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I kind of thought AAA wasn't really a thing anymore, in that I mean I figured hardly anyone used them, so there wasn't much brand loyalty anymore.
Couple of recent experiences, one directly and one indirectly, have led to that belief. Two weeks ago good friend of mine was driving I95 from Richmond to Orlando and had a blow out. Company pays for AAA and when he called they stated over 2 hours before someone could be there. Pretty ridiculous because he wasn't that far from a town, less than 7 miles. At the time I remember thinking that's a ridiculous time frame being on a major interstate. He told me that any more was pretty common experience for him when calling AAA, and that there are better companies to use for roadside that he had been trying to convince his employer to switch too.
Second experience with the insurance was me directly. Homeowners went up like it always does and a year ago I called AAA wanting to see about a quote. Give them all my info and then they send me a quote that's like almost triple what it was at the time. I really just figured they were high, but they called me back and I said this is a ridiculously high quote, I'm not interested at all. They said well normally we are fairly competitive, what's one of the other quotes so I tell them and they start to tell me there is no way it's right, I must not be covered properly. Okay fair enough there may be some differences, but after going through it with them, it was comparable. So they proceed to tell me that it's because my house is so far from the fire department. This baffled me because I'm 2 miles from the fire department. I tell the lady this and she is like we show you are 10+ miles. Again, nope, if we go out 10 miles from my place there are 2 more fire stations. She starts getting hateful at this point acting like I'm making this up, telling me they update their databases every so many months, there is no way. I told her I wasn't in the mood to argue, I wouldn't use them at this point, especially her office, but just for the heck of it I said go on google maps, put in my address, then search fire station and see how many come up. She did this and I can hear the sigh coming out of her mouth, like oh yeah, I know I'm right. So then she proceeds to say well we can still help you, I just need you to go down to the fire station and get a signed letter stating they are so far from you and they are the responding fire station. I said not gonna happen. I'm not going to do your job and help you update your records.
Needless to say it seems as though their tech is very dated and they are behind in the times. Maybe they are attempting to make a push with this, but while I'd hear another agent out in the future to get a quote, I just don't see how they can be competitive with the way it appears as though it's ran.