These are the three concepts going in the Maywood II development along Walnut Ave. All operated by chef Andrew Black.
Originally, Black Walnut was to be Meatball House but the other concepts are generally the same.
Work should be starting soon.
These are the three concepts going in the Maywood II development along Walnut Ave. All operated by chef Andrew Black.
Originally, Black Walnut was to be Meatball House but the other concepts are generally the same.
Work should be starting soon.
Wasn't there supposed to be a Black Walnut concept open in Edmond on Covell ?
Really like these concepts. Along with the existing establishments will further establish DD as an urban neighborhood. Wishing him the very best
These look like great concepts that will hopefully enliven that area of Walnut. I worry about the location as it really feels disconnected from the rest of Deep Deuce, but hopefully a place like La Baguette will draw people that way regardless.
A good friend of mine owns a brownstone. That whole maywood apartments development is a blight. At night you can see how many units sit empty. And the orientation of the retail space is absurd. I’ve never heard of a chef opening 3 concepts at the same time, hopefully he has restauranteur partners, I would think the developers are giving away a boatload of tenant improvement dollars to fill the space. And it wouldn’t surprise me if they were trying to sell it. But good luck to them, I would enjoy a little jamon beurre baguette with a good coffe for lunch, if there was any place to park that is.
I love this idea, but really worried about it being successful. I know I'm not supposed to say this, but where will parking be? I agree that we should all be willing to walk more, but if you have a date in heels, that's really not an option. I'm not sure there's enough business from just the folks living in DD to keep them alive. If it's good enough, it will still draw folks, but it sure doesn't help to not have any obvious nearby parking.
Really love that Black Walnut logo. It’s nice to see since the graphic designer in me had a panic attack over the atrocious Dust Bowl “B”.
La Baguette - will it be owned/operated by Michel & Alain Buthion, or licensed to others?
This entire development is sitting on a parking garage. Surely they have parking figured out...
It's also massively visible for the legions of people who take that Walnut exit off I-235 and into DD and Bricktown.
BoulderSooner is correct. Chef Black’s partner is Rudy Khouri, who co-founded and owns the original La Baguette Bakery in Norman. The La Baguette Bistro on North May - owned by Michele and Alain Buthion under a brand agreement with Khouri and using Khouri’s wholesale baked goods - has no connection to this project.
Regarding parking:
- Customers will be able to acess the Maywood II parking garage at no charge, entering off of Oklahoma Avenue and parking near an underground interior entrance. there will be a learning curve but it will be very easy once you've been there one time.
- There has been some discussion related to elimination of one southbound lane on Oklahoma and conversion to a parking lane. This would also have significant benefit for Mosaic and go a long way to making Deep Deuce more walkable in general.
Assuming you mean walnut and level ?
Oops. Yes, was in a hurry.
One southbound lane on Walnut closed to create parking lane, which would also benefit LEVEL. Not saying it is going to happen for sure; only that the idea is being discussed by some.
That would be awesome.
Welp. That explains it way better than I did.
Pete, is this different from the Black Walnut Cafe that was proposed in Edmond but never got built?
Signs to go up soon.
Are they still keeping those terrible blue awnings? Also would love to see those two little “house” entrances to be cover in vines. Make it look charming cause right now it just looks awkward.
Very sad when I found out that this "Black Walnut" wasn't the same as "Black Walnut Café" that is in Texas. Easily some of the best brunch food that I have ever had in my life. Also, hope the owners have more success with this establishment than they did with House 333 on Campus Corner in Norman...lasted all of about 6 months, maybe.
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