There was a time that they were trying to funnel all of their open positions to OKC, but according to a few of my former colleagues, things deteriorated quickly in the last year and upper management decided to move all support and operations overseas. I'm pretty sure they own the OKC facility, so I highly doubt they let it go completely.

In a vacuum, it's a pretty good place to work. All of the people I worked with were nice. It's a really collaborative environment with small, but high functioning teams. Most of middle management was great to work with. As worn down as the outside looks, it's really not that bad inside. The cafeteria was recently renovated, and other renovations were soon to follow before layoff-palooza.

Unfortunately, as soon as the stock price is threatened, their first, second, and third strategies are to outsource everything. We'll probably see OKC start to get filled up again once their stock recovers.