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Thread: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

  1. #1

    Default Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Hurts Donuts have announced an Oklahoma City Location coming by the end of the year. They have yet to announce where in OKC that it will be located but you can follow them on their facebook page.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    So I take it none of you have been to the hurts in Norman.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    I have, I love their variety. Looking forward to one being closer.

  4. Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by ChowRunner View Post
    So I take it none of you have been to the hurts in Norman.
    I have, a couple of times. Honestly, I wasn't impressed. I'm more of a purist. Keep it simple with the toppings and flavors. That said, my pre-teen cousins love all that crap they put on them. Give me a Missy's glazed or chocolate any day.

  5. #5
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    I occasionally love a Hurt's blueberry streusel donut or the maple bacon long john, but most of the others have way too many toppings and I'd rather have a Dunkin' Donuts coconut cake donut.

  6. Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I have, a couple of times. Honestly, I wasn't impressed. I'm more of a purist. Keep it simple with the toppings and flavors. That said, my pre-teen cousins love all that crap they put on them. Give me a Missy's glazed or chocolate any day.
    I also don't like Hurts. We get them at work every week and I just don't like them. Too dry for me.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    ^^^. Same thing about the dryness. Take the fruit loops and other stuff off and these doughnuts can't stand on their own. Gourmet Donut on Porter has a superior product.

  8. Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    ^^^. Same thing about the dryness. Take the fruit loops and other stuff off and these doughnuts can't stand on their own. Gourmet Donut on Porter has a superior product.
    The couple of times I tried Hurts donuts with cereal on them. The cereal always had a stale quality to it... Not so much the taste but the texture.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    The couple of times I tried Hurts donuts with cereal on them. The cereal always had a stale quality to it... Not so much the taste but the texture.
    Yeah, I like Hurts but that's been my experience with the cereal donuts as well. Very stale.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I have, a couple of times. Honestly, I wasn't impressed. I'm more of a purist. Keep it simple with the toppings and flavors. That said, my pre-teen cousins love all that crap they put on them. Give me a Missy's glazed or chocolate any day.
    Missy's is darn good. They now have a second location at 33hwy and I-35. One of our coworkers who lives a bit north of there usually brings in a load every Friday, and they're almost always still warm. A week ago last Friday, he couldn't make it, so he asked me if I would go pick up the order. I said no problem, and drove from west Edmond up to Guthrie at 6:00a to get them.... $83 worth.

    By the way, their chocolate bread is awesome.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    I'm glad the stale cereal quality wasn't just me.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    The name is going to make it confusing for the joke when you ask someone if they want a hurts don't it and then punch them in the arm.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    They are purposely keeping the exact location a secret.

    Just talked to the owner who said they would be doing a scavenger hunt type of thing after the first of the year along with all types of donut prizes.

    Hurts is out of Springfield, MO and this will be their 17th (!) location.

  14. Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    I don’t think this thread has turned out the way ChowRunner anticipated.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    ^^^. Same thing about the dryness. Take the fruit loops and other stuff off and these doughnuts can't stand on their own. Gourmet Donut on Porter has a superior product.
    This is a shame to hear. I've never been to Hurts, but I've spent a lot of time in the prototype hipster donut shop--Voodoo Donut in Oregon. Those donuts definitely stand on their own, regardless of the weirdo topings.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I don’t think this thread has turned out the way ChowRunner anticipated.
    Lol nope, I enjoy a few of their donuts but don't get the chance to get down to Norman often. The Jesus donut is amazing, so maybe it's a good thing that it isn't any closer or on my commute.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Wife and I tried them once and thought it was terrible. Bacon long john was about as dry/stale as a donut that I've ever had. Most likely been sitting there for at least several hours. Even a half day old donut from Dunkin wasn't as bad. We also had a cake donut and it wasn't as bad but way too sweet. This was over a year ago, so I can't remember what topping we had on the cake donut. The donuts definitely look cool when placed in a box with all the various toppings, but the quality is nowhere near any of the local mom-and-pop shops in town. Give me a traditional donut from AM Donuts, Best Donuts, or Daylight on Hefner/Penn any day of the week.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Hmmm, I’ve always enjoyed their donuts though they are a tad on the dry side.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Have they announced where the location is going to be yet? Or when it is going to open?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by dwmouser View Post
    Have they announced where the location is going to be yet? Or when it is going to open?
    No, not yet.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Tried the Norman location twice, horrible the first time, second time was hoping for improvement, WRONG!!, by far the worst donut I've ever had.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    They will be going into the Citizens State Bank building on 23rd. They haven’t officially posted this yet but the pictures they posted make it clear it’s this building (603 nw 23rd)

  23. #23

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    I am glad life is coming back to this building...but...is a donut shop the best use here?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Quote Originally Posted by 5alive View Post
    I am glad life is coming back to this building...but...is a donut shop the best use here?
    Why not? They have a fairly good following. They will attract people to the Uptown district during the morning and day. Im not a huge a fan of their donuts, but I know many who are. I think they will do good and bring a different mix of people to the area.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Hurts Donuts - Oklahoma City

    Is the Dunkin' Donuts still going in 1/3 of mile east of here?

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