I wonder if it has anything to do with the Quality Jobs program application.
"Here, look at this pretty building we are going to build. On a side note, we would like some corporate welfare please."
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Quality Jobs program application.
"Here, look at this pretty building we are going to build. On a side note, we would like some corporate welfare please."
I honestly think this is legit because a cruel April fools joke would be if the headline/story read more like "company X plans to build 60-storey skyscraper on the former Stage Center site".
Obviously that would make headlines and most of us on here would LOVE such a headline. But I think OKC is past the 7-floor HQ being that significant for it to be a joke on April 1. I hope I am right, and I'd love to be proven wrong regarding the 60-floor tower planned for Stage Center (in other words, I'd love it if this was true, lol).
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
I really hope this one ends up happening. Small issues aside, the overall design is really nice and modern and should fill that huge void quite nicely. Looks like it will really have a nice impact at night as well.
Am I understanding right that there will be an open plaza on the corner of 6/Broadway, with the building massing at 5/Broadway?
I have so many friends that work there. It's really amazing how rapidly they have grown.
They were #4 on Forbes Fast Tech 25 list of 2017. That's the fastest growing public tech companies. They were behind Grubhub, Facebook, and Arista Networks.
Paycoms model essentially acts as a funnel to okc for jobs. All the support system infrastructure is in okc with small sales offices around the country.
Although they will be beefing up Dallas in the near future. They’re having trouble filling positions here. (Mostly because their standards are crazy high too pass and beefing up Dallas won’t make it easier.)
I dig it, bit I think they meant "parking lot" when they said that the corner of 6th would be a "plaza". I hope that lot will be available for development in the future. Glad to see that this project appears to include GF retail!
Here is a more detailed site plan:
also the little balcony in the back is cool. I wanna try to shoot a ball into the hoop below! (these plans include a bball court in the apropriately named court-yard)
Plans have been formally submitted to the Downtown Design Review Committee for the proposed office building at NW 6th and Broadway in Automobile Alley.
The following is from that application.
616 N. Broadway Avenue
Owner: Andy Burnett
Architect: Elliott + Associates Architects
Design Concept
616 N. Broadway Avenue will be a seven-story building consisting of office and retail space on the first floor and office space on the six upper floors. The building is designed as a contextually sensitive modern structure with materials and proportions that reflect the surrounding historic buildings in Automobile Alley. Our design is inspired by the historic masonry facades and window grids found throughout the district.
616 N. Broadway will further enliven the district with strong engagement along the sidewalks and is located along the new streetcar line. It will be an iconic and respectful addition to one of Oklahoma City’s most important districts.
The Exterior
The major building materials are light-grey brick and curtain wall. Dark grey brick is used as infill panels along the alley side and under windows where the grade of the sidewalk changes. Sidewalk canopies line the west and south sides of the building, providing shelter and human scale along the retail storefronts. The vocabulary of the façade consists of a grid divided into two different sized modules which add variety and excitement to the building. The north elevation includes a 50-foot diameter LED ring which relates to the circular patterns found in every intersection along Automobile Alley while the south façade includes large LED clock hands on the top level. The east elevation continues the grid pattern, and the curtain wall includes architectural metal infill panels, adding variety to the alley-side of the building. The east side of the building also includes a cantilevered conference room at the sixth floor and a covered walkway connecting to the main entrance lobby, which also leads to the main entrance along Broadway.
Site & Landscaping
Great care has been taken to ensure that the project is respectful of the existing surroundings. Chinese Pistache street trees are proposed at the south and west sidewalks and will also be used to screen the north end of the existing parking lot which will be reconfigured. Each tree well will include “Walkers Low” catmint groundcover to match what is already found throughout Automobile Alley. The existing grass lawn at the north edge of the site will be retained and improved while Nellie Stevens Holly evergreens will be used to screen parking, the mechanical and dumpster area and the outdoor amenities space on the east side of the building. Also found at the east side of the building will be seasonal color framing the covered walkway from the alley.
Every time I see the renderings with the neon > in it I want to click on it to see the video.
Looks fantastic, but what is with the wasted space along 6th street? Are they trying to hold that available for future expansion?
Great to see first floor retail space.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the open grassy spot and small parking lot along 6th St, but I do like the rest of this project, including the first floor retail space and considerations given to pedestrians.
I love that little 6th floor bump out conference room. Little thing that's just really neat
My opinions and thoughts :
1) The retail door on the south side will not work as shown in plans coordinating with the renderings. With the dramatic slope near this part of automobile alley, the finish floor of this part of the building will need to drop, and the interior space will need to be tweaked to make this plausible.
2) The curb cut on Broadway from the north parking area is unnecessary. With 90 degree parking, the drive will be two way which will allow cars to enter and leave from the same area. Even if this is revised for one way, there should be no reason to have a curb cut on broadway.
3) The landscape architecture on this job is terrible. The space fronting Broadway and 5th Street needs to be activated, and it appears to be un-designed as leftover space.
4) The scale of this building is great.
5) The circles are starting to get weird, but public art is in the eye of the beholder. It's definitely mesmerizing which is likely the intent.
6) Overall the building is a descent fit for Automobile Alley.
Re #1, the rendering looks like the floor is level from the broadway side. If anything, it looks like there might be steps up from sidewalk on the south side instead of lowering the floor.
Andy Burnett told the DDRC today that he still can't name the employer but it is an "international company looking to relocate their North American headquarters".
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