NORMAN — Attorney General Jan Eric Cartwright, in an _infrequent political speech Wednesday night, attacked Edward _L_. Gaylord, editor and publisher of The _Oklahoman and Times, during a rally of 150 _supporters.
_Cartwrrght talked less than _two-minutes during the _watermelon and soft drink _fund-raiser_, but spent that time comparing _himself and Gaylord.
One thing about _Eddie Gaylord and I—he and I are a lot alike," _Cartwright said.
"I'm an elected official who works for the people, and he is a trust official who works for himself."
Cartwright added that while _he, as a state _official, follows Oklahoma's Constitution, Gaylord "writes his own constitution and keeps it a secret."
With that, Cartwright ended his speech saying, "Thank you very much."
_.The _fund-raiser at Norman's Andrews Park was staged by a group of Norman supporters that charged $1 for a slice of watermelon and 50 cents for soft drinks to raise money for the Cartwright campaign. - _. Gene _Tyner_, a representative of the Sierra Club who was master of ceremonies, said he could not say how much money was raised for the candidate, but in assessing _. _Cartwright_'_s chances in Cleveland County said, "I think _^_he will do well. It's a pretty well-informed electorate."
After the speech, Cartwright was asked why he did not talk more about his campaign for _re-election and his battle with Mike _Turpen of _Muskogee for the Democratic nomination.
He responded, "I learn more by visiting with the people and hearing of- their concerns over taxes and concerns for equal treatment by the government."
Cartwright, who mounts a very modest campaign each election, said he feels good about his contest _. with _Jurpen_, but that. "I always keep looking_, over _;my shoulder."
_Mike Williams, _.who handling _Cartwrights_? campaign advertising, said a $28,000 _television series of ads began running Wednesday, and Cartwright is now trying to raise money for newspaper and radio appeals.