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Thread: Ideas 4 MAPS

  1. #251

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Pryor Tiger View Post
    I was thinking also if they get the sidewalks and streets repaired - MAPS 4 could include a very robust bicycle infrastructure based on the Bike Walk OKC plans that came out this summer. Most of BW OKC does not have proper funding mechanisms yet but would indeed improve mobility options for everyone.
    I like the Idea of building out a robust and protected bike network. Speaking of the Bike Walk OKC masterplan, The protected bike lanes on 4th street have been painted and a bike ramp behind the streetcar platform on 4th near Rob has been paved. There is a bike ramp that was installed on the corner of sheridan and gaylord as well that is part of the plan.

  2. #252

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Pryor Tiger View Post
    I was thinking also if they get the sidewalks and streets repaired - MAPS 4 could include a very robust bicycle infrastructure based on the Bike Walk OKC plans that came out this summer. Most of BW OKC does not have proper funding mechanisms yet but would indeed improve mobility options for everyone.
    this is where i am at... i think Maps 4 should be all about transit and walkability... it should be street repair, more sidewalks, bike lanes and trails, and streetcar expansion. and could even include street lights, and other things that are directly related to these types of projects... lets pump some 800 million into roads that haven't seen love in decades, and make it to where i don't need to replace my shocks every 3 years, or that i'm able to ride a bike and feel safe, or able to use the streetcar to get to downtown, or be able to walk somewhere without feeling unsafe

  3. #253

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS


    Yep, I would be all for nothing but sidewalks, trails, recreation, and public transportation including expanding the streetcar system.

  4. #254

  5. #255

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    If one of the announced projects is some sort of stadium built to attract a MLS team, I'm out on the MAPS brand. It had a good run. I should very much be the kind of person the powers that be need to impress. Not only did I support MAPS 3, I actively assisted and volunteered for the campaign. I'm an enthusiastic supporter of the concept and saw the foresight in all of the choices made to date.

  6. #256
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Yep, I would be all for nothing but sidewalks, trails, recreation, and public transportation including expanding the streetcar system.
    Add trees and landscaping (and upkeep) to this and I'm all in as well.

  7. #257

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    How about correcting our street light problem - Solar street lights. No exposed copper wire to steal and no electric bills.


  8. #258

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    We should build David Holt's dog Logan (who just had his 2nd birthday!) a $100,000,000 dog house for the
    upcoming winter...this would create jobs!!!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	logan maps.jpg 
Views:	67 
Size:	39.7 KB 
ID:	14968

  9. #259

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    I just finally read this entire thread. And I was happy to read that my ideas are in line with most here. Focus this on transit. Streetcar Expansion is first, along with street and sidewalk improvements. In fact, they need to be done at the same time (unlike the way we just did the first round of streetcar/p180). All of midtown and uptown's entertainment areas need a full street and sidewalk workover. We have so many cool businesses and areas, with pathetic ways to travel between them.

    I, too, will be voting No if a new arena or stadium is on ballot.

  10. #260

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    For those of you who would be voting NO if a soccer stadium was on the ballot. Would you vote NO if a stadium was only a small portion of the overall bill with most monies going towards transit, bike trails, etc.. like we've been discussing on here? I know why it would be a dealbreaker for many of you, but would it really be worth voting no if it meant missing out on a plethora of much needed improvements and public transit expansions?

  11. #261

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    I think we should see if the streetcar is going to be successful before expanding it. If Maps 4 is all about the core area again, I will vote no.

  12. #262

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    If they don't come up with something enticing I'm afraid this might be the last of the MAPS. Don't think there is any way possible that OKC residents will vote to build a soccer stadium for a minor league team.

  13. #263

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    But we built a stadium for a minor league baseball team and an arena for no team at all. I am not a soccer fan but I think that we have to look at the trajectory of soccer in this country. Not having a stadium or a plan for a stadium puts the community in a position of having to catch up in the future. Given the timeline for MAPS projects, I think the question is what do we want OKC to look like in 2030.

  14. #264
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    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    For those of you who would be voting NO if a soccer stadium was on the ballot. Would you vote NO if a stadium was only a small portion of the overall bill with most monies going towards transit, bike trails, etc.. like we've been discussing on here? I know why it would be a dealbreaker for many of you, but would it really be worth voting no if it meant missing out on a plethora of much needed improvements and public transit expansions?
    Great logic; why sacrifice many of the projects we all want like more transit, sidewalks, street lights because of one project that probably won't account for 10% of the total initiative. Everybody's not going to get every thing they want on MAPS 4. Must admit that we haven't had a lot of posters on here with posts where one project sinks the Titanic.

    Let's all step back from our devices; take a deep breath--get involved in the information gathering process afforded up by the mayor & council by submitting our ideas. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves with predictions.

    Encourage everyone to get involved. Go to: How to Submit Ideas: From Mayor Holt: https://www.okc.gov/government/maps-4

  15. #265

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthSide View Post
    I think we should see if the streetcar is going to be successful before expanding it. If Maps 4 is all about the core area again, I will vote no.
    The streetcar is so limited in its current configuration that there's no way to know how successful it will be with expansion. Even if the initial, limited line is not successful that does not mean it will not be more successful with expansion. In fact, any success may rely on expansion to cover a more wide area. While it's good to pay close attention to the successes and failures of OKC's streetcar, the successes and failures of other cities may be more instructive for planning.

  16. #266
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    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    We had to build the minor league stadium, my understanding is AAA baseball had all sorts of issues with us playing at all sports stadium at the fairgrounds. The arena was for an NHL team we had a shot at getting. I don't have a dog in this fight but folks who know better than I would say we don't have a shot at getting an MLS team right now.

  17. #267

  18. #268

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    The streetcar is so limited in its current configuration that there's no way to know how successful it will be with expansion. Even if the initial, limited line is not successful that does not mean it will not be more successful with expansion. In fact, any success may rely on expansion to cover a more wide area. While it's good to pay close attention to the successes and failures of OKC's streetcar, the successes and failures of other cities may be more instructive for planning.
    As I mentioned previously, the real ridership success of the streetcar will occur when commuter rail is running in and out of Santa Fe station every day. Daily ridership will soar, as several thousand commuters who work in the downtown area transfer from train to streetcar to get to their work place. That's true for the considered extension to the Health Science Center as well. That doesn't mean until that time that the ridership levels will be such that the system is not considered successful. I'm hopeful there will be enough ridership and economic development in the near term to deem it a success. Just keep in mind that final judgement on the success of the streetcar will be several years away.

  19. #269

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Here's my streetcar extension proposal. MAPS 4 should include one or two of these. The red is the current streetcar system (not exact, forgive me if I made an error somewhere on it). The blue is a double-track line down to Capitol Hill. This line provides more users and extends service to a cool, historical area. The orange line is a loop that goes to the OUHSC. This makes the Chamber of Commerce happy as well as helping the "Innovation District" move forward. The green line is a double-track down to the Stockyards City area, which should become a nice tourist stop. And purple runs back and forth to the Plaza District, for those hip and trendy young folks.

    Any of these extensions would useful by itself. If MAPS 5 or 6 or whatever fails, and we only get some of these, it still makes sense as a functional system.

  20. #270

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    ^^^nice. In addition, my dream line would be one that ran up walker to 36th then over to western where it would go all the way up to whole foods/chk.

  21. #271

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    My ideal system would extend further than that. I think any planned extension has to make sense both on its own, and as a basis for future expansion. You never know when you've installed the last streetcar line, until the next one gets no support.

    On a larger scale, I'd like to see a system that served more of the city. One line goes down either Penn or Western to like SW 74th, one that goes down Shields to the same point. We could have East-West lines at South 59th, South 25th, North 23rd, and maybe North 50th. Run a NW line up Classen to Belle Isle and then Chesapeake. Run a NE line up Lincoln Blvd, then over to MLK and up to the Adventure District. I think it would do a great job of really connecting the city, and it would serve a large part of the community while also hitting the "tourist spots". But a system like that would have to be phased in gradually, or would require an entire MAPS project all on its own. With the RTA coming up, I don't know that you could get the public to understand that they were two different projects, and that we needed both of them.

  22. #272

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Streetcar expansion, for sure. Great plan, hoya!

    The lagoon would be awesome. Let's get that on there.

    The indoor ski resort would also be really cool.

    No stadium.

  23. #273

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Here we f#$%#$ go again!

    Quote Originally Posted by ross maclochness View Post
    for those of you who would be voting no if a soccer stadium was on the ballot. Would you vote no if a stadium was only a small portion of the overall bill with most monies going towards transit, bike trails, etc.. Like we've been discussing on here? I know why it would be a dealbreaker for many of you, but would it really be worth voting no if it meant missing out on a plethora of much needed improvements and public transit expansions?

  24. #274

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by RodH View Post
    But we built a stadium for a minor league baseball team and an arena for no team at all. I am not a soccer fan but I think that we have to look at the trajectory of soccer in this country. Not having a stadium or a plan for a stadium puts the community in a position of having to catch up in the future. Given the timeline for MAPS projects, I think the question is what do we want OKC to look like in 2030.
    I'm fine with a plan for a stadium. I'm even fine with building a stadium with the promise of a franchise. I'm not fine with building an arena for no reason when there are plenty of other projects--some which would generate revenue which are much more deserving.

    If this is included, I'll be over the MAPS model. In the past, they've stuck one project no one wants packaged together with a lot of cool things. We'll see how the convention center pans out.

  25. #275

    Default Re: Ideas 4 MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    ^^^nice. In addition, my dream line would be one that ran up walker to 36th then over to western where it would go all the way up to whole foods/chk.
    Yes it has to go north at some point, whether along walker, shartel, western or classen. You have to connect homes and residents to the line. It wont be successful being a service that shuffles CBD workers to lunch and back, has to be more. This is also why im skeptical of having it circle the health center/OU/OMRF without connecting to homes first.

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