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So i was REALLY hoping that when GM moved out, that the rail lines would slow down just nort of 240. Man i was wrong.
I know there are rules about the length of time they can block a line, but they don't apply here. Since the company is using the area as a switching area, the back and forth crap they do nullifies the "blocking" rule. And even that apparently isn't really a law.
So im' curious if anyone knows a good way to file a complaint about the activities on a given line. I believe BNSF owns these lines and they seem to always pick rush hour in the afternoon to do a lot of work. And because of where on the line the area is, the cars move INCREDIBLY SLOWLY! 20-30 minutes of waiting isn't uncommon!!!!!!
In a perfect world for me, they'd rip out the lines to the west so we can pave over the crossings between 35 and Air Depot!!!!! But obviously they're using the lines so that's not going to happen. None of the crossings sit in an area where we can do anything but at-grade either. But there has to be some way to get this company to stop blocking such busy roads. Yesterday, Sunnylane and Sooner southbound were backed up for a full MILE! I U-turned on Sunnylane after 15 minutes of waiting. Went to Sooner, waited 10 more and U-turned again before i finally went to Air Depot, which has a rail bridge so you dont have to wait on the train. All that mess and i still beat the train traffic. I dont know if it was stopped at Bryant as well, but it wouldn't surprise me.
It seems like there has to be a better way to work this out. Get the work done before a certain time or wait until after a certain time so you dont back up rush hour like this!