Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
^^Pretty much
When OU has a I-AA school in the schedule now it is usually to fill in for a bigger name dropped out or they couldn't find another mid-minor for the third home game. It happened a few years ago when someone dropped out of the contract because of coaching changes or something and MTSU was open at the late date to schedule a game. That is usually the "money game"

UT had a 2-1 with Wyoming a few years ago and 15 or so years ago OU had a 1-1 with Air Force. The home and home is typical for when they schedule the service academies, which is rare. I wish CU was still in the Big 12, it would have been great if the OU and Tech games were opposite years. We could have gone to Boulder for a game every year. Now it would be nice if one of them played CU, CSU, AF or Wyoming up here. We went to a Tech-UNM game in Albuquerque one year then came to Denver for a Broncos game back when we lived in Austin. My wife never made it to a Tech game in Austin in her 20 years there.
I would love to see OU and OSU schedule more teams in NM, CO, UT and WY. Cool destinations and an easy trip for in-state fans, plus gets the team more exposure in the Mountain West.