Governor: Aerospace firm to create 350 jobs in Oklahoma:

VSA working to create high-tech jobs and partnerships with area universities. Valkyrie Systems Aerospace (VSA), a cutting-edge developer of manned/unmanned aerial platforms, is proud to announce an exciting partnership with the State of Oklahoma.

An aerospace manufacturer that produces unmanned aircraft plans to locate its operations center in Oklahoma City and create more than 350 jobs over the next five years...

"Our talented workforce and low cost of doing business along with a good quality of life makes Oklahoma very attractive for growing companies like Valkyrie," Fallin said.

The Oklahoma Department of Commerce worked with Valkyrie for nine months to secure the project. Commerce officials said the company has been awarded a 21st Century Quality Jobs Program incentive contract, which is issued to qualifying businesses with a highly skilled, high-paid, knowledge-based workforce.
OKC continues to attract jobs to its metropolitan area.