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Thread: Advertising signs on city streets

  1. #1

    Northwest OKC Advertising signs on city streets

    Not the best picture, but this was taken on NW Expressway near Outback Steakhouse. Someone has put a large Banner in the center median that says "lose 15 pounds fast"

    More needs to be done to enforce the rules against advertising on city easements.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_3840.jpg 
Views:	198 
Size:	115.9 KB 
ID:	14037

  2. #2

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    It probably popped up in the middle of the night. That's one of those things where the installers have to be caught in the act, or you have to make a complaint to the city to get it removed.

    You could remove it yourself and get yourself 2 free T posts out of the deal. But that would be illegal too, though I doubt anyone would say anything.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    not hard to find the people who installed it.. It's been there a good couple of weeks. I think they take it down at night and put it back up when they open the next day. It's the Total Nutrition store next to Jason's Deli. I saw one of the employees putting it up one day while leaving Jason's and was like hmmmm I don't think that is legal.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    Yeah, sign enforcement like this is complaint based (at least it is in Edmond) so unless someone files a complaint the city won't do anything. Even then, if you take it down and then put it back up later, it just restarts the process. I'd had an ongoing complaint war with a dentist by Stephenson park in Edmond who keeps putting up "Dentist Parking Only" signs by street parking across the street from his office. I'll file a complaint with the city and they'll come down, and then a week or two later they come back.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets


    I used the app to report potholes when it was the previous app, it worked quite nicely. The phone number is also listed on that page, or there is a link to the action center where you can report on the web, via email, text, or even twitter.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    I see these ad's all the time everywhere. Usually around stop signs. Look like garbage. City could provide a few people full time jobs going around picking these up and fining people.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    Leo Kingston, used to pay $1.00 for every illegal sign you'd bring him.... talk about easy money, my kids loaded up.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I see these ad's all the time everywhere. Usually around stop signs. Look like garbage. City could provide a few people full time jobs going around picking these up and fining people.
    Zuplar, the City has four part-time employees dedicated to removing illegally placed signs. They not only pick up proactively, but also take care of the ones reported through the Action Center (okc.gov/action). Our code enforcement officers also pick up signs as they are out and about. We also have many neighborhoods that have went through training and help us out as well. In addition, the City does two large sign sweeps a year. During one of the sweeps in 2016 crews picked up a little over 1,900 illegally placed signs, or as I like to call it litter-on-a-stick.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    Quote Originally Posted by zachnash View Post
    Zuplar, the City has four part-time employees dedicated to removing illegally placed signs. They not only pick up proactively, but also take care of the ones reported through the Action Center (okc.gov/action). Our code enforcement officers also pick up signs as they are out and about. We also have many neighborhoods that have went through training and help us out as well. In addition, the City does two large sign sweeps a year. During one of the sweeps in 2016 crews picked up a little over 1,900 illegally placed signs, or as I like to call it litter-on-a-stick.
    That's pretty unfortunate that you guys are doing that much work and still not putting a dent in it, at least not on my side of town (WRWA). Maybe there needs to be steeper fines for people who can't follow the rules. I myself pick the ones up at the front of my neighborhood, but still about every week I see one for some lawn company or builder. I feel bad putting them in my trash cause I know these things probably just fill the dump up and take forever to decompose because they are made to last.

    Litter-on-a-stick. That's a good one. I'm going to steal it if you don't mind.

  10. Default Re: Advertising signs on city streets

    Thanks for that information. Must be very frustrating when the same companies post this "litter on a stick". I hate it.

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