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Thread: Hopdoddy

  1. Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Because you still want the flavor and food experience, just don't want to be part of killing animals for your meal.
    So from that point of view not much different than the keto crowd that tries to make foods resemble grain products..... I'm not part of that crowd but it's the same thought process.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Pete - do you have an opening date?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by CloudDeckMedia View Post
    Pete - do you have an opening date?
    No. And it's hard to see the inside progress.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    The impossible burger website doesn't have any locations in oklahoma listed on their map of where to get one. So maybe nothing official yet.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    I'm not trying to be a smartass with this question but it's something that's always puzzled me about vegetarians/vegans and I would like to hear answers from your point of view.

    Why do you want food that resembles the food you have chosen not to consume?

    I started wondering this when the smoked jack fruit thing came along and people started comparing it to pulled pork. I've also had tofu from Loaded Bowl that was made to resemble sliced steak.
    Being a fellow fan of the original slider, I thought you might read this before thinking of ordering one when you travel.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    What does the name Hopdoddy mean? Seems like a random nonsensical name to me.

  7. Default Re: Hopdoddy

    From an old Facebook post of theirs:
    ""Hop" is the flower used to flavor beer, and "doddy" is the nickname given to the original Angus of Aberdeen, Scotland."

  8. #33
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    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    No. And it's hard to see the inside progress.
    The whole front is glass and you can see right in.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    I'm not trying to be a smartass with this question but it's something that's always puzzled me about vegetarians/vegans and I would like to hear answers from your point of view.

    Why do you want food that resembles the food you have chosen not to consume?

    I started wondering this when the smoked jack fruit thing came along and people started comparing it to pulled pork. I've also had tofu from Loaded Bowl that was made to resemble sliced steak.
    The Impossible Burger, from what I've learned in the past few days, was created primarily to help convert meat eaters to vegetarianism. If the plant burger tastes just as good as the meat burger, I don't particularly need my burger to be from a dead animal.

    Also, a lot of vegetarians, I imagine, started out eating meat as children and growing up and later made a conscious decision to stop eating meat. They'll still want to have some of the flavors and culinary experiences they used to without having the literal meat.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    oh wow I am sorry for taking the thread off-topic

    And even though a few people have already answered the question, I also want to say that there are also health reasons.
    My dad had to change his diet last year, and being a lifelong consumer of meat, he found it hard to quit.
    Then he read about meat patties that tasted, smelled, and had the almost exact same texture as meat patties, which was the Beyond Meat patties.
    I was out of the country at the time, so when my family told me about this magical product, I scoffed like probably most people would.
    But then I came back to Oklahoma a few months later, and when I finally tried one myself, I was amazed.
    Like you don't know how much my dad loves the Beyond Meat. He eats it every freaking day, even though it isn't cheap!
    When Whole Foods was out of stock, I bought other veggie meat patties, and he wouldn't touch them.
    Now they're sold at Target, and Beyond Meat even makes sausages now (that also taste like real meat sausages).
    I probably sounded like a Beyond Meat spokesperson, but seeing my dad being able to control his diet and not having to eat any cow meat has made me happy.

    And to take the topic back to Hopdoddy, I hope I can go with my dad so we can both try the Impossible Burger, but I'll also try their other stuff as well

  11. #36

  12. Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Mastermind View Post
    oh wow I am sorry for taking the thread off-topic

    And even though a few people have already answered the question, I also want to say that there are also health reasons.
    My dad had to change his diet last year, and being a lifelong consumer of meat, he found it hard to quit.
    Then he read about meat patties that tasted, smelled, and had the almost exact same texture as meat patties, which was the Beyond Meat patties.
    I was out of the country at the time, so when my family told me about this magical product, I scoffed like probably most people would.
    But then I came back to Oklahoma a few months later, and when I finally tried one myself, I was amazed.
    Like you don't know how much my dad loves the Beyond Meat. He eats it every freaking day, even though it isn't cheap!
    When Whole Foods was out of stock, I bought other veggie meat patties, and he wouldn't touch them.
    Now they're sold at Target, and Beyond Meat even makes sausages now (that also taste like real meat sausages).
    I probably sounded like a Beyond Meat spokesperson, but seeing my dad being able to control his diet and not having to eat any cow meat has made me happy.

    And to take the topic back to Hopdoddy, I hope I can go with my dad so we can both try the Impossible Burger, but I'll also try their other stuff as well
    Tucker's announced over the weekend they are serving the Impossible Burger now... So you don't have to wait to go have one with your pops.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    I guess a lot of people requested the Impossible Burger at Tucker's! I've never tried them, and it's of course good to support local businesses, so will definitely visit them soon

  14. #39

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    I'm not trying to be a smartass with this question but it's something that's always puzzled me about vegetarians/vegans and I would like to hear answers from your point of view.

    Why do you want food that resembles the food you have chosen not to consume?

    I started wondering this when the smoked jack fruit thing came along and people started comparing it to pulled pork. I've also had tofu from Loaded Bowl that was made to resemble sliced steak.
    Like was stated up thread by Mastermind. I also have health issues and have to be careful how I get my protein. No red meat, no cured meats (such as ham or bacon), etc. So I love finding alternatives that are close. I've made vegan burgers with black beans, but the beyond burgers are so much better. Pulled pork isn't a problem for me, so haven't done the jack fruit thing myself. My son is a vegetarian, ever since he started college and met his girlfriend (yes, seriously), so he likes these alternatives as well.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Pretty interesting explanation of the Impossible Burger.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    I gave the impossible burger a go at Tucker's. I'll say this, if I had not known it was plant-based and you presented it to me as a regular burger, I'd believe that it was made of beef. In that respect, it is a complete success. With that said, I didn't think it was a particularly good burger. It wasn't bad, but its not going to convert away from meat just yet. I've had other veggie burgers that, while they wouldn't be confused at all with real meat, had their own flavor that, I think, was better than this impossible burger.

    If you're a vegetarian then this is the closest you'll probably be getting to a real meat flavor and texture, but I otherwise wouldn't particularly recommend it based on its own merits.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Short comparison between beef and impossible burger


  18. #43

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    I gave the impossible burger a go at Tucker's. I'll say this, if I had not known it was plant-based and you presented it to me as a regular burger, I'd believe that it was made of beef. In that respect, it is a complete success. With that said, I didn't think it was a particularly good burger. It wasn't bad, but its not going to convert away from meat just yet. I've had other veggie burgers that, while they wouldn't be confused at all with real meat, had their own flavor that, I think, was better than this impossible burger.

    If you're a vegetarian then this is the closest you'll probably be getting to a real meat flavor and texture, but I otherwise wouldn't particularly recommend it based on its own merits.
    Between this answer and a guy who's smoked his whole life saying otherwise, I'll have to give this a go. Is it any more expensive than a burger at Tuckers?

  19. #44

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    Between this answer and a guy who's smoked his whole life saying otherwise, I'll have to give this a go. Is it any more expensive than a burger at Tuckers?
    A single is 4 bucks more at Tucker’s a double is 5 bucks more than the beef burger

  20. #45

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    A single is 4 bucks more at Tucker’s a double is 5 bucks more than the beef burger
    wow. that's...a lot. I guess I was hoping these would be less expensive, since their whole thing is all about using less resources to actually produce a patty.

  21. #46
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    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Asking because I don't know.... and apologies if it has been asked... is the fully burdened cost to create an impossible burger truly more than what it is to create a beef burger or is there simply a "market value" folks are willing to pay and so that is what is charged?

  22. #47

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Asking because I don't know.... and apologies if it has been asked... is the fully burdened cost to create an impossible burger truly more than what it is to create a beef burger or is there simply a "market value" folks are willing to pay and so that is what is charged?
    Probably a combination. There is a market demand that will pay higher prices, so they can, but also, since it's a growing market and there is still limited distribution, they probably need to charge a bit more. I assume the prices will drop with larger distribution and more outlets.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Does Hopdoddy only do the alternative burgers, or can you get beef?

  24. #49

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Kimball View Post
    Does Hopdoddy only do the alternative burgers, or can you get beef?
    They mostly do beef.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Hopdoddy

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    A year or two ago, my wife and I took a little overnight roadtrip to Tulsa. We met a friend of hers for lunch at a place in Brookside called, "Hopbunz." I thought the place was amazing in terms of both atmosphere and food. Then Hopbunz was gone. Why? They got sued by Hopdoddy for stealing everything that made Hopdoddy unique. And Hopdoddy won. If this place is basically a copy of what used to be Hopbunz (or vice versa) then it will DEFINITELY worth a visit. Without having to drive all the way to Tulsa.
    Kind of like what happened to Two Peso's after Taco Cabana sued them.

    We ate at Hopdoddy when we lived in Austin, I still haven't been to the one at Union Station here in Denver. Mainly because I have been on medical leave for a liver transplant since May of last year and don't go downtown too often. I may wander over there once I start back to work in July.

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