Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
Either way, it's still produced by a fossil fuel. People act like electricity is this magical power that produces no emissions.
Some of it is produced by fossil fuel. I think most people who can afford to buy a hybrid or EV know electricity in Oklahoma comes from natural gas, coal, wind etc, even if they don't really know what respective amounts. Same for people using other fuels elsewhere. This calculator breaks down the make up and CO2 emissions locally and nationally.

One might also consider comparing an ICE car running 100% gas is gonna be a 100% fossil fuel car until it's converted, running part ethanol, or scrapped, where an EV hitting the street today has two possible advantages on not being a 100% fossil fuel car for life plus are overall more efficient in using fuel and not polluting.

First, Oklahoma electricity is 25% wind. Second, it's possible that will continue to change over the life of the EV to a more favorable, more efficient, and cleaner source. It could go the other way too. Trump would like more coal in our life.

EVs, well to wheel, are twice as efficient as ICE cars. That means if there were a power plant running gasoline powered turbines you could run the gas through those turbines, make electricity, send it out to an EV and get twice the mileage as by putting the same gas in the tank of the car. We don't have gasoline powered turbines but people who study this do have comparisons for respective sources. Those comparisons take into account everything that happens from collecting, processing, converting, delivering the energy to the vehicle, and then moving the car down the road, thus, well to wheel. If we could move all transportation to EV and keep the sources the same, we could cut that part of our global energy consumption in half. That's reason enough to move that direction by itself IMO, even if the entire electricity supply were powered by fossil fuels.

Well to wheel is mentioned in the link too and reflected in the numbers, I believe. If we are running twice as efficient on the same fuel, or a similar fuel, not only are we using less fuel, we should be converting less of it into pollution of all types too.
