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Thread: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

  1. #1

    Default Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Bird electric scooter sharing hits OKC

    Last night, Bird dropped off approximately 40 scooters in downtown Oklahoma City and surrounding areas.

    Bird provides electric scooters that can be rented and dropped off anywhere. Users download the App to their smart phone and use it to check out a scooter, then drop it to await the next rider. The Bird App shows scooter locations.

    The following graphic shows the Bird locations in OKC as of this morning:

    The Santa Monica-based company has been agressively expanding all over the U.S. And overseas. Typically, they quietly drop their scooters in urban areas without seeking permits and the practice has frequently led to legal action.

    Bird suddenly and somewhat silently started the program in Milwaukee which has led to the city quickly passing an ordinance that would allow the scooters to be impounded.

    At issue is general safety and local ordinances that may not allow the powered vehicles to be ridden on the street or sidewalks. From the Bird App:

    Oklahoma City is not currently listed as a market on Bird's website.

    OKCTalk has learned the matter of electric scooters have been discussed in private meetings with the City Manager and City Council. The city seems to be in discussions regarding bringing in a sanctioned electric scooter company – such as Lime, Bird's chief competitor – in order to better control the scooters and their usage.

    This is a developing story which will be amended with new information as it becomes available.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    I saw these in Dallas and San Diego on recent trips. I'm not sure if they were the same brand. I can see issues when people leaves these scattered around town and possibly in the street.

    I'm excited about this as it's easier than trying to jump on a Spokie. There are similar apps/companies for bikes where you don't have to dock them.

    I hope this company and/or Lime can work with the city to benefit the people.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    They are already all over the place downtown.

    Be very interesting to see how the city deals with this and how quickly they move.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    How are these powered, by that I mean how do they get power? Since they don't have a dock is it all powered by the forward motion while riding?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    I rode one this morning and it was easy to set up and intuitive to drive. Cost me $3 for a 14 minute ride. It was really fun!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by PaddyShack View Post
    How are these powered, by that I mean how do they get power? Since they don't have a dock is it all powered by the forward motion while riding?
    They are battery powered. One can actually sign up to be a "Bird Charger" much like being an Uber or Lyft driver. The attached link explains it very well.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by ditm4567 View Post
    They are battery powered. One can actually sign up to be a "Bird Charger" much like being an Uber or Lyft driver. The attached link explains it very well.

    I had read this story in Slate a while ago, might also want to read it if you want to be a charger, quite different perspective.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    This is NOT a good thing and I hope the city acts to prevent it. I've been to multiple cities in the past year where these are available and the streets are just littered with them. This is not like Spokies where there are specific locations to park. You literally just leave it on the sidewalk when you're done. They obstruct pedestrians, cyclists and dirty the streets.

    The concept is creative and fun, but the lack of oversight on their use is troubling.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Pretty Uber-esq just showing up and ignoring all laws.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    As I mentioned in the article, I believe the city is working with a similar company to sanction the scooters and regulate them.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    As I mentioned in the article, I believe the city is working with a similar company to sanction the scooters and regulate them.
    Don't regulate them...ban them. Or force companies to offer them exclusively in certain areas at a kiosk where they need to be returned or you are fined heavy $.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by benjico View Post
    This is NOT a good thing... ...They obstruct pedestrians, cyclists and dirty the streets.
    Not as bad as cars do, and hopefully these things will allow people to drive less.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by benjico View Post
    This is NOT a good thing and I hope the city acts to prevent it. I've been to multiple cities in the past year where these are available and the streets are just littered with them. This is not like Spokies where there are specific locations to park. You literally just leave it on the sidewalk when you're done. They obstruct pedestrians, cyclists and dirty the streets.

    The concept is creative and fun, but the lack of oversight on their use is troubling.
    100% agree, I hope the city impounds all these.

    Then I hope they turn around and get a deal worked with Lime so these can be properly regulated.

    I'm all for options, but just ignoring laws and doing whatever you want is completely arrogant. I've watched an interview with the people behind Bird and they seem very arrogant.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    I agree that Bird's business model is sleazy but the concept is great. I too, would like the city to work something out with one of the companies so that everyone is cool. However, having a few days/weeks of wild west no regulation on these bird scooters I think could be a good thing as people will have an alternate mode of transport at their finger tips and can literally go where they want when they want. It's a shock to the system and will be interesting to see how people respond. Again though, for the long term, it's important that everyone is on board for the sustainability of this idea, so I'm glad there is a company doing this the right way by slowly working out a deal with the city.

  15. #15

    Default Electric scooters

    I notice Bird electric scooters have been placed around a few locations in the city. The question I have is if this will actually benifit Oklahoma City, or just be a short term gimmick for Hipsters?

    Personal thought is that OKC is such a large area, that scooters are not going to be of value for anything but very short term trips. . . I am betting it will be short lived.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Ross MacLochness View Post
    Not as bad as cars do, and hopefully these things will allow people to drive less.
    You're right. If only we as a city could come up with a concept that helped people drive less and connect different districts...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by benjico View Post
    This is NOT a good thing and I hope the city acts to prevent it. I've been to multiple cities in the past year where these are available and the streets are just littered with them. This is not like Spokies where there are specific locations to park. You literally just leave it on the sidewalk when you're done. They obstruct pedestrians, cyclists and dirty the streets.

    The concept is creative and fun, but the lack of oversight on their use is troubling.

    As a consumer and occasional person who wants to get around quick and easy, Im all for them. These will be accepted by the public quickly, just like uber was. No need to ban them, just educate everyone. They are movable, they dont obstruct anything. And lol at them dirtying the streets.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    I like the idea of not having to return them to kiosks though, mainly because you can go directly to your destination. That in of itself helps compete with a car, but a scooter is smaller and easier to "park" than a car. Why must we always run and get behind government with things. I like the idea of spokies, but I hardly ever get one because they are all "checked out" so I am all up for more options that can be spread throughout the city.

    Granted, I could see there being issues when you leave it outside a shop for a quick run in to grab something and then someone comes along and grabs it for their use, leaving you to walk...

  19. #19

    Default Re: Electric scooters

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Pretty Uber-esq just showing up and ignoring all laws.
    What laws are they breaking?

    Quote Originally Posted by whorton View Post
    I notice Bird electric scooters have been placed around a few locations in the city. The question I have is if this will actually benifit Oklahoma City, or just be a short term gimmick for Hipsters?

    Personal thought is that OKC is such a large area, that scooters are not going to be of value for anything but very short term trips. . . I am betting it will be short lived.
    Not a gimmick, simply a way to get around. And thats what they are made for, short term trips. No one is going 10 miles on these things. Say you want to go from Tower Theater to Fassler and dont want to wait and spend $7 on an uber, hop on this and be there quicker and cheaper.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Electric scooters

    Quote Originally Posted by whorton View Post
    I notice Bird electric scooters have been placed around a few locations in the city. The question I have is if this will actually benifit Oklahoma City, or just be a short term gimmick for Hipsters?

    Personal thought is that OKC is such a large area, that scooters are not going to be of value for anything but very short term trips. . . I am betting it will be short lived.
    It's perfect for someone like me who lives within 1.5 miles of downtown and do most everything except for grocery shop in the core. I like to walk to places and these scooters will be the best option for me if I'm on foot and need to get somewhere more quickly. It's cheaper and more convenient than calling an uber or lyft.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by PaddyShack View Post
    I like the idea of not having to return them to kiosks though, mainly because you can go directly to your destination. That in of itself helps compete with a car, but a scooter is smaller and easier to "park" than a car. Why must we always run and get behind government with things. I like the idea of spokies, but I hardly ever get one because they are all "checked out" so I am all up for more options that can be spread throughout the city.

    Granted, I could see there being issues when you leave it outside a shop for a quick run in to grab something and then someone comes along and grabs it for their use, leaving you to walk...
    You can leave it locked in your name for those short trips into a store and then come back to it. You just keep paying for it while you have it locked.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    So basically the rate is calculated by time?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    just saw this post on twitter:


    "Bird dropped last night with no permitting. About 40 ��. Lime is going through the process now and wants to bring 300 w/ staff & support."

  24. #24

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    So basically the rate is calculated by time?
    $1 to check out the bike then $.15 a minute

  25. #25

    Default Re: Bird Electric Scooter Sharing

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    You can leave it locked in your name for those short trips into a store and then come back to it. You just keep paying for it while you have it locked.
    Oh, that is good to know.

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