Hey, everyone. I just read this entire MAPS 4 thread and wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate the thought each of you are putting into our city's future. I do also encourage you to log your ideas officially at ideas4maps.com so everyone in the decision-making process has a shot at seeing them as this conversation continues over the course of the next year.
I also want to specifically respond to the soccer issue, since it seems to be a recurring theme on this thread. I view my role as mayor in the MAPS process as guiding the community toward a consensus. I'm a human being so I may see the merits in some things more than others, and vice versa, but I don't see it as my role to have any strong preference about any particular idea for MAPS 4 at this point. I want to see what the people of Oklahoma City have to say. There are, of course, quite a few ideas that have been floating around even before the kickoff of this ideas phase, and one of them is obviously soccer. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the supporters of the Energy would like to work with the city on a stadium, as some variation of that story has been reported for years throughout the media. But I view my role as simply navigating the community through a decision process about that. The e-mail posted above is exactly what you're going to see me doing on all the serious ideas that are presented in the months ahead. They each need to be explored and decisions must be made. As is obvious from the e-mail, no serious conversations about soccer have yet occurred. Also worth noting - earlier in this thread, someone took issue with my decision to respond to a media request from KWTV about soccer. I go back and forth on this general issue of commenting on ideas, because I don't want to show favor to any MAPS 4 ideas at this point, but I always hate to turn down any inquiry from the media. Transparency has always been at the core of my public service. So in this case, I did agree to talk to KWTV about the issue of soccer and they used 20 seconds of a 20-minute conversation. I certainly stand by my comments in that piece, but at no time in the piece or in the unaired portions did I express a preference for soccer to be a part of MAPS 4. I think it's very important that the people of Oklahoma City guide this process, and I assure you, I'm not going to support projects that are "unpopular." Now, that can be a squishy concept, and everyone needs to understand that MAPS has always inherently been a compromise. Sometimes you may not see the merits in an individual project, but a critical mass of other people do. But I can assure you, I'm not going to be a party to forcing the voters of OKC to do anything against their will, and I am confident they wouldn't let me anyways. But I'm also not going to cut any debates short at this point. If you don't like an idea, I want to hear that, for sure, but the very act of me allowing a debate to continue right now should not be interpreted as endorsement. The process needs to play out and people need to have their say. I trust the process.
Anyways, I would hope you all know how accessible I am. My e-mail is mayor@okc.gov. There is no need to speculate as to what I think or what I'm doing as if I'm the president of the United States. I'm just David and if you ever have a question to pose or a comment to share, just drop me a line.
Again, thanks for your passion for OKC. This MAPS 4 process is an awesome opportunity that we only get every decade or so. Let's work together and do it right.
I don't think it's shady at all for the mayor of OKC to be doing everything he can to learn about the soccer business before he considers supporting a proposal for OKC to build a soccer facility. He did his part with the Thunder, I think he has a bit of expertise in this area and I look forward to hearing his thoughts on the subject. It's no secret that local gazillionaire Bob Funk wants a stadium which he has no interest in paying for. Be worried if the mayor supported a stadium before he extensively inquired into the feasibility of the project.
He’s been part of great things happening and has barely been in office. That’s a bit of premature statement if I must say and why exactly are you looking negatively upon Mayor Holt?
I think he’s been a fine mayor and I think he will do great things! I have no idea why that email was of any special interest.
These meetups aren't dull, and only have lil' smokies available for the attendees to eat... you gotta
think, perhaps, he's going through the motions.... or maybe I am wrong? Like I said, there is a chance
this guy is close to the 180, and interested in doing the right thing... time will tell. But we can't just assume
that he's totally changed, these are pretty damn critical times for us all...
If they propose a 100 mil dollar stadium on Maps for minor league soccer I'm out. That would be the biggest and most foolish waste of money I have seen yet. As far as I'm concerned they can play in one of the parks. Set up tents and bring in food trucks or whatever their little band of players want.
I don't think a soccer stadium is an amazing idea, but I've heard a lot of people suggest that we build one. When they were proposing ideas for MAPS 3, one of the most popular suggestions was a stadium for soccer/bowl game/eventual NFL. While the OKCTalk crowd has turned against the idea over the last year or so (honestly I thought everybody here was for it up until quite recently), I haven't seen anything to indicate that the general public is opposed to it.
Having a very nice minor league stadium that can be expanded to major league size/amenities falls right in line with previous MAPS projects. I don't think there's anything sinister about it. It might even be very successful if you put it on the south side where there is a large Hispanic population. Again, I don't think it's really the best project possible (we're probably too far behind to realistically compete for an MLS team at this point), but there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea.
Yah South Side would be the way to do it. At some point, the insanely wealthy should pay for this stuff... I think
now would be a ***great*** time to start on that! Use MAPS money for something better....
Now that I think about it, what about a MAPS 4 Connections, or something like that with a better name. Focus on 3 areas of the city, and how we connect them to downtown.
So we could have a South Side Connection, which would involve running the streetcar down to Capitol Hill, and putting a $30M soccer stadium there. Include $10M or so for renovations of Oliver Park (which is terrible right now), some money for improved streets/sidewalks in the area, and improvements to Lightning Creek (which right now is basically an ugly drainage ditch). The idea is that we're not only creating improvements to the neighborhood, but also connecting it to other vibrant parts of the city. What is now a place that most people don't go would instead become a part of the larger downtown area. Your average person would now have a reason to go to Capitol Hill.
We could also have a Northeast Side Connection. Streetcar over to OUHSC, then up Lottie to 23rd. Put in some kind of "big ticket" attraction similar to the soccer stadium, price-wise. Improvements to local parks, streetscape, street lights, sidewalks, etc. I really can't think of a major attraction to put in. The Adventure District is already in that area, maybe we'd want to run a long streetcar line all the way there. But that's kind of a long way.
Then you could have a Northwest Side Connection. Streetcar over to Plaza/Gatewood, up past OCU, and maybe up to 39th street. Do a bunch of street improvements there, in what is basically OKC's "gay district". Again, I'm blanking on any kind of major project, the equivalent to a minor league stadium, but I'm sure people can come up with something.
The whole idea would be to create places where people who are downtown might want to go, and also to serve existing neighborhoods at the same time. Somebody who lives within those neighborhoods would see a huge improvement in their quality of life, while somebody who lives outside of those neighborhoods would still see the benefit of these upgrades because it creates another "public space" for everyone to use. If downtown is OKC's living room, then we'd be making the living room bigger.
First off I said starting to, haven't full regretted it, so I think I'm right on target with my feelings.
I'm well aware of what he's done in the past, behind the scenes, but as Mayor you definitely get more scrutiny.
I think my biggest complaint, and this is purely my opinion, but he comes off as arrogant and a little smug a lot of the time. I follow him on Twitter, and watch a lot of his videos, and while he definitely plays off the idea that he's open to all this public input, I just get the notion that he already has a good idea of the direction he'd like to see things go. Now that's not to say he doesn't get nudged in a different direction if it's just blatantly obvious there is something better, but it just appears to me anyways, he's got a plan, and he mostly plans to stick to it.
Overall it's hard to explain, I don't mean to come off harsh, because as of right now, if I could go back in time, I'd still vote for him. I still think he was the better choice. But there is something about him that I just am not a huge fan of, and all I can chalk it up to is his demeanor. You know sometimes people rub you the wrong way, and you can't always quantify it logically, that's where I am. I'm absolutely rooting for his success and for me to be proven wrong, as a OKC resident I'd be crazy not too.
I am for or against a soccer stadium more or less 100% based on how popular the idea is. If the general public really wants one, then it sounds like a great thing to include on the list of projects with the aim of having a vote that will pass. If not, then no thanks.
Now that said, I love the potential synergy of a southside streetcar connection that passes right by a southside soccer stadium.
I saw him (or a user account with the name) lurking on the thread earlier and was wondering.
Props to Mayor Holt for reading this thread and responding. I’ve been impressed with his outreach thus far. Hopefully, he can make OKC’s government more transparent than it has been in the past.
OKC is not on the list for MLS. If OKC does get on the list for MLS expansion then that would be the time to talk soccer stadiums. I don't think that will be any time soon. And a soccer stadium and an NFL spec. stadium are two totally different animals. Most MLS stadiums built today are gonna cost 100-200 mil. NFL stadium is prob close to 1.5 Bil.
Certainly. Everything is still pretty early in the MAPS 4 conversation, of course, but yes, off the top of my head I would say I've had meetings relative to the following MAPS 4 concepts (don't think I'm revealing any topics that would surprise anyone paying any attention to the issues in our community): domestic violence, homelessness, veterans, transit, parks, youth centers & youth sports, arts, river, state fair, animal welfare, education, mental illness, highway beautification, innovation district... That is likely not comprehensive as I'm not necessarily keeping a list of discussions I've had, but that's probably a pretty good portrayal of it so far. But keep in mind, this is not remotely as intense as it will be in the spring and summer. This conversation has just begun. And we have three new Councilmembers coming in the next six months, so nothing will get all the way down the road without their input.
Continue to submit your ideas: What you want to see on MAPS 4. Lately, there have been a number of posts about what you don't want on MAPS.
Have heard about incorporation of the current MAPS penny sales tax extension as apart of the city's budget and scrapping MAPS. Don't forget, MAPS allows you input into these projects. Once you do away with MAPS, you lose a valuable voter vehicle initiative device.
USL: League announces intention to house all 24 teams in soccer-specific stadiums by 2020: https://www.mlssoccer.com/post/2015/...-stadiums-2020
USL Louisville: https://www.bizjournals.com/louisvil...-cost-for.html
We have the NBA in OKC. Would like to see OKC expand its sports entertainment options beyond 2020; a soccer specific/American football stadium will serve more than just soccer.
Mayor Holt, in order to help the forthcoming RTA thrive (arguably possibly every bit as important as MAPS), please consider allowing MAPS 4 to be reduced to .5 cents (with a longer collection period so we still get the amount we need for community/capital projects), and on the same ballot having the OKC RTA funding vote at another .5 cents (this would be permanent). Without non-general fund-dependent funding, I fear we may end up with a less hardy RTA. For example, our current bus system is good, but not nearly what it could be if it weren't so dependent on the ebbs and flows of the general fund.
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