Re: Combined cost of the CC, hotel, park, and mixed use
the $777m number above is the combination of all of the C2S projects so far; park ($130m), cc($280m), hotel ($240m), garage (~$80m), and residences ($50m) as rough figures. It is only a coincidence that these projects also equal the entire cost of Maps 3. ..
Park, CC, and Garage are city owned and funded by maps (garage funded by bonds iirc). The hotel is funded by $160m private, city $80m. Residences are private funded. This is a pretty damn good deal for the city, creating a true Convention district for 'only' about $480m in city investment. Granted there is streetcar coming by and bonds/TIF for utilities, etc; but this is all transformational and extends downtown like the original C2S master plan put forth by former Mayor Mick Cornett. Keep in mind there are other private investment in the area including the first-to-market Fairfield Inn and Suites. Not a bad return on investment by the city yet now OKC can truly compete with other tier 2 markets and offer itself as an alternative to many tier 1s or be a premium against tier 3s.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!