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Thread: Keith & Patrick??

  1. Default Keith & Patrick??

    What happened to Keith and Patrick?

    I used to like Patrick. That's kinda strange.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    They are no longer affiliated with this site and I wish them well.

  3. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Is this gonna be one of those OKCTalk dictator moments where no explanation is given or allowed?

  4. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    I remain optimistic that a rapproachment can be found. Such a thing would benefit us all.

    Skins can get unrealistically thin ... I recall a day, long gone, about 3 years ago I think, when swords were crossed between Todd, et al, and me, when this site "shut down" for a day or two about or on the topic of membership fees. It was pretty ugly. I said some ugly things, and some ugly things were said back.

    But, back in those days of the wild wild west, the Lone Ranger, aka the Downtown Guy, stepped into that period of time now long forgotten and his intervention resulted in all becoming well and good with the world, OkcTalk particularly included! So much so that when Todd announced, years later, that he'd sold this board to Malibu that I was honored, among several others, to be a recipient of Todd's parting thanks and remarks. It doesn't get much better for me, personally, than that! And, Todd, I'm hoping that you're reading this, because I mean this as a very sincere compliment to you (as well as to me)! We both learned and that was a very good thing.

    I'm hoping for the same result today. Keith and Patrick have poured thousands of hours of their energy and time into this board, all to the good, perhaps more than any currently existing participants have, certainly including me.

    Please, my brothers and sisters, find an amicable solution which will benefit us all. And, by the way, where is the Downtown Guy when we need him?

    Oh ... wait ... I think that I hear his music, the William Tell Overture ... The LONE RANGER rides again! I wish!

  5. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    WOW - just read Keith's blog. It certainly confirms what I was thinking. But I thought maybe it was just me taking things wrong all this time.

    Personally, I think a mature mod. would recuse themselves from any TOS debate regarding a friend of theirs.

    I think if this forum is truly for the members, then we should be allowed to discuss what happened and provide input.

    Of course, this thread will probably get nixed.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    WOW - just read Keith's blog. It certainly confirms what I was thinking. But I thought maybe it was just me taking things wrong all this time.

    Personally, I think a mature mod. would recuse themselves from any TOS debate regarding a friend of theirs.

    I think if this forum is truly for the members, then we should be allowed to discuss what happened and provide input.

    Of course, this thread will probably get nixed.
    IMHO MalibuSooner does not owe an explanation to anyone. Keith and Patrick made a personal decision to leave the forum. Like der Louderback I hope somehow the planets can all be re-aligned someday. In the meantime Keiths blog is public domain for anyone intersted. On a final note (and this may result in being moved to Nosebleed) I find Keiths comment about this forum no longer being relevant to OKC way off base. This forum has a wide cross section of metro area residents as active participants, easy one stop shopping for anyone, local politico or prospective resident, to get information that may have a personal bias but certainly lacks Chamber of Commerce spin. Said personal bias just may be the perspective based on age, education, marital status, or whatever demographic the seeker desired.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Okay, I'm out of the loop on this...where is Keith's blog?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Last edited by Pete; 06-02-2007 at 01:57 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??



  10. #10

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by NE Oasis View Post
    IMHO MalibuSooner does not owe an explanation to anyone. Keith and Patrick made a personal decision to leave the forum. Like der Louderback I hope somehow the planets can all be re-aligned someday. In the meantime Keiths blog is public domain for anyone intersted. On a final note (and this may result in being moved to Nosebleed) I find Keiths comment about this forum no longer being relevant to OKC way off base. This forum has a wide cross section of metro area residents as active participants, easy one stop shopping for anyone, local politico or prospective resident, to get information that may have a personal bias but certainly lacks Chamber of Commerce spin. Said personal bias just may be the perspective based on age, education, marital status, or whatever demographic the seeker desired.
    I agree with ya...Absolutely no problems w/ this forum that I can think of..Is very rare to see heated discussions even in the religion forum since several in your face posters were retired months back

    Have a good mix of serious and fun threads...Exactly how it should be imo

  11. #11

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    As you can imagine, there is much more to all this than I can or will discuss.

    I can assure you that I was forced to make decisions I did not want to make and worked very hard to find other alternatives.

    As much as anyone here, I greatly appreciate what Keith & Patrick have done for this forum -- we all owe them a debt of gratitude.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    FWIW, I think ya did good.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    all I can say is OH HY HECK!!!!!!!!!!

    Keith and I are friends and that wont change... Patrick and I had some different ideas but being banned from a site over that is crazy.

    I dont know what is going on and nor do I want to know more than I do already. I was hoping this site would change for the better.

    I am not sure that is going to happen..

    I am sorry to see Keith and Patrick banned from the site.. I will miss them terribly...
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  14. #14

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    FWIW, I think ya did good.
    I think when we have a different ideas and beliefs. Just because you dont agree with someone you talk about them?

    I dont agree with what happened.. I think when people get that offended on the net that really shows what kinda people they are in life. I can say Keith and Patrick are very lucky not be have friends that are this way in life.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  15. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Without knowing all the details (I've only heard Patrick's side of the story), I can understand why they were removed as moderators initially, but they have now been completely banned and I don't know why that was necessary.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner View Post
    As you can imagine, there is much more to all this than I can or will discuss.

    I can assure you that I was forced to make decisions I did not want to make and worked very hard to find other alternatives.

    As much as anyone here, I greatly appreciate what Keith & Patrick have done for this forum -- we all owe them a debt of gratitude.
    See above...Sure something happened to where Malibu had to take an extreme measure

  17. #17

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by Deni View Post
    I think when we have a different ideas and beliefs. Just because you dont agree with someone you talk about them?
    You assume an awful lot with this statement.

    -- and that which you assume is completely off base.

    I have a very long history here of being against banning people for their beliefs. Welcome to the board, btw.

  18. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    I've now read Keith's blog, and I think it's absolutely RIDICULOUS that Malibu won't respond to this. It sounds to me like he (and several other anonymous mods) are the ones in the wrong, and I'd like to see a defense or maybe I will leave this forum as well.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I've now read Keith's blog, and I think it's absolutely RIDICULOUS that Malibu won't respond to this. It sounds to me like he (and several other anonymous mods) are the ones in the wrong, and I'd like to see a defense or maybe I will leave this forum as well.
    You assume that 1) What Keith is saying is God's honest truth/the whole truth and that no one could possibly have another version of the story; and 2) that Malibu, the owner of this board has to justify himself to you.

    Lots of assumptions flying around here today

  20. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    You assume that 1) What Keith is saying is God's honest truth/the whole truth and that no one could possibly have another version of the story; and 2) that Malibu, the owner of this board has to justify himself to you.

    Lots of assumptions flying around here today
    No, I didn't asssume that. That's why I want to hear the other side of the story, thank you.

    And maybe he does need to justify himself if he doesn't want to lose disgruntled members.

  21. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    You seem to be the only one who's disgruntled.

    How often did Todd ever explain himself around here? I can't recall a single time. Malibu can run this board in the way he sees fit, whether anyone else likes it or not. That's the joy of being the owner.

    If you weren't a part of it, then it doesn't really concern you all that much, now does it? If Keith and Patrick start their own Christian Oklahomans forum then visit it and support it, and be their friend. That's fine.
    Still corrupting young minds

  22. #22

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    I would like to come in in the "middle" of this and offer that we (well, I) only have access to half (a third?) the story. I've read Keith's blog, too, but I don't know what Patrick has to say, and so far Malibu has opted expressly not to say anything about the matter.

    First, Malibu is the owner of the site and, in that capacity, I believe he can do whatever he darn well pleases. That's the grand beauty of ownership. He's no idiot, either, and I'm sure he has calculated that not responding to this situation in a more public way is a risk, even if that response is to people that are not directly affected by the catalyzing incident. Whether that is the wise position to take in this regard is subject to debate, but ultimately it is his call.

    Second, all that said, it would be my suggestion (for whatever that's worth) that it might be in the best interests of the site that something resembling the "other side" be posted. I realize that moderation activities are often something done quietly, and for good reason. However, with one affected party having chosen to "go public" with their perspective, now we know that imaginations, extrapolations, inferences, and theories are running unchecked about the actions and beliefs of the other involved parties, none of which is an accurate representation of reality.

    As I said, I don't presume to tell Malibu how to run his site. It would be my most respectful suggestion, however, that he consider offering his "side" (and I hate to use that term). I can't make any conclusions about what's going on until I have as much hard information as possible. Surely others here would not want to make decisions about leaving okctalk on the basis of incomplete information. There's good to be had here, and while many of us differ (sometimes intensely) on a wide variety of things, it would be a shame for the site in general to be imperiled by this incident.


  23. #23

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Basically comes down to Malibu not wanting to air everyone's dirty laundry on here

    He explained things happened that forced his hand...Not like there is an ongoing sinister plot to get new moderators on here

  24. Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    You seem to be the only one who's disgruntled.
    Acutally, I count at least 3 people just in this thread who have asked for an explanation.

    It's one thing to not go public everytime you ban some guy with 100 posts, but when you are going to eliminate two long-time members that were moderators, I would like to hear an explanation. This is a bigger deal.

    But SoonerDave is right. Malibu can do whatever he wants. I would just like to make an informed decision about what is going on here.

    And it sure doesn't help that I have people speaking to me in negative tones everywhere I go.

    What did I do to you bandnerd?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Keith & Patrick??

    i don't think anybody needs to be given heat for being curious or asking questions. i know i'd be itching to know what's going on, so i can perfectly understand the desire to know 'the other side.'

    jbrown, i (for one) hope you decide to stick around.


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