I've got to be honest, I am completely bewildered. I would buy him drinks, send him flowers, or even resign from the committee if that made a difference. That is how important this issue is. And quite frankly, if he is telling the Mayor or anyone else "let's wait and see" he is selling them a bill of goods. We've asked for this regularly for nine years. There's plenty of empirical data at other systems that show that you don't screw around with these timing issues. We've got a ton of goodwill from the public right now. A simple phone call or email telling me that it will be on the next committee agenda (ALL 21 signals) will get me and the others to shut up about this.

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