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Thread: LIT proposes music mural

  1. #51

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Thankyou for the name. I had remembered it actually sounded like a Whale and how it was the 'subject' of his work. But I forgot. I saw a rather impressive rendering in Honolulu that was one of his first. His art has turned from public art to corporate/commodity. I would toss him in with Kincaid and Chihuly. It still would have been better than the hokie dokie mural we have now. I am a big OKC supporter in the arts and the city. I definitely hate to bust up my own town, but I am getting sick of people not having a good understanding of contemporary art around here. Everyone thinks post-modernism/installations/performance art is still wacky. Although we have IAO and OVAC and a good underground scene. The city still needs to make a jump into current thinking within the arts. I cant imagine what many would think of my marine biology-science based art. Conceptual art still confuses many around here. LOL

  2. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC PATROL View Post
    Thankyou for the name. I had remembered it actually sounded like a Whale and how it was the 'subject' of his work. But I forgot. I saw a rather impressive rendering in Honolulu that was one of his first. His art has turned from public art to corporate/commodity. I would toss him in with Kincaid and Chihuly. It still would have been better than the hokie dokie mural we have now. I am a big OKC supporter in the arts and the city. I definitely hate to bust up my own town, but I am getting sick of people not having a good understanding of contemporary art around here. Everyone thinks post-modernism/installations/performance art is still wacky. Although we have IAO and OVAC and a good underground scene. The city still needs to make a jump into current thinking within the arts. I cant imagine what many would think of my marine biology-science based art. Conceptual art still confuses many around here. LOL

  3. #53

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC PATROL View Post
    Thankyou for the name. I had remembered it actually sounded like a Whale and how it was the 'subject' of his work. But I forgot. I saw a rather impressive rendering in Honolulu that was one of his first. His art has turned from public art to corporate/commodity. I would toss him in with Kincaid and Chihuly. It still would have been better than the hokie dokie mural we have now. I am a big OKC supporter in the arts and the city. I definitely hate to bust up my own town, but I am getting sick of people not having a good understanding of contemporary art around here. Everyone thinks post-modernism/installations/performance art is still wacky. Although we have IAO and OVAC and a good underground scene. The city still needs to make a jump into current thinking within the arts. I cant imagine what many would think of my marine biology-science based art. Conceptual art still confuses many around here. LOL
    I disagree, I love post-modernism, mid-century modern, installations and more. I'm born and raised here. I know plenty of Oklahoman's who appreciate this type of stuff, so to say no one appreciates it and thinks it's wacky, is off-base. Could we use more of it? Sure. Perhaps you can help fund a Modern Museum of Art? I'll buy a yearly pass if you do.

  4. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Are you talking Wyland, the marine life/ocean artist who paints the most spectacular undersea art/murals ever?

    He has his work all over the coast of California, from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles in various studios etc ... and he has galleries in Florida and nationwide. I love his work.

    I remember seeing his bronze sculptures of dolphins and other sea animals - so gorgeous. He is so talented!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    What does this Wyland guy have to do with OKC?

  6. #56

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Metro- The general pop has a very bad understanding of what art is. Period. That is why I used the word wacky. Instead of wacky I will use 'over their heads'. Many Paseo artists enjoy and understand art past 1960. But the majority hit brick walls when discussing Contemporary forms. Many of our local artists dont accept art past 1980. It doesnt mean they are not sophisticated it just means they feel 'art can only go so far'. Oh- we already have a so-called MODERN MUSEUM. Its called the Chihuly Museum of Commodification. Which I support yearly with my useless membership.

    Karried- Wyland was a better choice, in my opinion, for the city at the time. The artist was going to paint it for free with help from local students. I enjoy his work way more than I enjoy the current mural. The problem was the city actually decided against the proposal because the city felt like it was too commercialized(which is good thinking). And that we would get a better mural later depicting our heritage. Well....we got it. And now I would give anything to have a Wyland mural where the current mural is.

    Jbrown84- Wyland is an artist who hits many major cities with his murals. He was a huge hit in Cali and Hawaii. But many felt his murals stamped his signature on a city and that it made the image of the city worse.

  7. #57

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    What does this Wyland guy have to do with OKC?
    He was going to paint a mural on the east side of the railroad bridge by the canal...

    It was vetoed, unfortunately.

  8. #58

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Bricktown wall mural plan on hold

    November 15, 2007
    The Journal Record

    OKLAHOMA CITY – Bricktown is all for murals, but what goes up on one of the district’s walls is a bit more specific. At the Bricktown Urban Design Committee meeting Tuesday, Lane Peyton, owner of LiT Lounge, withdrew a proposal for a music-themed mural on the west-facing wall of his club at 209 Flaming Lips Alley with plans to submit a new version in the future.

    Earlier this year, a design for the wall was submitted to the committee that depicted Oklahoma artists, including the Flaming Lips. At the committee’s meeting in May several committee members criticized the choice of musicians depicted in a conceptual drawing.Peyton said the drawing that was presented was not a true depiction of what he hopes will eventually adorn the wall. The original conceptual drawing depicted musicians presented in portrait-type boxes. Avis Scaramucci, vice-chairwoman of the committee and LiT’s neighbor to the west across Mickey Mantle Drive, suggested Peyton come up with a design that would highlight a gathering of Oklahoma City’s musical talent in a format to complement Bricktown.“I think it’s a great idea and I get to see it every day,” she said.

    Any artwork will also have to receive approval from the Arts Commission. John Calhoun, with the Oklahoma City Planning Department, said the artwork could not be solely an advertisement.

    Nevertheless, a sponsorship logo on the mural is allowed, limited to 10 percent of the surface space

  9. #59

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    What does that even mean? They want it to be more conservative? ....and sponsorship logos?! aye. guess they will want to put oklahoma in the name somewhere too won't they.

  10. #60

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I wish the committee was made up of some citizens and the arts commission has to be involved? If Lit wants just a mural of Oklahoma rockers than let them. The committee won't let them do it unless Charlie Christian and at least one country artist is on it. Heaven forbid we have another homage to our country artists. It's a freakin club and art venue for crying out loud, let Toby Keith do a mural of himself on his building if he wants to.

  11. #61
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    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Toby Keith's or the Wormy Dog could do it and I think it would be great. But asking Lit to do something that is not within their normal demographic is selfish and bullyish (that may not be a word, but hopefully you know what I mean). So many want to force the prevalent Oklahoma stereotype on everything, that it really drags us down. Let's get a country mural where it makes sense: the stockyards, Toby Keith's, or the Wormy Dog.

    I have nothing against us celebrating any part of our heritage, especially our long line of exceptional country music exports, but why force EVERYTHING to be at least partly country when given the opportunity? Frankly, it's asinine to hold everything back just to make sure it fits a very narrow and limited idea of what Oklahoma is about and what each of us should choose to celebrate about it. Besides, why advertise what is promoted for us without doing anything? What is wrong with trying to broaden our market appeal and highlight all aspects of our culture here? And, imo, it is never a good idea to wedge concepts into a work of art and force the artist or the commissioner of that art to dilute their perspective to pacify an outside interest. I really hope Lit either gets approval to enact their vision or does nothing. There is no reason for them to compromise the works subject matter.

    Sorry, this is just idiotic and another example of how bricktown is run by a bunch of boobs.

  12. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural


  13. #63

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I read online that the mural included The Flaming Lips, Bob Wills, Woody Guthrie, and Charlie Christian. The same article said that the committee wanted Vince Gill and Carrie Underwood added to the painting. I'm not sure who else they wanted added, it isn't reported.

    Carrie Underwood surprises me greatly. She's a freaking game show winner. If she's around in 10 years then maybe.

    That's almost akin to someone wanting to paint a mural of Ralph Waldo Ellison, Sequoyah, Paul Branniff, and Shannon Lucid and having the council ask that Gary Busey and Dr. Phil be added.

  14. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Don't be baggin' on Gary Busey. Do it again, and we're gonna box.

    That will be your only warning son.

  15. #65

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    They put Carrie Underwood up on that wall and I am finding our old friend the tagger to help him re-design it for them.

    Why do they even get to say who goes up on that wall? This is the most retarded thing I have heard from this committee...they haven't a clue. Country does not have to be included in every single thing in Oklahoma City. Some of us despise it. We can't fit everyone on that wall and since it's on LIT and on The Flaming Lips Alley - I find Country artists to be inappropriate. We wouldn't go down to the stockyards and insist a big fat mural of Tyson Meade be put up along with NOTA and the All American Rejects or The Flaming Lips. It's ludacris.

  16. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Why would we put Ludacris on an OKC mural??

  17. #67
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    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    We wouldn't go down to the stockyards and insist a big fat mural of Tyson Meade be put up along with NOTA and the All American Rejects or The Flaming Lips.
    So true and if anyone did demand it they would be ostracized for it, even though it is the exact same thing they are doing here.

  18. #68

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    All this fuss about the LIT mural amuses me. When LIT’s owners opened their door surely they realized the restrictions inherent in Bricktown, and they don’t seem to be objecting to “guidance” from the Bricktown Urban Design Committee. But the comments from my fellow contributors are “Ludacris.”

    Ralph Waldo Ellison, Sequoyah, Paul Branniff, Shannon Lucid, Gary Busey and Dr. Phil have only one thing in common, they are great Oklahomans. Author, Tribal Linguist, Businessman, Astronaut, Actor and Shrink. Go figure.

    Since when is Bricktown the sacred ground for only psychedelic alternative rock bands and dead musicians? Country is arguably the most popular music on a National scale, and the Bricktown Urban Design Committee is looking to boost Bricktown, not pigeonhole it into musical cliques. Bob Wills was as country as okra and chicken fried steak. And he was a Texan to boot. At least Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill are Oklahoma born musicians, and great ones at that.

    Lighten up and yeee haw!

  19. #69

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Country is the most popular on a national scale?? Says who? Just because you are surrounded with it does not make it the most popular. I think factual stats would actually show Rap and Hip Hop as the most popular with sales on a national scale. If we are representing what's most popular - then do put Ludacris.

    My point is that there is more to this state than our country singers. I'm not saying any of them are without talent...I'm just saying there are plenty of other artists within the state WITH talent that are NOT country singers. Why can they not get any recognition? Country artists outside LIT just doesn't mesh. What makes you think that people would travel from all over to see the wall if it only had Country artists on it? I think people will see the wall as they walk to the ballgame...since it's on an alley anyway and can't be seen by driving by...and wonder what in the world Toby Keith has to do with an artsy bar on Flaming Lips Alley!

    Paint every wall in the stockyards with every country artist name you can find for all I care....but keep them off Flaming Lips Alley. I prefer they not take over the paseo district either.

  20. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

  21. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    The Flaming lips beat Garth but lost to Carrie.

  22. #72

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    PapaJack, I guess my objection goes something like this... everything in Bricktown has to be family friendly. Nearly everything in Bricktown has to be either a Mexican restaurant, a steakhouse, or an offshoot of some kind of sports or country bar. Everything in Bricktown or in literature about our city has to go on and on about our country musicians and completely ignore everybody else.

    I'm tired of it. And single young professionals are not going to buy condos in a family-friendly country-fried downtown. So Bricktown property owners might as well shift gears to who they are already marketing to -- retired empty nesters.

  23. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    The Flaming lips beat Garth but lost to Carrie.
    Maybe so, but Aerosmith beats the tar out of her.

  24. #74

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural


    My statement Country is “arguably” the most popular on a national scale is based on the following:

    1. The adverb ARGUABLY has 1 sense: “as can be shown by argument”
    Source: arguably - definition of arguably by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

    2. From: Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
    Date: November 5, 2006
    Byline: Jon Bream; Staff Writer
    “Country ranks as the nation's hottest musical genre. Check the numbers: - Sales of country CDs are up 11 percent over last year, according to Nielsen SoundScan, while all other genres have declined and ..” (I’m too cheap to subscribe for the rest of the story)

    3. “There are more radio stations in the United States specializing in country music than any other format.” Source: Internet Campus - Welcome

    4. Garth Brooks recently passed Elvis, The Beatles and Frank Sinatra as the top selling recording artist of all time.

    5. Country Music 318M hits– Rap 140M hits - Hip Hop 83.7M hits Source: Google Fight : Make a fight with googleFight

    I’m not arguing “only Country artists” but don’t exclude great Okies only because they are country artists.

    In summary, don’t argue with “retired empty nesters” (aka Old Farts) we have more time to gather facts and will argue just for the sake of arguing. Put another way “Old age and treachery will trump youth and skill.”


    I appreciate you position but regret you are “tired of it.” Perhaps your Forum moniker says it all. My ornery side says “If you are tired, move on.” My compassionates side says, “Life is a matter of perspective.” Look to hip cities such as Austin and Dallas. They are about as country as you can get. Their “hipness” is due, arguably, to country roots exposed by “Austin City Limits” and “Dallas” (the TV show AND the NFL team). OKC can get there too and still keep its roots.

    Thank you to Oh GAWD the Smell for Google fights. As neat an argument tool as I ever saw.

    Finally: Thank you to every contributor to OKCTalk. This is the first of my contributions that has been answered. Perhaps I’m too old the know when to get off a dead horse. My ego tells me I’m great at the “Last Word, .” but I know better. At least one of I my postings may have shut down johnnyboyokc. “Bricktown Reportcard 10-15-2007”.


  25. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural


    That was the sound of PJ playing the "I'm old so I know better than you" card.

    Dallas is not "hip" by any means.

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