Pizza23 definitely isn't the best pizza in the area, but for the type of pizza they make I think it's a very good mid-range quality pizza. Their crust reminds me of a quiche, which is a positive for me. Their biggest problem is that they're so close to Pizzeria Gusto, which is significantly better pizza no question, but it is a different type of pizza.
Signage plans show Baskin Robbins will be joining Dunkin Donuts in this development:
Much conflict within....
Ain't got problem with this, except maybe weak DD breakfast sandwiches.
I don't know how I missed this thread. This is an excellent development. Successful urban districts typically have a nice mix of chains and locally owned businesses. It's in fact good and refreshing to see chains conform to and become part of an urban environment. There is so much potential for 23rd St as it continues to be revitalized.
Bad pizza does exist. It's called CiCis. A "hot circle of garbage" if there ever was one.
I would be fine with that if they started taking care of their building. The outside of it has looked like complete trash for the 5 years I've lived down here. If they're going to continue neglecting its appearance I would much rather a bar/restaurant or other retail establishment take it over so that the blight is removed.
Work has already started on the parking lot to the north of the proposed building:
What will Cheever's do about parking?
There's also the huge parking lot across the street from the Tower Theatre.
Neither of those tower or rise lots are privaledge to Cheevers customers. When the commercial district fills in I wouldn't be surprised to see parking attendants on busy nights.
They have demolished part of Queens Beauty Supply and removed that hideous green mansard to reveal the historic storefront.
Will they keep it like this???? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease
Hopefully they restore the transom window!
The scuttlebutt is that this deal is dead. Couldn't get past plan review on that ridiculous drive through and didn't bother asking for a variance. Probably no grounds to apply since the language for application is that the current code "causes harm."
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