What would you do if you walked in the room and found your child (a minor) viewing porn on the internet?
What would you do if you walked in the room and found your child (a minor) viewing porn on the internet?
I'd probably completely ban my child from using the internet until he left my roof.....in additition, his butt would probably be sore for awhile!
I do not believe in spanking. For one, with my luck the kid would mention that he saw a picture of some guy spanking a woman and make some joke about it. Plus, I feel spanking is a form a abuse and does not work anyway.
I would try to sit down and discuss what was seen and tailor it to the age of the child. If it was a teenager, I would explain that being curious is normal and healthy, but he or she is still too young to view the content and first ask them not to view it again. If they continued, I would probably suspend internet privlidges except for homework and supervise that. Third? Probably supervised grounding. A younger child. I do not know what I would say. I would probably let mom handle it.
My child would definitely be suspended from the internet for a long time. If my child needs to do their homework, with the help of the internet, then either my wife or I will be present the entire time.
Fortunately, my kids were brought up, knowing they are not allowed on such sites. I'm not saying it can't happen, because it could...but I trust my kids.
Our children know what sites they can and cannot get on. Our computer is in the family room where we all usually are. We constantly pay attention to what sites our kids are on. We check out the sites we are not familiar with before the kids are allowed on them. So far we have not had a problem. Our kids are 15, 10, and 7. We don't have a filter on our internet. We have told our kids we do not have a filter because we trust them and their judgement. If they abuse this, we would ground from the computer and get some type of filter.
I'm not a parent, so I'm not sure how I'd react. My reaction would be based on how old they were. 13 and below? I'd probably react by restricting computer usage, etc. 13 and above, I think it'd depend on what type of things are being viewed. Hell.. at that age, I was known to raid my father's 70's Playboy stash, so if they stuff is 'tasteful', they're at that age where it becomes a curiosity, and I'd just thank my lucky stars that I had succeeded in raising children that were interested in the opposite sex.
Now if it were bestiality and such, I'd probably get them some counseling or something to that effect. At around 13-14, I'd hope my kids would be educated as to the ins and outs (haha) of sex. These days, they need to have the knowledge about how things work in order to protect themselves from pregnancy, STD's and paternity tests.
Of course, I just might do a complete 180 on that by the time I'm ready to make kids (which is something I don't plan on for at least 5-10 more years, maybe more).
I suppose if I had dial up I could just change my username and password and not give the new username/Password to my child. That would solve the problem really quick! Of course, letting the child know why you've made the changes is important...if he/she can't learn a lesson from it, than the changes are useless.
So what would stop them from going to their friends' houses to view it? What would stop them from stealing Playboys from the local convenience store?Originally Posted by Patrick
I'd say an interest in the other sex (in that way) is fairly normal and healthy at that age. Just as long as they're not looking at bestiality and things of that nature and it doesn't look like it's an addiction, I really just say you thank your lucky stars that your kid is straight. Embarass the hell out of 'em by explaining the birds and the bees and then move on.
Might also be smart to explain how porn sites try to sucker them in to spend money and load bad stuff onto the computer. Often, teenagers will listen to reason when it comes to stuff like that. Also, ensure that they understand that there are serious laws (felonies) about things like kiddie porn, etc. so that they don't get you thrown in jail for being a pervert.
It's more complicated than 'kids will be kids', but I really don't think it's any reason to come down so hard on them as many seem to suggest.
Seriously, I'd just talk to them....
How do I know they didn't just stumble upon it by accident? I've heard stories where kids were looking for homework help, and accidently stumble upon it.
I'd also make sure that before my kid got on that the restrictions on the Net were on. From what I understand, many providers have that option and there is softwear that helps also.
It's natural for kids to be curious about that. I think that good parenting can go a long way in perventing it. If it became a problem, well then other measures would have to be taken, obviously. The way I see it is that I'm not going to be able to completely stop them from seeing any kind of porn, but I can give them the guidence to hopefully let them decide "You know, I shouldn't be seeing this".
Excellent comment. So many parents today jsut won't take the time to sit down and talk face to face with their children. So many children now are starving for attention.Originally Posted by El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
Yes ,I do think as the parent of 2 BOYS,lol that it is natural curiosity.I Have went through this with my oldest son who is now an adult but this happened a few times when he was younger.I wont get into all the details ,but the first time he was grounded completely for 3 monthe the next was six and he didnt push it too a 3rd time with me.Unfortunatly the first time was when he was spending time at his grandparets house not only did the boy view it he PRINTED the pics out!I was mortified.Anyway I can sort of laugh about it now,but my youngest is usually only interested in going online to find game cheats and he is not allowed on the PC at all if me or Matt are not in the room.But El Pollo is right there are several net nanny and such programs to monitor where your kids go and cannot that there should be no reason for a kid to accidently stumble into these sites.Its the parents responsibility to make that pc as controlled and safe for little eyes as possible.Thats my 3 cents.
My son looked at internet porn once...I gave him a warning and told him never to do it again or else he'd face the consequences.
Well, I caught him looking at internet porn again. When he was at school, I coated his CPU with Sulfuric acid inside and out. Let's just say he's never looked at internet porn again.
WOW, I considered the many different possibilities. I have limited all my children by using AOL when they want to get on the computer. It sends me a report when they go some where they should not after it tells them they cannot go to that site.
We have set up passwords for the computer so signing on requires an adult who knows the password for both the bios and AOL. We spend time together looking at different topics of interest. We write down a list on the refrigerator of places we want to visit and look them up on the childrens' aol account so when we search for Paris it not Paris Hilton we view, LMAO.
But I agree with Diva about its the parents responsibility to monitor the children. Exposure to pornography can create a curiosity and mature a child too early.
The one time I caught them using the computer when an adult had not signed off and the screen saver had not kicked in (password protected) I spanked. It hasnt happened again.
I hope you are kidding.Originally Posted by SoundMind
Partially kidding. My wife and I don't use a computer at home (I use the one here at the lab). So, to prevent the porn problem, I sold our home computer on ebay.
I think removing the computer from the house was a good option. It certainly took care of the problem. You just need to make sure your child knows why the computer was removed though.
Removing the computer isn't going to solve the sin. This child needs Jesus in his life. His behavior is sinful and only Christ can forgive him. If he learns to walk the way of Christ, he won't want to experience the sinful evils of pornography.
I'm not preacher, but I wqould like to make a comment here. Although I agree that religion could help the child learn useful values, the walk of a Christian isn't always spot free. So what if the child becomes a Christian and still views porn? What is your solution then Rev. Bob?
No one said the child didnt know Jesus, or didnt have religion. Temptation is great and everywhere. Anyone even a person of the cloth can fall prey to temptation. However, sometimes, when there is no temptation present, the opportunity to sin is not there. Removing the computer eliminated that temptation and opportunity.
Ok wait wait wait just a sec here.Again I have a teen age BOY and Im sorry Teens in general are very hormonal.And it is purely natural feelings.Yes removing the comp resolved this issue with this child at this time.But you know what the old saying goes Boys will be boys.You think this kid doesnt have friends he can go to their house and do this???Like I said my son was at my parents house when he did it,he was already grounded from the one at home.Im telling you teens are very strong willed if they want something bad enough ,I am NOT condoning any of this behavior by the way I am just saying they will find a way.You take it away they want it all the more then you have a rebellious teen on your hands.You tell them no alcohol?what do they do go sneak it with their friends.Again I want to reiterate I do not accept this behavior nor do I thinkit is right I just think it is a realistic way to look at kids in todays society and culture.
I think you're right. Even if the computer is removed, the child will still find a way to view porn if he/she wants to. Proper discipline is probably the best alternative.
You know how I would control the internet porn and my children? I would ban them from going back to Patrick's house. LOL.
Argh! I suppose that would work.
K. I was just joking with my other post. Let this one be more constructive. Proper discipline is necessary. You guys are right. Removing the computer won't solve the problem. Teach your children right from wrong and use discipline to reinforce. Set them straight that you won't tolerate their BS. Yes, I said BS.
It is ok, Rev. You can say BS here. We will not tell your boss.Originally Posted by Rev. Bob
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