Laugh my ass of at him in Saving Silverman. I'm sure I should be embarrassed by this.
But of course he will most be remembered for his iconic role in Full Metal Jacket. Many quotable lines (NSFW of course).
Laugh my ass of at him in Saving Silverman. I'm sure I should be embarrassed by this.
But of course he will most be remembered for his iconic role in Full Metal Jacket. Many quotable lines (NSFW of course).
Well this is horrible news, Art Bell and now R Lee Ermey. The first 45 minutes of FMJ are the closest representation of USMC boot camp{for the most part} I have ever seen
RIP Devil Dog.........
I really liked him in Se7en.
The stories of the sand fleas are true. It was a test of ones discipline to not swat at 'em when at attention or really anytime. The Di's instructed us that undisciplined movement could cost you and your fellow Marines your lives on the battlefield. As far as recruit training goes, I was inducted at the Newark NJ AFEES in the fall of 1974. My recruiter informed me that because I signed for 4 years of active duty I could choose either SD or PI. Everyone I knew, including some WW 2 Marine vets in the neighborhood that enlisted in the Marines went to PI. Even the movie THE DI starring Jack Webb was set in PI. In the end there really was no choice. To enlist in the toughest branch and to go the "Hollywood" Marine route would have left me with doubts and the derision of others. Yes I know the training requirements were the same, but not the mystique. Semper Fi.
Dunno when it changed, but Oklahoma Recruits as well as all from west of the Mississippi go to MCRD in San Diego. We didn't have the sand fleas, but seeing the rest of the world enjoying their freedom from the windows of the barracks was a kick in the balls every night. Every plane that took off from the airport which shares a border with the depot left you dreaming of being on one and hating those on the plane in question.
R. Lee Ermey played a drill instructor in another Vietnam movie called "The Boys in Company C" before he was in "Full Metal Jacket". I auditioned for "Full Metal Jacket" at the Buttons Video Store at NW 63rd and May. They held open auditions in Fort Worth, OKC, and Kansas City.
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