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Thread: OU President Gallogly

  1. Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    They can't, nor should they. It may be your dream but others, don't necessarily agree with it. l went to OU and had plenty of reason to have a car for use - one if which was to go to my job which helped me pay for school - as a freshman.

  2. #177

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt


    Seems like the new administration has no plans on how to freeze tuition and increase wages for staff. In fact no plan has been put forward on their vision of the future.
    Concern is being raised that new prez is trying to operate a for profit business and not a university.

  3. #178

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post

    Seems like the new administration has no plans on how to freeze tuition and increase wages for staff. In fact no plan has been put forward on their vision of the future.
    Concern is being raised that new prez is trying to operate a for profit business and not a university.
    maybe because any plan wouldn't be able to take affect till next fiscal year and we are only 4 months into the current fiscal year... still plenty of time to work on, and present a plan before next fiscal year. such a plan would probably be introduced to the Board of Regents in the march or april timeframe.

  4. #179

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post

    Concern is being raised that new prez is trying to operate a for profit business and not a university.
    No. He is trying to operate the university without wasting near as much money while cleaning up a mess that his predecessor would not clean up.

  5. #180

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    I hope this guy knows what he's doing.

    He's certainly rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

  6. #181

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    He's certainly rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
    this is a very true statement. and why i think a lot of the reporting about the situation has been the way it has been.

  7. #182

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I hope this guy knows what he's doing.

    He's certainly rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
    That happens virtually anytime people have been kept artificially comfortable ( nearly 1 Billion in debt) and then the hard decisions come that clean up the mess that was left by past leaders.

    He has the full support of the OU BOR…He is doing the job they hired him to do….He also has the support of key leaders in state government.

    My guess is that once the efficiency gain phase is over the state will then increases their appropriations to OU… Both state leaders and several very large donors are likely going to feel much more confident about the prospects of state money and their donations being utilized with more fiscal responsibility.

    Anyone who has been as successful and operated with the oversight that JG did for so long isn’t afraid of offending people for the long term greater good..... which in this case is to double OU’s research and help make OU research an economic engine for our state with well paying private job growth spinoffs.

    Again he is doing the job he was hired to do. IMHO we need to trust Gallogly and this OU BOR.

  8. #183

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt


    You can make needed changes without being a bull in a china shop.

    Even if all his ideas are good ones, you still have to have a cohesive plan and communicate it effectively, especially when you manage thousands of people.

    Lots of alums and supporters of the university have been put off by Gallogly and it didn't have to be that way, needed changes or no.

  9. Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    You can make needed changes without being a bull in a china shop.

    Even if all his ideas are good ones, you still have to have a cohesive plan and communicate it effectively, especially when you manage thousands of people.

    Lots of alums and supporters of the university have been put off by Gallogly and it didn't have to be that way, needed changes or no.
    what are some areas where you feel they have misfired the worst?

  10. #185

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    holding people/departments accountable for their spending and budget.... The nerve!

  11. #186

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    He conveniently leaves out the fact the school has an endowment of $1.65 BILLION; that number was less than $200 million when Boren took over.

    I'm no Boren lover, I just find Gallogly's rhetoric to be all about making the previous administration look bad... Which doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Why not just say, "We are going to do some things differently and I will work hard to balance the budget and make the university even better."

    It seems Gallogly is more concerned with denigrating what was done in the past and promoting himself as a "financial expert" (his words) than trying to work with people to make positive change. And that concerns me greatly.

  12. #187

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    You can make needed changes without being a bull in a china shop.

    Even if all his ideas are good ones, you still have to have a cohesive plan and communicate it effectively, especially when you manage thousands of people.

    Lots of alums and supporters of the university have been put off by Gallogly and it didn't have to be that way, needed changes or no.
    I have worked under new corporate management teams several times when they came in and cleaned up messes that were left behind. The quicker these painful things are done the quicker everyone can move on to more productive pursuits.

    Gallogly has plenty of world class experience in reorganizing that virtually every professional analyst has had high praise for.
    Every OU BOR who hired him understood from the start that action was needed and that it was going to anger people for doing the job they want him doing.

    A Bull in a China Shop implies that his decisions are not well thought out and researched….That’s been anything but the case. Gallogly has a very long history that strongly suggests that he makes good decisions.
    Unfortunately this situation was created by others.

    Any anger should be directed at Boren and his brand of leadership….It was Boren who put OU in this position. There are several well know and not so well known reasons why Boren was not allowed to stay and reach his personal goal of becoming OU longest serving president…At the heart of this was Boren’s poor fiscal management of the university and the way he embarrassed the university, several times.

    There were always going to be plenty of people who would not like Gallogly or anyone who was hired regardless of what they did…. just because they were not Boren. I’m pretty sure most of the major OU decision makers knew this before they made the hire.

  13. #188
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    He conveniently leaves out the fact the school has an endowment of $1.65 BILLION; that number was less than $200 million when Boren took over.

    I'm no Boren lover, I just find Gallogly's rhetoric to be all about making the previous administration look bad... Which doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Why not just say, "We are going to do some things differently and I will work hard to balance the budget and make the university even better."

    It seems Gallogly is more concerned with denigrating what was done in the past and promoting himself as a "financial expert" (his words) than trying to work with people to make positive change. And that concerns me greatly.
    ^Could not agree more. Bad look in my view and uncalled for. As an alum, I really don't appreciate it or approve (not that that matters). Have to wonder if there is some directive from some Regents to extract a pound of flesh along the way.

  14. #189

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt


    Exactly how did Boren "embarrass the university several times"?

    This sounds like you have an ax to grind with him and are happy that Gallogly is throwing him under the bus without giving him credit for the immense good he did (and there is a ton of things that could be listed here).

    It was certainly time to make a change and I think Boren slightly overstayed his welcome. But give the man his due.

    And I've seen tons of people come in and make big changes in a business or organization and do it all in a positive way, and not spend a lot of time blaming their predecessor. To me, that smacks of insecurity and self-promotion rather than just getting things done.

  15. #190

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by okatty View Post
    ^Could not agree more. Bad look in my view and uncalled for. As an alum, I really don't appreciate it or approve (not that that matters). Have to wonder if there is some directive from some Regents to extract a pound of flesh along the way.
    It has to be said: You cannot ignore the poitics in all this; who Boren was and his political role vs. the mindset of the current board of regents and their own political views, especially given the current national leadership.

    There are very strong parrells between this situation and the current vs. previous POTUS and there is no way that is coincidental.

  16. #191
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    It has to be said: You cannot ignore the poitics in all this; who Boren was and his political role vs. the mindset of the current board of regents and their own political views, especially given the current national leadership.

    There are very strong parrells between this situation and the current vs. previous POTUS and there is no way that is coincidental.
    Add to that a somewhat small, but VERY powerful donor group who truly hate Boren's guts over the SAE deal. They are dancing in the streets everytime Boren's name gets assailed.

  17. #192

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    I remain convinced that Gallogly is going to be a disaster for OU and for the state.

  18. #193

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    It's very simple: You can come in and make big changes and still praise your predecessor.

    In fact, that's a very astute thing to do. That person is gone. They spent a ton of time and effort doing what they thought was right. You now are facing a new era and new challenges.

    Most people know I just bought the OK Gazette. And of course all I do is give credit to my predecessor and why wouldn't I? He worked his tail off for decades and everyone here worked along side him. I'm in the process of changing virtually everything and I don't have to rake him over the coals to explain my motivation. When I've had bosses that did that I always thought it showed a great weakness of character.

    Anyway as an alum and donor, I really want Gallogly to succeed. He runs the university I deeply love. But I believe I have very good reason to question his judgment thus far and I've heard the same from lots of people who love the school.

  19. #194

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Exactly how did Boren "embarrass the university several times"?

    This sounds like you have an ax to grind with him and are happy that Gallogly is throwing him under the bus without giving him credit for the immense good he did (and there is a ton of things that could be listed here).

    It was certainly time to make a change and I think Boren slightly overstayed his welcome. But give the man his due.

    And I've seen tons of people come in and make big changes in a business or organization and do it all in a positive way, and not spend a lot of time blaming their predecessor. To me, that smacks of insecurity and self-promotion rather than just getting things done.
    The hiring of an unqualified band director in exchange for a donation of art … The stolen Nazi art… The fact that OU is nearly one Billion in debt is a huge embarrassment… His wallflower comment and how he has handled conference realignment issues embarrassed OU several times. He was woefully unprepared!

    Boren’s politics alienated a number of key OU donors when he didn’t need to…He did a very poor job of timing football facilities improvement to the state’s economy showing how out of touch he had become with the state’s economy. It didn’t bother me but some people hated how there was no due process in the SEC incident…some withdrew their support for Boren over this.

    Boren sacrificed OU’s academic integrity when Hamm got involved with wastewater injection / earthquake research. This was a huge embarrassment for OU’s academics and showed what Boren was capable of when he felt nobody was watching.

    This is just off the top of my head... I’m sure there are others.

    Boren did do many good things for OU but we seldom heard much about the bad in our local media… Gallogly won’t be able to sneeze without pissing off the Norman transcript.

    IMHO Boren stayed at OU about 10 year to long. That’s about when his job performance began declining significantly.

    Sometimes the truth hurts when the truth is found out. We need transparency…Gallogly told the OU BOR before he was hired that he would be very transparent. This is very clearly not a case of ” insecurity and self-promotion” or anything like that! He is only telling the truth and being transparent as promised.

    The man has a long record of proven success at a very high level and is very wealthy…He can afford to make the correct decisions even if they offend a few people.

    This is what the OU BOR wanted… It’s too bad and sad that so many have problems hearing the truth even if it makes Boren look bad. …Because getting through this phase and to a better place is what will make OU a stronger and a much better place in the long term.

  20. #195
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    When will people realize that universities and governments are not the same as for profit corporations and serve a completely different purpose in society.

    Tightening up the finances is always a good idea. But, Gallogy's moves are straight out of the uber conservative playbook to quash intellectuals and academics. Decrease public funding and turn universities into satellites of corporations through research grants is a preferred tactic. Professors who have to rely on outside private companies and management experts instead of academic experts will be forced to toe the company line and students will be taught how to work for a company rather than how to start a company or a movement.

    We've seen this play before, and it doesn't end well.

  21. #196
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    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerheart View Post
    The hiring of an unqualified band director in exchange for a donation of art … The stolen Nazi art… The fact that OU is nearly one Billion in debt is a huge embarrassment… His wallflower comment and how he has handled conference realignment issues embarrassed OU several times. He was woefully unprepared!

    Boren’s politics alienated a number of key OU donors when he didn’t need to…He did a very poor job of timing football facilities improvement to the state’s economy showing how out of touch he had become with the state’s economy. It didn’t bother me but some people hated how there was no due process in the SEC incident…some withdrew their support for Boren over this.

    Boren sacrificed OU’s academic integrity when Hamm got involved with wastewater injection / earthquake research. This was a huge embarrassment for OU’s academics and showed what Boren was capable of when he felt nobody was watching.

    This is just off the top of my head... I’m sure there are others.

    Boren did do many good things for OU but we seldom heard much about the bad in our local media… Gallogly won’t be able to sneeze without pissing off the Norman transcript.

    IMHO Boren stayed at OU about 10 year to long. That’s about when his job performance began declining significantly.

    Sometimes the truth hurts when the truth is found out. We need transparency…Gallogly told the OU BOR before he was hired that he would be very transparent. This is very clearly not a case of ” insecurity and self-promotion” or anything like that! He is only telling the truth and being transparent as promised.

    The man has a long record of proven success at a very high level and is very wealthy…He can afford to make the correct decisions even if they offend a few people.

    This is what the OU BOR wanted… It’s too bad and sad that so many have problems hearing the truth even if it makes Boren look bad. …Because getting through this phase and to a better place is what will make OU a stronger and a much better place in the long term.
    He is wealthy and ran private corporations... of course it makes him an expert on higher education.

    And yes, Boren did clash with the tea party like citizens of this state. Thank God. We and Mississippi will be the last two states turning out that ultra red light.

  22. #197

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt


    I would argue that none of those things were 'huge' embarrassments for the school. Nothing that had any real lasting effects on anything. And there is a big long list of great acheivements over several decades.

    And absolutely nobody has an issue with 'hearing the truth'. You can be transparent and effective and not be a total jackass in the process.

    The guy started slamming Boren before he even took office. Not only does that illustrate he has some sort of other agenda, it also shows just plain bad judgment.

  23. #198

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    I would argue that none of those things were 'huge' embarrassments for the school. Nothing that had any real lasting effects on anything. And there is a big long list of great acheivements over several decades.

    And absolutely nobody has an issue with 'hearing the truth'. You can be transparent and effective and not be a total jackass in the process.

    The guy started slamming Boren before he even took office. Not only does that illustrate he has some sort of other agenda, it also shows just plain bad judgment.
    They were embarrassments! … that gradually whittled away at Boren’s support base to the point where he was made to see the writing on the wall. That is not even arguable. They allowed Boren to retire with dignity…Several of the BOR knew OU was in a big fiscal mess but I don’t think they knew how big it was until they saw how poorly the books were maintained.

    Pasta Gate wasn’t even an NCAA violation but Boren’s compliance department reported it any way…
    In his last few years we saw Boren taking hits from different areas including academic integrity which was a serious issue …
    Anyone would be living in a fantasy land to not believe that these things were not why Boren left before he wanted.

  24. #199

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt

    it is impossible to believe that nobody at OU had any idea financial mismanagement was bankrupting the University. The Board Of Regents (I assume that is what is meant when BOR is used in this thread) are supposed to be the greatest leaders and visionaries in Oklahoma. How did they not see this "crisis" coming and raise awareness? They have to be either complicit or incompetent for failing to properly warn us about Mr. Boren's rouge activities, with a megaphone, in 2013-17.

    Being OU President is a political job. Sound financial management is a large part of it, but, anything outside of business degrees are not driven by dollars and cents. If all a school cares about is money, then they become the University of Phoenix, a trade school, or some other "for profit" educational enterprise.

  25. #200

    Default Re: OU losing $36 million per year, facing nearly $1 billion in debt


    And even if all that is true, it does not excuse Gallogly making all types of outrageous claims, such as the CFO of the university 'not even knowing until I told him' that the school had lost money the last two years. By the way, that was the first time that had happened in 16 years and the loss was less than the amount of funding cuts from the state.

    The CFO pointed out they had audited annual financial statements that clearly showed their profits and losses.

    Gallogly just seems like a jackass completely independent of any needed changes. And I'm highly skeptical that he is the right man for the job.

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