I think those hard limits are different when it comes to being in the elements for work versus being outside for fun. OU games seem like fun and places people want to be regardless of weather, so I just don't see why these hard limits are even a thing.

Also, you speak of the elderly as needing to be kept happy. Most of those who donate probably already have their close parking spot, so the train is not for them. The train is for those of us, like me, who will never have a parking spot so close. The train might even help alleviate traffic stress making game day better for all involved. When looking at Google Maps of the Duck Pond area, the walk is not that great. Most people using the train would have to walk that distance, if not more for parking.

I have been given the opportunity twice this season to go to an OU game, once for homecoming and once for bedlam. I declined because I did not want to deal with traffic in and out of Norman nor the parking hassles. If there was a game day train, I would have snatched these in a heartbeat.