Isn't that corner valuable enough to put in a 3-4 story parking garage so an additional 15-20,000 SF building be placed on the site? Although I'm sorta disappointed that OnCue not going there.
Isn't that corner valuable enough to put in a 3-4 story parking garage so an additional 15-20,000 SF building be placed on the site? Although I'm sorta disappointed that OnCue not going there.
Yeah and I wish they didn't have parking fronting 50th St. but this along with Helm will make this area pop.
I wanted the onCue for strictly personal reasons -- I live on 40th - Frontage on either Western or 50th ought not to be parking.
Pete, when is this starting? Will Helm on Western start as well?
Are you referring to the new traffic lights? I was wondering about that. I thought maybe the lights were added to benefit the neighborhood, but it hasn't seemed that way in practice.
Yes, the light at Lombardy and Western (directly across from Deep Fork Grill) has caused so much confusion. The people cutting through the neighborhood now from Classen to Western can't seem to figure out there's a light there, and people traveling south on Western can't seem to either.
In theory, the light was supposed to work well. But now you have to wait a couple cycles of the light (especially in the morning time) because the southbound travelers will not stop sitting in the intersection. Forget getting into the left lane so you can enter EB I44.
I take Classen out of the neighborhood 99% of the time now.
IMO they need some better signage and also to change the lights to those kind you can only see from certain angles. I find even myself accidentally missing the first light because I've somehow fixated on the second light, they're in such close proximity.
I would agree. I know this light was supposed to help, but if I'm not getting on WB I44, I'm not taking that exit out of the neighborhood.
Maybe that's what they were trying to accomplish.
You should consider opening a ticket with the Action Center to see if that level of complaint could get it on a bigger radar
That might be something I look into.
I will say that there is about 40 homes in my neighborhood. If the electricity goes out, it isn't a big deal to OG&E. I can see the same attitude being taken with this.
*I should have prefaced all of this by saying, "If this is the worst thing I have to deal with in my awesome little neighborhood, then so be it."
The action center is a city function, recommend at least getting on their radar. OG&E reported issues... well, not a city function...
Dirt work began on the eponymous lot of this thread. Hideaway Pizza will be soon be within walking distance.
They are closing the other one, correct?
I Just heard that a neighborhood group has or will fight to impose a bunch of restrictions on Hideaway like exterior lighting off at 8:00 pm. Anyone else?
Pete, is the project catty corner at 49th and Western (SW corner) still happening?
From today:
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