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Thread: Rother Shrine

  1. #1

    South OKC Rother Shrine

    Our Lady of Victory, National Shine & Basilica (Father Nelson Baker Shrine) Lackawanna, NY

    Could we see a 2,000 seat Basilica & Shine (Father Stanley Rother Shrine) Catholic Church (Similar to the church in New York) built in Oklahoma City?

    Editor's note: This story is part of "Road to Sainthood," an ongoing series about the late Rev. Stanley Rother, the first U.S.-born male and U.S. priest named a martyr by the Roman Catholic Church. His beatification, at a ceremony planned for Sept. 23 in Oklahoma City, will place him one step closer to canonization.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Link with video and architectural drawings.


  3. Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    It's very interesting to see this coming up and the location will be VERY visible along I-35 with the size of the structure. The did a very good job of explaining the "whys" in the video Brett gave.

    Before watching the video, my main concern was, plopping a 2k person church out of nothing means that you have to fill the congregation from other churches that already exist. How are they going to fill this church and make it financial viable, without causing irreparable harm to the congregations of the smaller churches? As he said, the Catholic population in OKC is only 3-4%. Yes the concentration is probably higher in South OKC than other areas because of the cultural ties with the Hispanic community. But do they really think they will be able to sustain this without killing some of the smaller churches? It's not really a growth of "The Church" if the congregations just consolidate to a larger structure. Yeah you get cost savings, but you also get abandoned buildings. So i have some concerns because of the size of this project. Crossroads Cathedral (or whatever they call it now) is caddy-corner to this lot. One could have said the same thing about that structure being built where it was. But i do not believe that the congregation ever grew to what they had hoped when building there. Similarly to Del City First Southern. Each had heavy financial issues where they had large congregations, but they simply weren't large enough to maintain the large structures.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    It's very interesting to see this coming up and the location will be VERY visible along I-35 with the size of the structure. The did a very good job of explaining the "whys" in the video Brett gave.

    Before watching the video, my main concern was, plopping a 2k person church out of nothing means that you have to fill the congregation from other churches that already exist. How are they going to fill this church and make it financial viable, without causing irreparable harm to the congregations of the smaller churches? As he said, the Catholic population in OKC is only 3-4%. Yes the concentration is probably higher in South OKC than other areas because of the cultural ties with the Hispanic community. But do they really think they will be able to sustain this without killing some of the smaller churches? It's not really a growth of "The Church" if the congregations just consolidate to a larger structure. Yeah you get cost savings, but you also get abandoned buildings. So i have some concerns because of the size of this project. Crossroads Cathedral (or whatever they call it now) is caddy-corner to this lot. One could have said the same thing about that structure being built where it was. But i do not believe that the congregation ever grew to what they had hoped when building there. Similarly to Del City First Southern. Each had heavy financial issues where they had large congregations, but they simply weren't large enough to maintain the large structures.
    I thought I read where they were setting aside 3 million dollars for an endowment to maintain the church / shrine ?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    It's very interesting to see this coming up and the location will be VERY visible along I-35 with the size of the structure. The did a very good job of explaining the "whys" in the video Brett gave.

    Before watching the video, my main concern was, plopping a 2k person church out of nothing means that you have to fill the congregation from other churches that already exist. How are they going to fill this church and make it financial viable, without causing irreparable harm to the congregations of the smaller churches? As he said, the Catholic population in OKC is only 3-4%. Yes the concentration is probably higher in South OKC than other areas because of the cultural ties with the Hispanic community. But do they really think they will be able to sustain this without killing some of the smaller churches? It's not really a growth of "The Church" if the congregations just consolidate to a larger structure. Yeah you get cost savings, but you also get abandoned buildings. So i have some concerns because of the size of this project. Crossroads Cathedral (or whatever they call it now) is caddy-corner to this lot. One could have said the same thing about that structure being built where it was. But i do not believe that the congregation ever grew to what they had hoped when building there. Similarly to Del City First Southern. Each had heavy financial issues where they had large congregations, but they simply weren't large enough to maintain the large structures.
    The article states that the catholic population has increased to 8% and that it will help ease the congestion at the south side parishes. Also, they are setting up a 3 million dollar endowment for operations.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Just to let ya'll know, the diocese needs a larger church to host important masses. ( ordinations, important funerals/weddings etc) As far as robbing people from other parishes, on some Sundays some parishes have to overflow to other buildings or have more masses. When people want to go say at 9 am, its hard to get the to go to say 1 pm because there is already masses from early morning to afternoon. Also it will be a place of pilgramage for people to go from all parts of the diocese (western part of Oklahoma) as well as people from out of state. I think the endowment is for other buildings in the diocese as well. Basically this a huge building campain. Hopefully it will be sucessful. I have attended diocisean events where there just was no more space to put people safely (life safety code issues) This is needed.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    You should see the new one they are building in Stillwater, it is humongous. They will be finishing pretty soon.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by DickTracy View Post
    You should see the new one they are building in Stillwater, it is humongous. They will be finishing pretty soon.
    Technically, Stillwater and Payne county reside in the Tulsa diocese.

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    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Technically the Tulsa diocese is part of the OKC Archdiocese.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    10 a.m. Mass
    September 23, 2017
    Cox Convention Center, Oklahoma City
    Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

    Pope Francis recognized Father Rother’s martyrdom last December, making him the first martyr born in the United States and first U.S. priest to be beatified.

    Beatification of Fr Stanley Rother Documentary Trailer (born 1935 in Okarche, OK).

    Becoming a priest is not primarily our own decision.
    Rather it is the response to a call, and to a call of love.— Pope Francis, July 6, 2013

    Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Okarche, OK - OKC Archbishop Paul Coakley & Pope Francis

    Oklahoma City Archbishop Eusebius Beltran (Archbishop Emeritus), center, listens to a mass to celebrate the memory of Father Stanley Rother, photo at far left, at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Okarche, Okla., Wednesday, July 19, 2006. Stanley Rother was an Oklahoman.

    Blessed & proud to be Roman Catholic, a convert baptized at St. Peter Claver Church (OKC) & received the sacrament of confirmation at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cathedral (†Bishop Victor Reed) in 1962. My sons were baptized & confirmed at Little Flower Catholic Church by †Archbishop Charles Salatka & †Archbishop Eusebius Beltran.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.



    Father Stanley Rother

    Saturday, September 23, 2017
    10 a.m.
    Cox Convention Center Arena (Doors open 8:00 a.m.)

    Beatification Mass for Venerable Servant of God Stanley Francis Rother Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017, 10 a.m. Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City. Open seating - Tickets not required: http://stanleyrother.org/

  12. Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post


    Father Stanley Rother

    Saturday, September 23, 2017
    10 a.m.
    Cox Convention Center Arena (Doors open 8:00 a.m.)

    Beatification Mass for Venerable Servant of God Stanley Francis Rother Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017, 10 a.m. Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City. Open seating - Tickets not required: http://stanleyrother.org/

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    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Thanks for posting that! I was wondering if this was still on track. Glad to see that it is. Though I'm not very religious, this will be good for OKC. Hopefully will entice more international travelers here giving more momentum towards international flights and buildings like this are usually beautiful and well kept.

  15. Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.


    I sincerely hope it gets built - to this spec or better! Praying for the archdiocese!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    I won't deny that the building is quite beautiful... but man, what a *massive* waste of space. I was really hoping to see a more efficient land use here. 1,000 parking spaces? Oof. And a bunch of these features marked as "future" buildings? Double-oof. As a southsider, if I'm being honest... Gorgeous though the building might be, the overall site plan is a real disappointment for this property.

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    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Seems like they're "trying to fill it up" with their presence. Like they built to how much land there was instead to a requirements list.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    I won't deny that the building is quite beautiful... but man, what a *massive* waste of space. I was really hoping to see a more efficient land use here. 1,000 parking spaces? Oof. And a bunch of these features marked as "future" buildings? Double-oof. As a southsider, if I'm being honest... Gorgeous though the building might be, the overall site plan is a real disappointment for this property.
    They will need the parking but hopefully a light rail station is placed near here.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    [QUOTE=baralheia;1029262]I won't deny that the building is quite beautiful... but man, what a *massive* waste of space. I was really hoping to see a more efficient land use here. 1,000 parking spaces? Oof. And a bunch of these features marked as "future" buildings? Double-oof. As a southsider, if I'm being honest... Gorgeous though the building might be, the overall site plan is a real disappointment for this property.[/QUOTE

    Can you believe.... a CHURCH that wants to make it possible for a lot of people to come worship GOD and isn't worried about modern urbanism. Shame, shame. Where are their priorities?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Can you believe.... a CHURCH that wants to make it possible for a lot of people to come worship GOD and isn't worried about modern urbanism. Shame, shame. Where are their priorities?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    I could see being concerned about that if they were building it right next to downtown or something similar, but this is south of 240 and deep in suburbialand. There's really no call for a highly urban design that far out from the core.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    I don’t think it’s that bad of an issue. The parking can later be converted to multi level structures if needed and I can see the reason they have included future phases because they are raising the funds so it makes sense.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    The proposed basiicila will be larger yet similar to Our Lady of Victory, National Shine & Basilica (Father Nelson Baker Shrine) in Lackawanna, NY

    The growth of the Roman Catholic Church is prolific on our south side with enormous growth in parishes like St. James the Greater, Sacred Heart, Little Flower, Holy Angels, Immaculate Conception, St. Paul Apostle (Del City), St. Philip Neri (MWC); these churches can't expand fast enough.

    Kudos to our archdioceses. Hope they decide to make the basilica a cathedral for the Oklahoma City archdioceses. There is a need for a mega 2,000 seat basilica in Oklahoma City & a Shine for Father Stanley Rother. My hope is that Pope Francis will be here for the dedication & beatification ceremonies.

    This will be one of the largest Roman Catholic Churches in the west south central region.

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    a papal visit would be phenomenal for us economically, people will literally come from the opposite ends of the earth, but I'm not sure I see that happening

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    Default Re: Archdiocese Begin Capital Campaign For Rother Shine, 2,000 seat church.

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    So, are you saying you want structured parking surrounding the church? You want less space in the courtyards? How do you want to urbanize this?

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