10 a.m. Mass
September 23, 2017
Cox Convention Center, Oklahoma City
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Pope Francis recognized Father Rother’s martyrdom last December, making him the first martyr born in the United States and first U.S. priest to be beatified.
Beatification of Fr Stanley Rother Documentary Trailer (born 1935 in Okarche, OK).
Becoming a priest is not primarily our own decision.
Rather it is the response to a call, and to a call of love.— Pope Francis, July 6, 2013
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Okarche, OK - OKC Archbishop Paul Coakley & Pope Francis

Oklahoma City Archbishop Eusebius Beltran (Archbishop Emeritus), center, listens to a mass to celebrate the memory of Father Stanley Rother, photo at far left, at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Okarche, Okla., Wednesday, July 19, 2006. Stanley Rother was an Oklahoman.
Blessed & proud to be Roman Catholic, a convert baptized at St. Peter Claver Church (OKC) & received the sacrament of confirmation at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cathedral (†Bishop Victor Reed) in 1962. My sons were baptized & confirmed at Little Flower Catholic Church by †Archbishop Charles Salatka & †Archbishop Eusebius Beltran.