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Thread: State Fairgrounds

  1. #751

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by CloudDeckMedia View Post
    Not everything that's gone from the Fairgrounds is gone forever. You may remember a WWII C-47 troop transport that was one of a few airplanes on static display. They were removed, and the C-47 went to a local vo-tech where it sat for a decade. The Oklahoma History Center raised funds, purchased it, had the exterior beautifully restored, and this morning dedicated it at Joe B. Barnes Park in MWC, not far from where it was built at Tinker in March 1944. Wouldn't it be great if the State Fair would give the finial to the OHC for preservation and display? Attachment 15006
    Not everything, sure, but a good majority of it is. The territorial Goodholm Mansion, originally located at NE 4th and Walnut before it was moved to the Fairgrounds, now sits on the private lot of the house moving company it was sold to, out near Choctaw. The B-52 was shipped out to Palmdale, California; aside from the C-47, the other aircraft were scattered to the winds. All but one of the monorail trains were sold off to buyers unknown. The Titan I missile, Air Force serial number 61-4506, on display where the Travel & Transportation Building courtyard used to be, is unaccounted for. The Spirit of '76 / Independence Arch, gone and unaccounted for. The clock tower at the Travel & Transportation building, gone and unaccounted for. And who knows what's going to happen with the Arrows to Atoms Space Tower. The Fair Board says they want to put something in it's place... I have zero confidence in the Fair Board after their track record with the loss of other iconic structures that weren't replaced.

    EDIT: I wanted to add that yes, it IS a good thing that the C-47 was saved and restored locally. I was wondering exactly what it's final deposition was - I knew it'd been sold to MetroTech and then there were efforts to get it moved to MWC, but I hadn't heard exactly where it ended up. Also, Santa Fe #643, that was in the Travel & Transportation Building courtyard, was cosmetically restored and placed on permanent public display, over at the Oklahoma Railway Museum.

  2. #752

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    How on earth could *no one* have *any* accountability for those items (arch, clock, etc)?

    I do recall that the DAR raised funds to pay for the repairs to the Goodholm mansion, but the funds just weren't there to perform all the repairs that were needed. As I understood it, the top floor was never substantially touched and never opened. They restored as much as they could with the funds they had, but there came a time when the building was literally falling apart faster than they could raise funds to repair it. They sold it off and moved it as noted above.

  3. #753

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I remember hearing about the Goodholm mansion needing lots of work and was in a sad state of repair, but it somehow miraculously survived the move to the far eastern part of the county, where it remains today.

  4. #754

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I’d suggest that that Oklahoma History Center is perhaps the best entity for these items. On a case-by-case basis they would consider terms for the acceptance, funding, preservation and final disposition of items. That is one of the things they do, and do well.

  5. #755

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    After reading this thread I wondered if the Goodholm mansion was the same beautiful home that sits out east on 23rd. Sure enough! Plus, not only was it moved, this was its second move. So the move to the Fairgrounds was actually the first time it was moved. Posted an interesting link.


  6. #756

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

  7. #757
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Nice shots of the Oklahoma Equestrian Park.

  8. #758

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Wow looking at the pics,it's clear that the "fair" has morphed into a giant livestock/horse facility. Now there is nothing wrong with that type of place but the "fair" aspect has been destroyed. I for one would not be in favor of building a new arena, at least not there. Plus I want the fair board to open up their books, after all it is taxpayer funded. If they have a five or ten year vision I would like to hear it.

  9. #759

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    It would be cool to repurpose the passenger cabin into some other use like a small ice cream, snow cone stand, or small grill & bar, with the service area in the center where the column was. I'd hate to see it end up on the scrap pile as well.

  10. #760

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    It would be cool to repurpose the passenger cabin into some other use like a small ice cream, snow cone stand, or small grill & bar, with the service area in the center where the column was. I'd hate to see it end up on the scrap pile as well.
    I love this idea!

  11. #761
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    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    It would be cool to repurpose the passenger cabin into some other use like a small ice cream, snow cone stand, or small grill & bar, with the service area in the center where the column was. I'd hate to see it end up on the scrap pile as well.
    I like that idea also, maybe state fair park will meet us half way and make a round horse feed or watering trough out if it.

  12. Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Fairgrounds needs to now fund their own arena instead of always trying to feed off Maps. We've done ENOUGH capital projects for them to go squander away the soul of the fairgrounds experience.

    I suspect that if they show up on Maps it might be the first to fail - they have no oversight yet look at what they've done. .. No more blank checks for the Jokelahoma State Fair.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  13. #763

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    We are fair people and my family has had season passes for as long as I can remember them offering them. We usually go 5-7 times each year. We shut my office down each year for one day and we have staff bonding at the fair. That being said....both my wife and I commented this year how bad the fair has gotten. Much smaller and we noticed that a lot of the regular booths were not back. Not sure if they raised the sq footage rental price again but it seemed like the same shrinkage as when they did a major price hike several years ago. It looked like they also raised the entrance fee this last year for patrons.

    They are slowly killing off the fair each year.

  14. #764

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    We are fair people and my family has had season passes for as long as I can remember them offering them. We usually go 5-7 times each year. We shut my office down each year for one day and we have staff bonding at the fair. That being said....both my wife and I commented this year how bad the fair has gotten. Much smaller and we noticed that a lot of the regular booths were not back. Not sure if they raised the sq footage rental price again but it seemed like the same shrinkage as when they did a major price hike several years ago. It looked like they also raised the entrance fee this last year for patrons.

    They are slowly killing off the fair each year.
    I agree. My wife has competed in the baking, other than that I wouldn't have cared to go. We too think it's gotten pretty bad.

  15. #765
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    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    The future of state fairs is being debated all over the country. Many are perennial money losers and some states are cutting budgets. Heck, Michigan cut its state fair after 160 years of operation. Others are doubling down though, like Wisconsin and Minnesota. It is time there is a serious discussion about the future of the state fair in Oklahoma and what the citizens want to invest.

  16. #766

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    ^^ Good insightful post. While many pine for the good ol days, nostalgia can cloud better judgement. Times are changing and have changed. This is another example of changing demographics of fewer people, especially younger educated people living and working in rural areas versus urban/suburban. I have 3 daughters in the metro with 8 kids between them. None of them have been in years. I don't believe those born post 1970 can relate to what a State Fair offers. A study should be commissioned to see what the tax payers want out there. The stadium out there idea should warrant consideration.

  17. #767

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I would only vote for a new arena if it had ice making equipment, for minor league hockey. Not just a horse barn.

  18. #768

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Put another barn where the space needle is.

  19. #769

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    No more horse barns.

  20. #770

    stockyards Re: State Fairgrounds

    If state fairs are losing money; then that means the OKC State Fair wouldn't have as robust of a budget that many of us believe otherwise.

    Someone mentioned a new arena shouldn't be built at State Fair Park. What about Stockyards City; wouldn't it be close enough to benefit from the barns and venues at State Fair Park. A new arena at Stockyards City IMO would bring more development and restaurants to enrich that unique area.

    State Fair Board's transparency would clear up a lot of this; therefore we could work quickly on a new arena or alternate location or did I miss something.

    Don't think we will need a venue as expensive as FW Dixie's Arena to retain the horse shows at State Fair Arena.

    Would love to hear your comments...

  21. #771
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    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    If state fairs are losing money; then that means the OKC State Fair wouldn't have as robust of a budget that many of us believe otherwise.

    Someone mentioned a new arena shouldn't be built at State Fair Park. What about Stockyards City; wouldn't it be close enough to benefit from the barns and venues at State Fair Park. A new arena at Stockyards City IMO would bring more development and restaurants to enrich that unique area.

    State Fair Board's transparency would clear up a lot of this; therefore we could work quickly on a new arena or alternate location or did I miss something.

    Don't think we will need a venue as expensive as FW Dixie's Arena to retain the horse shows at State Fair Arena.

    Would love to hear your comments...
    I think the first thing we need to see is the state fair board's books. I fear that there are way more brother in law deals cooked in that group than we would care to know about. If they try and get maps money next go around, then we really need to vote no for the sake of cleaning it up. Since they are paid by the city, can we not get a court order to see their balance sheets???

  22. #772
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    Someone mentioned a new arena shouldn't be built at State Fair Park. What about Stockyards City; wouldn't it be close enough to benefit from the barns and venues at State Fair Park. A new arena at Stockyards City IMO would bring more development and restaurants to enrich that unique area.
    To be honest, I LOVE this idea! It would capitalize on Stockyards City nascent resurgence and would help bring much needed additional life to the area. But it won't happen.

  23. #773

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    If the State Fair wants to request any money in excess of the tax money that is already allocated to them and the revenues from activities at the State Fair Park, it wouldn't be unreasonable to request a look at their current finances to see why they would need more money.

  24. Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    To be honest, I LOVE this idea! It would capitalize on Stockyards City nascent resurgence and would help bring much needed additional life to the area. But it won't happen.
    The new arena is tied to the barns too so all the horse crap (pun) can make use as well. But the livestock sales room, that really SHOULD be in the stockyards and i never understood why it was being put at the fairgrounds. All i could see was "because FT Worth is gonna do it and we have to do it too".

  25. #775

    Default Re: State Fairgrounds

    I don't think the Fairgrounds leadership is dishonest. I think they are very insular and self focused. I'm guessing the decades of Gaylord family leadership (and now the Bennett name taking over) has formed the secretive way they communicate. Anecdotally, I have had some conversation with City employees who seem to share the belief that the Fair Board wants what they want, and they expect to get it. Regardless of the opinions and projections of City staff.

    6 or 8 years ago, I had a spell of civic interest that led me to dream of a "State Fair Area Merchants Association' or some such. IIRC, I worked up the courage to call Tim O'Toole, who is/was the man in charge. He was very nice, but said that was not something they had an interest in. I got the vibe they didn't want or need the outside involvement.

    I think the Fairgrounds is, for a neighboring business, a great asset to have. Easiest location to access and most recognized in the State IMO. I just wish they had the zeal to promote it like, say, the Boathouse District, etc.

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