Darn, Urbanized beat me to it. I was going to say if you want to see weird crap, Oklahoma can't hold a candle to California, Austin, and Florida. Especially Florida. I mean, Austin is weird, and they are proud of it. California is in their own little universe (and again, proud of it). But Florida...Florida takes it to a whole new level. It's like if weird were pastries, Austin is a cronut, California is a fruitcake, but Florida is one of those cakes with pies baked into it, and each pie has a cupcake inside it. Inside each cupcake is a jelly bean, cause Florida just doesn't know when or HOW to turn it off.
I just have to laugh at the people who seem to enjoy pointing out embarrassing news stories or politics in Oklahoma. Anybody who travels knows that every state has embarrassing stories and laws. Like the mad pooper stories in Colorado and Connecticut, the woman in California who shot a gun at noisy kids, a naked ATV rider in KC, the California bill that seeks to limit cow flatulence, homeless people defecating on the streets in San Francisco, etc. I have an entrepreneur friend in Seattle who constantly rails against the anti-business laws there, and Oklahoma's finances are in great shape compared to Illinois, where they are slashing basic services and talking about defaulting on public pensions. Oklahoma doesn't have a monopoly on crazy. Every state has crazy and I actually find Oklahoma to be tame compared to some states.
For me personally, the two things that make me really want to consider leaving Oklahoma is the authoritarian religious conservatism and the weather/scenery. The latter is what it is and it isn't changing. I think the city could do a better job at landscaping/beatification to make it more visually appealing (like DFW does) but overall this just isn't a great climate. That's part of why OKC is so cheap compared to cities in locations that people find more desirable. The big one for me is the politics. The conservative authoritarian mindset isn't as prevalent among the younger generation but the state really needs a generational change in the statehouse before there will be any progress on this issue. For a state with politicians that scream "small government" this state sure is big on stupid religiously-based legislation. The "crazy stories" I really care about are the ones that involve the legislature trying to take away people's rights in the name of religion.
Aside from these issues, I think OKC has come a long ways in recent years in terms of things to do compared to just a few years ago.
OKC just isn't, and never has been it seems, a good fit for you, bchris. I feel for you and really hope you can find your right place. We all know your story here because it has been the same for five years or so. We all don't know what to do for you, buddy. You have to help yourself. Making the best of the situation without complaint and fear will help you enormously--it' requires a shift in thinking. Since religion isn't your thing, seek help from a professional for your challenges. I truly hope you find a solution since it seems like you are always searching. A very wise person said to me once "Your thinking determines your experience. Period." I have lived by that!
I agree that OKC could do well by sprucing itself up, however the climate and weather is almost identical to Dallas.
Oklahoma as a whole has really diverse topography and things to do/see pertaining to scenery. Wichita Mts, Little Sahara, Great Salt Plains, Ouachita Mts, Grand Lake, etc. aren't too far away from OKC. Could they be marketed better? Maybe, but it's not like they don't exist.
I just want to say that I grew up my entire life in Oklahoma and, this is just my experience, but I've never felt repressed by the religious zeal. Having said that, I am not gay or transgender so I am privileged not to be oppressed directly and I would understand how the politics seep into everyday life for LGBTQ people. I am pissed when state legislators try to impose their own religious beliefs on others, but that happens in a lot of states, including Texas which you so often praise. In my personal life, I have almost no encounters or problems on this issue. I guess this is because my family and friends don't fall into this camp. I come to OKC all the time, hang out with lots of different people, and I can't remember the last time I even encountered a problem related to this issue. So, I guess my question is, are family and friends bringing these issues into your life or is it other people in the community?
I hear you. Oklahomans who don't see themselves as religious authoritarian conservatives should run for legislator. Some of them do win when they do. To name one of them: Rep. Cory Williams.
Once again, people need to run against the incumbents. To not do so will only give them the idea that they must have been doing a mighty damn good job of governing Oklahoma.
I mean good gravy, NYC (NEW YORK CITY!!!) only just last year repealed their nearly century-old cabaret law that made it illegal to dance unless an establishment had a very hard to obtain cabaret license. You can read about it here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/30/n...aw-repeal.html Less than 100 places in a city of many, many thousands of bars and restaurants had the license. So something like the DJ events we see here - Pete doing eighties nights at Flashback for instance - or the new room above Ponyboy, or an impromptu dance floor in front of a band playing in a bar were STRICTLY ILLEGAL.
If you think it was one of those antiquated laws that wasn't enforced, check out this video that I watched by chance just today of Dom Flemons (formerly of Carolina Chocolate Drops) playing a show in NYC before the law was repealed (again, it was just repealed LAST YEAR). He is trying to encourage people to dance if they feel like it, and a dude in the crowd tells him very flatly that it is illegal. This is New York City. Oklahoma definitely does NOT have the market cornered on dumb stuff.
Wow, that’s crazy! But I’ve been saying the same thing: Having lived in Kansas and Texas the last 6 years, the legislatures are just as crazy and there are tons of backwards laws. Heck, I live in a college town in DFW that was dry until the last couple years. Oklahoma does not have a monopoly on bad laws and “backwards” politicians.
A lot of what people complain about in regards to Oklahoma are problems across the country; bad roads, stupid laws, education funding or bad education rankings. Hell, some states just lower their standards to get their education rankings up. Not saying we shouldn't work to improve things, you just need to try and have some perspective.
At least we're not like some California cities where the cost of living is so high, that you have people earning 6-figures living in their cars.
Let’s just look at the worst of every city and state and compare OKC’s best to that. That’s what it sounds like when I always see the “well this other state has these problems” and “this happens there too.” That sort of mentality is my biggest gripe.
PluPan literally NOBODY has said ANYTHING like what you are representing. Even the most boosterish people on this board recognize that Oklahoma and even OKC have significant problems and issues which need to be solved. Some of these problems in many ways even border on crippling. If you believe someone like for instance Dan are giving Oklahoma an undeserved pass you obviously have read none of his posts on the state of education here.
What is being rejected here is the reactionary “ZOMG OKLAHOMA IS THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH AND EVERYTHING OKLAHOMANS DO IS SO STUPID” posts that routinely pollute the discussions on this board and which serve absolutely zero purpose other than to make the poster feel superior in their own choices or point of view.
Literally nobody? Lol I think literally the majority of people posting on this thread the last couple days have been doing that.
Negative posts don’t pollute this board at all and most posts on this site are positive. You’re just being over dramatic. Even NYC forum posters on SSC are more negative than most posters here are. Too many people here disregard the problems and do exactly what you and other posters here did by hiding behind the “these places have that problem too.” You just did it up thread.
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