It was pretty much the same when I was there 35 years ago. The architecture school was in the north end of the stadiums but we had classes all over the campus. My freshman year my Basic Design/Graphics lab was in the basement of the Old Science Hall. Snow would blow in from the bad windows and we had a bunch of snow that year. We couldn't leave any drawing on the board as the snow coming in would ruin it.
You don't have a mortgage?
You get a motgage based on a level of income. If your tax revenues have been consistently reduced by small-minded legislators and donations have suffered due to the slowdown in that sector, sometimes cash pinches are unforseen. Boren oversaw the building of quality, architecturally proper buildings in an acedemic environment - not the most expensive building he could. A successful university isn't made of trailer homes but facilities where you can attract quality professors as well as students. My son felt comfortable there because of those structures and I am proud of him to be a 4th generation Sooner. I'm sorry if you can't see the value of a quality education, but unless you want a robot to replace your child someday at work (or you are a raving genious), a higher level quality education is a must.
To be fair, the robots will obviate plenty of folks with bachelors degrees or better. We’re already seeing the effects of technology on the legal profession, for example. Research that historically required 10+ associates can now be accomplished by one or two because of services like Lexis, Westlaw, and IBM’s Watson. This is one of the chief reasons why attending law school has become such a terrible idea for most people.
Looking up In-State Tuition & Fee rates from school year 2010 - 2011 to 2018 -2019 I did some back of the hand calculations to adjust previous years rates with inflation numbers from the BLS (found here I averaged the time from August to June of the following year.
Unadjusted for Inflation
2010-11 $6,784
2011-12 $7,125
2012-13 $7,341
2013-14 $7,341
2014-15 $7,695
2015-16 $8,065
2016-17 $8,631
2017-18 $9,063
2018-19 $9,063
Overall percent increase in Tuition year over year 29.71% with an average of 3.71%.
Adjusted for Inflation (May 2018 dollars)
2010-11 $7,818
2011-12 $7,913
2012-13 $8,016
2013-14 $7,897
2014-15 $8,139
2015-16 $8,514
2016-17 $9,016
2017-18 $9,287
2018-19 $9,287
Overall percent increase in Tuition year over year 17.61% with an average of 2.20%.
President Gallogly really hit the ground running...
thanks but i do have a mortgage and keep it a small enough % that i can handle unexpected fluctuations, my wife is self employed with an income that can vary so we prepare according. I know/work with several contractors who redid lots of $$ worth of work that was fine just because david and/or molly wanted to make changes.
I am hoping that this will influence the short sighted proposal to have the University and city of Norman build an (unnecessary) arena that neither will own !
OU will be paying rent and not keeping concession revenue.
Yes, they will get to use a new arena but it won't be close to free.
Their stadium is outdated. To stay competitive they must do something. In you guys’ scenario they can’t win. If they stay where they are and continue to struggle and lose patrons and ticket revenue you will be critical. If they spend more money on the outdated arena or build a new one themselves, you will be critical. If they go forward with the new arena arrangement, you will be critical. Hmmmm.
I wonder how countries that focus on academics and don’t have athletics mixed into their higher education while serving as a “free” developmental league for professional sports are able to hang on.
Saving money by spending money is never a sound policy. The proposed plan is for the city of Norman (of which I am a resident ) and the OU foundation ,which directs the private donations as a non profit entity to build an arena, (that may or may not be needed) and direct those funds away from other needs the university could put to better uses is a separate issue .
I don't feel the university requires a new arena as the current one meets all the needs of the school. I do not see the need to involve the university in the entertainment needs of those who have no investment in the outcome of any venture.
And once again you all ignore that athletics at OU actually creates a profit for the university. Not to mention the donations it draws for the academics. Let’s not let facts get in the way.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this new stadium isn't replacing Lloyd Noble, right? OU athletics will just use it for some events and continue to use Lloyd Noble for events too. Besides, OU has recently pumped a lot of money into practice facilities connected to Lloyd Noble.
Personally, I think OU should build an on-campus arena next to the track and across the street from the football stadium.
Or, my urbanist solution for the parking lot that is Lloyd Noble is to do a public-private partnership to surround Lloyd Noble with mixed use student housing, restaurants, and more. The development would push out to the edges of the lot, thus leaving intimate outdoor spaces between Lloyd Noble and the new development. A parking garage or two could be either integrated or put nearby to address parking. That's my dream to fix that area.
The difference between making a profit and making a loss are private contributions to the athletic program.
are you sure? Sooner Sports TV alone brings the athletic department in just under $6 million a year, and then the shared big12 tv revenue was around $37 million. then their part on concessions, ticket sales, money for bowl appearances and other events with payouts, etc... I don't know all of the expenses... but the revenue coming in is pretty substantial without private contributions...
and can you really count required "contributions" to get season tickets as private contributions? much like PSL's in Pro Stadiums, they are just a different form of revenue.
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