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Thread: Let's talk about the streets

  1. #26

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    Hey, Jman, if you had been on GNL, you would have had a big laugh, someone is on there saying I have this huge agenda because I'm related to everyone in town, at the hospital, on the Hospital Foundation and related to a county commissioner,
    Gosh they make me laugh.
    I hope you are sitting down.....
    So I had to admit, I AM RELATED TO MARK SHARPTON! I LOVE YOU MARK Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal, I can't deny you any longer. LOL

    HA HA

    What the others did to Mark after he was elected, shouldn't of happened, but a lot of people, and the two commissioners at the time, felt Mark lied about Joe during his campaign. I don't remember all the specifics of what they thought he lied about (so don't ask me). Maybe it was their way to punish him, beats me.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    So Okiekatt, are you related to a Commisisoner, hospital people etc? How many of your relatives work for Mr. Leach?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    None, and could you be more transparent? You fool no one with your tactics.
    Sad truly sad.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    Someone has gone to far. They are internet stalking you. LOL I never knew you were related to Leach or anyone on the hospital board etc..... You are double dirty rotten scoundrel hiding those things from us. HEHEHEHE. I know you aren't but........even if you were WHO CARES.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    HA! so now it's a Chappell? That's good, real good...NOT!

  6. #31

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    Maybe next one will be Coffin or Mactolff, I thought people in the media biz were more creative than that.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    Creative is in the eye of the beholder. How do you make a good name out of Coffin? Or Downs for that matter. I am doing the best with what I have to work with. And, I am not in the media.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    It is impossible in the case of the Guthrie scene to make a good name out of Coffin.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    Yah Downs is a big family name in town. There's like 3. Wait maybe 4.

    Now Coffin, I can't eat or go to church without tripping over one of those.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    Oh Charlie I know you're not in the media. Politics, but not media.

    Don't you miss local talkradio too? Ten times more fun than blogging don't you think?

  11. #36

    Default Re: Let's talk about the streets

    DownsTime would be my choice but I have to stop there or I would be terribly polticially incorrect.

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