Below is from the City Council agenda for February 27, 2018.
The TIF money was not previously approved, the council had previously only recommended it be approved. On this day, the final agreement was to be approved and the subsequently signed by then West Village developers. Up until that point, there was no signed agreement in place.
I will re-state my original point: Many things are not disclosed in the financial dealings of the mayor and city council and we simply have no idea when matters come before public bodies where there are potential conflicts of interest. And the fact these positions are not paid sufficiently thus requiring full-time employment elsewhere means that often, due to outside jobs, there are conflicts that the public may or may not know about.
And this is relevant because it was just discovered, long after the fact, that a City councilman was likely embezzling money based on his position.
How many people do you think know Holt works for Hall Capital? Who knows what he does for them exactly? Who are their clients and investors?
You could say the same for any mayor or council member and they are not required to make financial disclosures apart from campaign financing.
As I said, I am not saying Holt or anyone else has done anything wrong, but we would never know, would we? Just like we didn't know about Pettis.