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Thread: LIT proposes music mural

  1. #1

    Default LIT proposes music mural

    Did anyone catch the JR article last week about LIT gallery and rooftop bar proposing to paint a music mural on their west wall. It would pay tribute to famous Oklahoman musicians such as the Flaming Lips (appropriate being on Flaming Lips alley), Charlie Christian and others. The idea was presented to the Bricktown Design and Review Committee and they seemed hesitant to the idea. They suggested possible other artists Carrie Underwood, Toby Keith, etc. Personally I like the idea and don't think they should have to go under such ignorant scrutiny. Especially since LIT is more of a modern hip bar and gallery and not some honky tonk. I don't think country artists should be predominantly displayed on their building. Heck, we all know most of the city council and Bricktown Design board didn't know who the Lips were until the recent alley naming controversy. Because of their ignorance, they are recommending the Arts Council of OKC review the proposed mural to deem if it is "appropriate" or not.

    If someone has the article, please post it, otherwise I'll try to dig it up later this week and manually type it in.

    Personally I feel we need more murals and public art and we need a smoother process for public art.

  2. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    That's ridiculous.

    That's like saying, "no, LIT, we would prefer you play country music because thats what people are familiar with".

  3. #3

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    At least they are smart enough to pass it off to the Arts Council of Okc for the review.

    If Okc wants a country western mural, they can paint it on the side of Toby Keiths restaurant or on the Fish and Bait Warehouse.

  4. #4

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I agree. Anyhow looks like no one posted the JR article so I'll manually retype it since I don't have online JR access. There is a rendering so someone please post it!! It's May 10th, 2007 issue.

    Mural proposed in Bricktown
    by Kelly Chambers
    Journal Record
    Oklahoma City- The LiT Lounge in Bricktown may soon get a face-lift in the form of a mural on its west side depicting the faces of music celebrities with Oklahoma roots.

    On Wednesday the Bricktown Urban Design committee looked at a rendering of the proposed mural to get an idea of the famous faces the owners of the bar hope will grace one of its exterior walls.

    Some members of the committee, however, said they would like a review by the Oklahoma City Arts Commission before any paint is slapped on the wall.

    Committee members said they would like several deserving musicians represented. The Oklahoma City based Flaming Lips, depicted in the rendering, would likely be a shoe-in since the bar backs up to Flaming Lips Alley.

    Others depicted in the rendering by Oklahoma City artist J.R. Feuerborn included Bob Wills, Woody Guthrie, and Charlie Christian.

    Other suggestions included adding country singers Vince Gill and Carrie Underwood.

    The committee approved a two-month continuance to give the Arts Commission time to review the matter and for the bar owners to secure licensing rights to use the musicians' likenesses.

  5. #5

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Don't forget to add Color Me Badd!

  6. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    all american rejects... kind of more LIT oriented than Ms. Underwood (i'm not suggesting i like the AAR either)

  7. #7

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I agree jdsplaypin, and Hinder would be another good one too. Would fit in more with LiT and Bricktown for that matter.

  8. #8

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Some on the council and various other city governing groups have a personal vendetta against the Lips because of their open criticism of the war in Iraq. I wonder if this is what the hesitation is all about.

  9. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I would prefer them avoid "new" artists like Carrie and especially Hinder, just in case they fizzle out.

  10. #10

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    The council doesn't have anything to do with the Bricktown Urban Design Committee. The members are Tom Wilson (Chair), Avis Scaramucci (Vice-Chair), Bob Bright, Marsh Pitman, John M. Yoeckel.

    Here is the agenda item, when I get the minutes next month I will share them.

    3A. BCA‑07-003, at 209 Flaming Lips Alley. Consideration and possible action on an application for a Bricktown Certificate of Approval by M. Lane Peyton, LiT Lounge, for Joe S. Wylie, to (1) add awnings; and (2) add mural.

  11. #11

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Couple questions:

    1. What's the lifespan of an outdoor mural? I'm not a outdoor paint expert, but has anyone contemplated what happens when all of our new murals fade?
    2. What's wrong with appreciating the natural and diverse colors of our existing brick buildings? (Or the names of our Bricktown streets, for that matter?) Why is it that we want to repaint (and rename) everything that exists within our "historical district"?
    3. When do "murals" become "graffiti"?

    Kind of sad...

  12. #12

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I personally think the mural is a great idea- public art can be a good thing when done correctly. The Arts Council of Oklahoma City doesn't get to make decisions like this. The Arts Commission determines public art for the city, but it appears the Bricktown Urban Design Committee will weigh in on this one.

  13. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by bricktownlife View Post
    Couple questions:

    1. What's the lifespan of an outdoor mural? I'm not a outdoor paint expert, but has anyone contemplated what happens when all of our new murals fade?
    2. What's wrong with appreciating the natural and diverse colors of our existing brick buildings? (Or the names of our Bricktown streets, for that matter?) Why is it that we want to repaint (and rename) everything that exists within our "historical district"?
    3. When do "murals" become "graffiti"?

    Kind of sad...
    Right on.

    Personally, I would like to see graffiti. Graffiti would mesh better with the more urban and "hip" feel of LIT. Woohoo...another mural. Same ol, same ol. Once again, lets do what everybody else does.

    Forgive me, Underwood fans, but really...she won a "reality" TV contest. Being an artificial star doesn't earn you a spot on a wall in Bricktown.

  14. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    What's your beef?

    Quote Originally Posted by bricktownlife View Post
    1. What's the lifespan of an outdoor mural? I'm not a outdoor paint expert, but has anyone contemplated what happens when all of our new murals fade?
    You paint over them or give them a touch up. Not rocket science.

    2. What's wrong with appreciating the natural and diverse colors of our existing brick buildings? (Or the names of our Bricktown streets, for that matter?) Why is it that we want to repaint (and rename) everything that exists within our "historical district"?
    That's quite the hyperbole. There's what, like 3 murals in Bricktown? A nameless alley was named after a world famous band from Oklahoma. There is plenty of Brick still showing and plenty of streets that haven't changed.

    3. When do "murals" become "graffiti"?
    When they are painted without the permission of the building owner and other authorities. Again, doesn't take a rocket scientist...

    Kind of sad...
    Oh, so public art is sad now??

  15. #15

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Well said jbrown. Entire downtown has what, probably less than 5 murals in all of downtown, maybe 1 in Bricktown that I can think of. This proposed one would be two to my knowledge. If anything public art enhances the quality of life. With bricktownlife's point of view, I guess the real big, hip modern cities must be garbage. I just got back from Philadelphia. Many locals call it the city of murals, they have over 2500 murals in the city, most in the inner city/downtown area. Keep in mind, Philadelphia is the oldest city in our country and where our country was founded. Many of the houses and buildings still in tact are 200+ years old. And guess what, many of them have murals painted on them. They're lovely IMO. I'll try and post some pictures soon to show you. Even though I've currently not been involved with any public murals, etc. in this city, I'm trying to get an initiative started here in OKC for more murals and public art.

  16. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I took this in San Antonio. It's the side of a hospital.

  17. #17

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I'm all for re-naming streets and having something pretty to look at instead of a bunch of bricks.

    This town needs more character--stuff like this will go a long way in that department.

  18. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    That mural, I believe is a mosaic. There is a great story behind it.

    A mural doesn't even go with the style of LIT.

    Elliott + Associates Architects

    instead of a bunch of bricks.
    So lets call it "PrettyTown" instead.

  19. #19

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    A mural doesn't even go with the style of LIT.
    LiT is also an art gallery. How does a mural not fit in with a bar that doubles as a gallery?

  20. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    It is a gallery for "Sophisticated" (for lack of a better term) art, Not the folksy mural style. If there is going to be a mural, it needs some edge.

  21. #21

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    So lets call it "PrettyTown" instead.
    I like it.

    I'd wager that, even with a mural or two, there will still be plenty of bricks for people to look at down in PrettyTown.

  22. #22

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Does anyone else remember the graffiti wall in downtown OKC that was there like 15 years ago? I remember it was a big collage of many different things, including Bart Simpson.

  23. #23

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I'm not a fan of these huge murals. I suppose if it is done right, it could look good. Also, isn't there one that is suppose to be painted on the north end of the canal? I think I saw a rendering and thought it looked kinda tacky. Hopefully it will look good.

  24. Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    Who said it was going to be a "folksy" mural? Do you really think the owners of lit are going to propose a mural that is not within the modern, edgy style of their establishment? There's a reason they included Charlie Christian and The Flaming Lips, and not Vince Gill.

  25. #25

    Default Re: LIT proposes music mural

    I agree that LIT would not put up something that didn't match their overall theme. They are known for being artistic and showcasing local artists. Why would a mural NOT work? I highly doubt they want to do something "pretty" like rainbows, butterflies, and puppies. We aren't talking about painting the entire bricktown area...just LIT. Besides...did everyone start calling it pretty-buffalo-town when all of those retarded (sorry) buffalos were put up on every corner? (I know I'll get it for that one...our state animal or whatever. Just my opinion - they look retarded.) I like the idea of a mural and would grab a brush and help.

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