Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
I’m sure some “older timers” than me will chime in, but I was born here in ‘62 and grew up in Warr Acres. It was always known to me as NW Highway, but heard it called expressway as a lot as a youngster as well. Back then, Macarthur and NW Highway was a 2 lane north/south and 4 lane east/west intersection with only stop signs, surrounded by open fields. ( anyone remember the fireworks stands that used to be on the nw corner?) These days, due to all the traffic, I’ve heard it refered to as NW No way.
I well remember the NW Expressway/Highway and MacArthur intersection and the fireworks stand on the NW corner. We would walk through that intersection coming home from Hefner Jr. High when we didn't feel like taking the bus. That was 1969/71. We would walk through the field on the SE corner, through the side streets of Cherokee Hills up towards NW 63rd street. A long walk but we were young then. I think we were young, once......

Speaking of traffic, we gave up the traffic of the Portland, Oregon, area to come to the high desert of NE Oregon where the only impediment to travel is when a large deer herd crosses the road! I can live with that!