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Thread: Sussy's Bricktown

  1. #26

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    I had it last week (to go). The pizza was for sure Nomad style. Awesome!

    Urbanized, I don't know if you remember us talking about this - but crazy how long ago this was:

  2. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    That's wild!

  3. #28
    Join Date
    May 2008
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    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Good to know the Fleetwood has been preserved. It was the best pizza in OKC imho.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    I've taken the family to Sussy's after a movie next door several times since they've opened. I had zero experience with previous Sussy's or Nomad, etc., so I really had no baseline for what to expect from this location.

    Let me say that I really enjoy it. I'm not usually big on red sauce, so I was a little dismayed there wasn't any alfredo, but I've just been devouring every dish I've gotten. I just got a basic spaghetti with sauce dish just to give their "Sussy's sauce" a try and it was great. The lasagna was great. The chicken parmesan is great. Their pizza is amazing.

    I'm pretty much falling in love with this place. Like, I want to go see a movie just so I can have Sussy's after.

  5. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    It is simple, good, old-school family Italian. The most traditional style of American Italian you can imagine with no attempt to regionalize or get fancy, and honestly I think that is its strength. Very few places like that in this neck of the woods, especially these days. The ingredients are fresh and high quality, the recipes are faithful to the original with a few quality updates, and I PROMISE if you take someone who lived Sussy's in the 50s, 60s etc they will LOVE it. I've been with my dad a couple of times and he loves loves loves it, and remembers well going to the original as a young man and to all of the various incarnations over the years. Also, the space is really comfortable, the cozy bar is great and the staff is super.

  6. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    It is simple, good, old-school family Italian. The most traditional style of American Italian you can imagine with no attempt to regionalize or get fancy, and honestly I think that is its strength. Very few places like that in this neck of the woods, especially these days. The ingredients are fresh and high quality, the recipes are faithful to the original with a few quality updates, and I PROMISE if you take someone who lived Sussy's in the 50s, 60s etc they will LOVE it. I've been with my dad a couple of times and he loves loves loves it, and remembers well going to the original as a young man and to all of the various incarnations over the years. Also, the space is really comfortable, the cozy bar is great and the staff is super.
    I know this seems like a strange question or perhaps an obvious one, but how do folks around here pronounce the name of this restaurant?

  7. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    I know this seems like a strange question or perhaps an obvious one, but how do folks around here pronounce the name of this restaurant?
    I pronounce it SUH-sees

  8. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    That's how everyone I've ever heard say the name pronounce it, including the current owner.

  9. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    I pronounce it SUH-sees
    Thanks! Didn't want to be the local who didn't say it right!

  10. #35

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Sussy's was founded by Jake Samara and he hired Jack Sussman and named the restaurant(s) Sussy's. So, SUH-sees is a good description of the pronunciation. I have eaten their pizza from the 50's till the Nomad II closed and it's still my favorite pizza. I really want to get down there and enjoy it again but I'm not sure I can make it with my health problems. Maybe convince my boys to take me down there one of these days. If I say "I'm buying" I'm sure they will be ready to go.
    C. T.

  11. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    C.T. if you talk them into it let me know. I’d like to catch up with you and also with your oldest. Haven’t seen him in years and he used to be one of my closest friends.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    C.T. if you talk them into it let me know. I’d like to catch up with you and also with your oldest. Haven’t seen him in years and he used to be one of my closest friends.
    I will certainly let you know. I have moved to an independent living (old folks home, retirement home) facility that is literally 100 feet from Lafe's home. I can throw a rock over the stockade fence separating us and hit him in they head. And you know he deserves it. Anyway, my point is, I will offer to take Lafe and his family for pizza one of these days and let you know when we are going.
    C. T.

  13. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Sounds great C.T.! I just moved my mom into an independent senior living place just a stone’s throw from my place, so I’m sure he and I will have plenty on which to compare notes!

  14. #39

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Sounds great C.T.! I just moved my mom into an independent senior living place just a stone’s throw from my place, so I’m sure he and I will have plenty on which to compare notes!
    Have her give me a call, we can discuss the best rocks for accuracy and damage. I'm sure you need it occasionally too.
    C. T.

  15. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    Have her give me a call, we can discuss the best rocks for accuracy and damage. I'm sure you need it occasionally too.
    C. T.
    Haha sounds like a terrible idea

  16. #41

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    I stopped by for lunch today. Enjoyed the fried pepperoni pizza, and the meatballs


    How much pepperoni is too much pepperoni? I have yet to cross it, and this amount isn't it. Not great cold though. I took some back to the office, and probably should have reheated it. Best meatballs I think I've yet to have in OKC. More than anything though, I enjoyed the marinara sauce on the pizza and the meatballs.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Man that photo of the pizza... I know where I will be making at least one trip this weekend.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    I stopped by for lunch today. Enjoyed the fried pepperoni pizza, and the meatballs


    How much pepperoni is too much pepperoni? I have yet to cross it, and this amount isn't it. Not great cold though. I took some back to the office, and probably should have reheated it. Best meatballs I think I've yet to have in OKC. More than anything though, I enjoyed the marinara sauce on the pizza and the meatballs.
    I don't recall a pizza like that at Sussy's. The bread looks normal but it is really loaded with pepperoni. I would love that much pepperoni. My favorite for years was "sliced" Italian sausage but Nomad II quit using sliced in their last couple of years and just used ground sausage. It's still good but in my opinion not as good as sliced.
    C. T.

  19. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Closed as of this weekend. Shame too since I thought it was pretty good. However there is zero exposure and I not surprised.

  20. #45
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Wow. I was wondering, was in there last weekend and it was pretty dead.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Son of a gun

  22. Default Re: Sussy's Bricktown

    Two places I frequent gone in the last week. Not liking this pattern...

  23. Default Sussy's in Bricktown

    We just found out they are closed. Does anyone know when and if they are going to open another location?

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