Quote Originally Posted by chuck5815 View Post
It's certainly not wrong to say that Winco and Crest are closer to Aldi than they are to Kroger.
So? No offense, but drawing a comparison and a subsequent conclusion in that manner is like saying the Earth is closer to the sun than Neptune, therefore the Earth is more like the sun.

To put Crest and Aldi's in even remotely the same basket is absurd on its face - Aldi's retail model is *entirely* different, with the no-name knockoffs being their raison d'etre for existing and offering the lower prices, on top of their barely-more-than-shelves-and-walls stores. Their interior feel is more like a bad 7-11 than a grocery store, to say nothing of the absence of such things like bakeries and meat counters. Not even an apples-to-oranges comparison; more like an apples to pancakes comparison. Yup, they're both grocery stores, but beyond that...