Re: Criterion Concert Hall
OKC is definitely NOT saturated. Maybe is closer to the number of venues it should have but is not anywhere close to saturated for events.
Now, if OKC had multiple acts, multiple nights in a row at Tower, Criterion, Chevy Bricktown, Blue Garten, the Diamond, Jones, Uptown Theatre, Chesapeake, Cox, State Fair Norick, Civic Center, Zoo Ampitheatre, Yale, Myriad Gardens, and Frontier City (in addition to Lloyd Noble, Rose State, and other metro area venues) - then I'd say OKC would be saturated.
Today OKC isn't even meeting demand of its market but it surely is much better than years past. One thing's for sure, OKC surely does have a nice diversity of venues with room for a few more.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!