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Thread: Xfl

  1. #26

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Well the league is a winter/spring league so would be completely doable to play in Norman. I get that it’s second rate but if they learned from their mistakes I think it could be successful. They are looking at speeding up the game and making them shorter. I think they might be on to something but time will tell.
    THIS. NFL games are nearly unwatchable (at least the primetime games). Touchdown. Commercial. Extra Point. Commercial. Kickoff (usually touchback). Commercial. 1 yard run. Commercial (injury timeout). 3 and out. Commercial.

    I doubt XFL will be a big hit, but if they do it right they could be somewhat successful with the Goodell cr*pfest, player kneeling and trump tweeting, domestic violence (XFL will have player standards), etc bringing NFL ratings down.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Xfl

    I think it’s a long shot, but with Trump and his known old anti-NFL feelings they might have a shot at giving it another go

  3. #28

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I think soccer could potentially take over. Seems like the alternative people are putting their kids in which I imagine means we are raising more and more soccer fans. Still I'd like to see some form of football survive, and I think it will because there will always be people wanting to take the risk to make the money.
    I'm afraid soccer is going to have a CTE issue arise some day due to headers and accidental headbutts.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    The NFL have the luxury of college football as their developmental league, don't look for them to buck this trend.
    And it comes with no expense, no liability. Alternate leagues to the NFL have come and gone over the years. The USFL, the WFL, the UFL, to name but a few. All of them have failed. The last successful alternate league, the AFL merged with the NFL in 1970 after a run of 10 years. The XFL has a snow balls chance in hell of success. The NFL commands all the major markets and the stadiums in those cities won't have the XFL play there. Banished to small TV markets, insures no Tv ratings, which means no advertiser dollars.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by d-usa View Post
    I think it’s a long shot, but with Trump and his known old anti-NFL feelings they might have a shot at giving it another go
    Is Trump going to be an investor? Otherwise what does his feelings have anything to do with this getting off the ground?

  6. #31

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    Yeah I really think OKC might already be something the XFL looks into as a market that has one professional team but void of one for football. There is a lot of people I know hat would buy tickets to this especially if they are reasonably priced comeoares to the nfl.
    Other than baseball. minor league sports of late have fared poorly. AHL Barons and CBA Calvery being two examples.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by MitchellCole View Post
    THIS. NFL games are nearly unwatchable (at least the primetime games). Touchdown. Commercial. Extra Point. Commercial. Kickoff (usually touchback). Commercial. 1 yard run. Commercial (injury timeout). 3 and out. Commercial.

    I doubt XFL will be a big hit, but if they do it right they could be somewhat successful with the Goodell cr*pfest, player kneeling and trump tweeting, domestic violence (XFL will have player standards), etc bringing NFL ratings down.
    The game/TV format could honestly be what makes or break this league. Make it shorter with less commercials and faster action, and there will be people tuning in, especially given it will happen when there is no NFL or college football.

    And I agree on CTE making an impact on soccer. Honestly you could make the argument for most sports. At which point you take that risk or try to mitigate it. The more we learn about this disease the better we can handle it and protect players from it.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Other than baseball. minor league sports of late have fared poorly. AHL Barons and CBA Calvery being two examples.
    True, but an alternative to the NFL may make more noise and be more appealing. If they hit the ground running, and really put thought into it this time, they could have success.

    Not sure how many people watched the 30 for 30 ESPN did on the XFL not too long ago, but looking back and reflecting on what they did wrong almost proves that had they not done some of the stupid stuff they did, they may very well have been around for at minimum a couple more seasons. I think Vince McMahon has learned a lot and I don't look for him to make the same mistakes. He's going to take advantage of technology and he's going to attempt to fix the problems that fans have with the NFL.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by MitchellCole View Post
    I'm afraid soccer is going to have a CTE issue arise some day due to headers and accidental headbutts.
    Not nearly on the same level though as football though.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by MitchellCole View Post
    THIS. NFL games are nearly unwatchable (at least the primetime games). Touchdown. Commercial. Extra Point. Commercial. Kickoff (usually touchback). Commercial. 1 yard run. Commercial (injury timeout). 3 and out. Commercial.

    I doubt XFL will be a big hit, but if they do it right they could be somewhat successful with the Goodell cr*pfest, player kneeling and trump tweeting, domestic violence (XFL will have player standards), etc bringing NFL ratings down.
    Yeah, but all ratings are down. Cord cutters, non tv viewing etc. When looking to see what the most watched show of 2017 was, it was Sunday night NFL.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Is Trump going to be an investor? Otherwise what does his feelings have anything to do with this getting off the ground?
    Trumps history with the NFL influences his feelings against the league. He took on the NFL with the USFL, and it seems like there are still a lot of hard feelings from that time. He also might not be an investor in the XFL, but there are a lot of connections between the McMahon’s and Trump and it wouldn’t be surprising if he would support an anti-NFL league if not no other reason than to stick it to the NFL.

    Trump’s tweets against the NFL helped politicize the issues going on, and they are part of the reason that there might be an opening for a league that is already using some of the same issues to differentiate themselves from the NFL. He already had some part in fueling an anti-NFL environment, and for many people it's their love for football that keeps them watching the NFL and their players whose actions they oppose. If there is an alternative league that manages to build a business on those feelings it might be more successful than the last time around, especially if they learned from their past failures. And even though Trump likely wouldn't be an investor, I wouldn't be surprised if he tweeted his support for Vince McMahon and stick it to the NFL.

    I would not be surprised if a tweet like this would hit the internet to push supporters towards the XLF, and I wouldn't be surprised if it would be effective:

    Quote Originally Posted by Trump's Twitter
    NFL lets players disrespect our Great American Flag. SAD. XFL players will STAND for our SOLDIERS and #MAGA by honoring our Great Flag. Proud of a league that SUPPORTS what our PATRIOTS fought and died for.
    This isn't meant to be a political post, I'm just wondering what impact Trump might have had in this current development.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    And it comes with no expense, no liability. Alternate leagues to the NFL have come and gone over the years. The USFL, the WFL, the UFL, to name but a few. All of them have failed. The last successful alternate league, the AFL merged with the NFL in 1970 after a run of 10 years. The XFL has a snow balls chance in hell of success. The NFL commands all the major markets and the stadiums in those cities won't have the XFL play there. Banished to small TV markets, insures no Tv ratings, which means no advertiser dollars.
    The USFL didn't fold until it tried to compete against the NFL by switching to the same fall calendar if I recall. Between the NFL and college football, I don't think any football league will do well competing in the fall/winter. Unless the XFL uses a spring schedule they won't do well, even with the current anti-NFL feelings going on.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by d-usa View Post
    The USFL didn't fold until it tried to compete against the NFL by switching to the same fall calendar if I recall. Between the NFL and college football, I don't think any football league will do well competing in the fall/winter. Unless the XFL uses a spring schedule they won't do well, even with the current anti-NFL feelings going on.
    They plan on starting in February and do a late winter/early spring schedule. Seems like the best possible time to me. Right after the NFL ends and before summer when it gets too hot.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by d-usa View Post
    The USFL didn't fold until it tried to compete against the NFL by switching to the same fall calendar if I recall. Between the NFL and college football, I don't think any football league will do well competing in the fall/winter. Unless the XFL uses a spring schedule they won't do well, even with the current anti-NFL feelings going on.
    First year avg. agate- 25, 031
    Second Year gate- 22, 590
    Third year ( Switched to fall schedule from spring) gate- 24, 375.
    Going to the fall increased attendance over prior year. Those kind of numbers spell failure. No franchises in major media markets for XFL spells failure. Even with the perceived anti NFl sentiments, they still out draw anything else on TV.

  15. #40
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    Default Re: Xfl

    The XFL will have 2 years to figure this out. It will not survive in just large existing NFL markets and it certainly won't survive in just small markets. You know there will be a mixture of the two. The 3 largest markets New York, Los Angeles & Chicago will have teams.

    Abandoned NFL markets with NFL stadiums:

    St. Louis (2,807,002)
    San Diego (3,317,749)
    Oakland (4,679,166) losing Raiders to Vegas & Warriors to San Francisco

    Name recognition markets with city owned stadiums exceeding 50,000.

    Birmingham (1,147,417) XFL - Birmingham Thunderbolts
    Memphis (1,342,842) XFL - Memphis Maniax
    Orlando (2,441,257) - XFL - Orlando Rage
    San Antonio (2,429,609)

    Name recognition small markets:

    Oklahoma City (1,373,211)
    Portland (2,424,955)
    Sacramento (2,296,418)
    Salt Lake City (1,186,187)

    New York, Los Angeles & Chicago will have teams; 5 teams will come from the remaining 10 name-recognition markets.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Xfl

    Seems as though OKC barely missed being considered for this first expansion to Memphis.

    OKC - 40%
    Dallas - 7%
    Austin - 7%
    Memphis - 46%

    West Division
    San Diego
    Las Vegas

    East Division
    New York

  17. #42

    Default Re: Xfl

    success is a long shot... but the biggest thing that turned me off the original xfl was the gimmicks. i think they'll have a better chance at success if they don't try to make it the "wwe" version of football.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    success is a long shot... but the biggest thing that turned me off the original xfl was the gimmicks. i think they'll have a better chance at success if they don't try to make it the "wwe" version of football.

    Right, which is basically why it failed. Vince has said they plan a completely different approach to make it a family friendly, fan centric environment.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Xfl

    It failed because the product was unadultaried crap

  20. #45

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    It failed because the product was unadultaried crap
    I guess you're not buying stock in the New XFL?

  21. #46

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I guess you're not buying stock in the New XFL?
    "There's a sucker born every minute"- Barnum
    This is going to compete for sports fans attention with March Madness, NBA playoffs, and Stanley Cup? Ever wonder why NCAA lower division playoffs get no publicity? Folks have zip interest in inferior product no matter how much lipstick you put on it. So how is Arena League Football doing these days? Whatta joke
    There have been numerous attempts at this that failed. People though ignore history.

  22. #47
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    Default Re: Xfl

    The XFL does have the potential to become an alternative to the NFL; more like a sophomore type league until it can build up reputable cities, ownership & TV contract.

    If McMahon can get into the right (football crazed) markets--cities with name-recognition (St. Louis, San Diego, Raleigh, San Antonio & Oklahoma City) get franchises in the 3 largest markets (New York, Los Angeles & Chicago); expand to 12 teams into markets like Memphis, Birmingham, Dallas-Fort Worth & Houston. The league may build momentum over time.

    Oklahoma City Soccer Stadium https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/mod...Soccer-Stadium
    Mockup version of Oklahoma City Soccer Stadium, if it were to be used for Oklahoma State High School Football Championships. #American_Football #Field #Football #High_School #Oklahoma #OSSAA #Skydance_Bridge #Stadium #State #Union_Station

    Oklahoma City: Partnership with Funk & Funk Jr., build a 20,000-seat plus multi-level open air stadium with expansion capabilities. Get the city to help with TIF funds & infrastructure.

    Not ready to past judgement that XFL will fail.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Xfl

    Hah. I'll agree to disagree but the XFL will never become an NFL competitor in my opinion. Is there a place for a lower level league? Sure. Lots of sports have them. I place this with arena football at best. And I'm a huge WWE fan and have worked with Vince and Shane personally. I loved the innovations last time and hope for it this time but this is their new "Total Divas". It'll likely be on the WWE Network and whatever they say there will be a reality aspect to this. I have low expectations if this even happens.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Xfl

    No one has even broached the topic of streaming media. It’s not hard these days to launch a platform that gels with Roku, Apple TV, chrome, etc. The last couple years have seen entire networks that solely exist on streaming. Not to mention original content by Netflix and amazon. XFL streamed live with amazon prime subscription? Yup.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Xfl

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    No one has even broached the topic of streaming media. It’s not hard these days to launch a platform that gels with Roku, Apple TV, chrome, etc. The last couple years have seen entire networks that solely exist on streaming. Not to mention original content by Netflix and amazon. XFL streamed live with amazon prime subscription? Yup.
    I imagine this is the way they are going. Make it cheap or free. In general it will be interesting to see their approach because it is going to be different.

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