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Thread: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

  1. #1

    Film Exchange Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    Owners of Jones Assembly and 21c buy Film Row eyesore

    Hall Capital, which owns the ambitious Jones Assembly and adjacent 21c Museum Hotel, has purchased another key property in booming Film Row.

    Abandoned for years and in a severely dilapidated state, the old Oklahoma Clutch supply sits directly across the street from the Jones on a highly visible corner. The City of Oklahoma City had issued the previous owner multiple citations for broken windows, rotting fascia and trash.

    The property is also directly across Sheridan from the expansive West Village project, with 345 apartments, retail and commercial space well under construction.

    Hall also owns several properties to the south of Sheridan which are primarily being used as parking for the Jones at the present time.

    The 7,000 square foot building was built in 1926 and was sold along with .24 acres of land for $900,000.

    Earlier this week, another key Film Row property sold with the new owner planning extensive renovations to the old International Crystal buildings.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    This is awesome. That place was such an eyesore, and dangerous to walk past with the frequently-present pieces of broken glass and such..

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    I walk past it all the time and the soffit above the glass facing Sheridan is rotted and collapsing on the sidewalk, and pigeons get in there and rain down crap from above. It's a disgusting mess.
    Inside, you can see wet insulation that had fallen down and nothing but a ton of junk.

    This is really the last bad property on Sheridan between the CBD and Classen.

    I'm sure the Halls will ultimately redevelop it along with the other neighboring properties.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    This is a photo I took a few months ago:

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    This is great news. I'm really pumped to see development continue in west downtown.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    Quote Originally Posted by riflesforwatie View Post
    This is awesome. That place was such an eyesore, and dangerous to walk past with the frequently-present pieces of broken glass and such..
    How weird that we were just talking about this building when we were at Jones.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    How weird that we were just talking about this building when we were at Jones.
    We were just talking about this in another thread as well.

    Just goes to show how something really stands out after the area comes up around it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    Speaking of this pigeon nest.

    Is there something going on with birds on this side of downtown in general? There is swarms of those (maybe grackles) black birds and they are destroying every surface from there to the Farmers Market.

  9. Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Speaking of this pigeon nest.

    Is there something going on with birds on this side of downtown in general? There is swarms of those (maybe grackles) black birds and they are destroying every surface from there to the Farmers Market.
    I've seen them in this area every year for the 20+ years I've been working here.... They especially like sitting in those big trees along the west side of Western just north of Sheridan and on the power lines at that intersection.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    I used to go in there every now and then for my work back in the day. I'd like to get my hands on that sign before it get's scrapped.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    I can sure see that building as a restaurant/bar with all that glass and aluminum reworked to provide a mostly open air covered patio.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    The property includes the quarter acre lot to the east, so lots of potential here.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    I saw them clearing out trash into a dumpster last week.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma Clutch Supply

    They have finally gotten serious about cleaning out this property.

    No building permits or design submissions as of yet.

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