Quote Originally Posted by allseeingeye View Post
Oklahoma City has a ways to go to ever crack that list. Here are just a few things off the top of my head that OKC needs to even be considered:

1. Light rail transit - OKC is the largest city, in terms a area, in the country and unless you have a vehicle you aren't going anywhere. Visitors should be able to leave there cars at the hotels and take light rail transportation to all the key tourist attractions in OKC. Very expensive project but a must for OKC to be considered
I think most of us agree on that.

2. We have no five star hotels - Yes, the Skirvin just opened and there are a few nice hotels in downtown but OKC doesn't have the big name five star hotels such as the HYATT or HILTON. Got to have those nice hotels to be a major city.
The Skirvin is a Hilton. But we do need more of those.

3. Professional sports - Yes we had the Hornets briefly and, yes, the Sonics may move here but right now OKC is not a professional sports city. Redhawks, Blazers, and Yard Dawgz aren't enough to cut it.
Good thing andy left, or you'd be getting a verbal beatdown about how we do have PRO sports, just not major league sports.

4. Theme Parks - Sorry guys, but I don't see Frontier City as a real theme park. OKC needs a Six Flags, SeaWorld, etc. and a major Aquarium to compliment the zoo.
There is no reason why Frontier City can't be that with some good expansion.

5. Resort - To my knowlege, there are no major family resorts anywhere near OKC.
That won't come until we have the attractions to support it. We're getting there.

6. Misc. - I just had a thought. Oklahoma is a big cattle state and has a long tradition of ranching. Why isn't there a cattle ranch, similar to that in City Slickers, where people can take a vacation driving cattle on horseback? I'd sign up. Maybe that's far fetched but why not take advantage of Oklahoma's strengths and heritage?
We have many such ranches in Oklahoma's rural areas.