They've met the requirements and people will still shop there providing sales tax to city services which need them. Can only support the growing population so much with only neighborhoods and an occasional gas station/liquor store/dry cleaners combo at the corner.
There's a crest going in across the street and no one is fighting it. No one wants a stinking Walmart up here.
It is not a matter if someone likes Walmart or not. The real issue is he intersection needs to be widen and upgraded before anything is built on that lot. Pure and simple, wait for the road (not just inf ront of the lot ) to be widen and drainage issues addressed then go back and talk development. The Crest site has already been upgraded so it ready for development.
The developer has withdrawn his application on his own volition. He won the appeal, but for whatever reason chose not to move forward. I didn’t want to see this just because it was a Walmart and I’m happy it isn’t happening. A Trader Joe’s would kill it here and likely be supported.
One theory I’ve thought is the City was going to require the developer to pay for the street reconstruction including widening the intersection with a signal. That won’t be cheap and I’m not sure if they wanted it be temporary or to the standards of the Covell Parkway. None would have been cheap. The Covell Parkway design likely would have cost a couple million. Maybe he is waiting until the city does it themselves without development.
The section from Fairfax to Coltrane should be starting soon. Design and engineering work is already underway. My guess is we’ll see details in a year or so. I just wish the city would plan ahead and make it six lanes. I’m pleased with the new backlit street name blades on the recently widened section from Fairfax to I-35. Hopefully they incorporate that aspect here.
I’m pretty sure. I read some article lately about it and I’ll dig it up today when I get a chance. If Crest pulls out that will suck.
My understanding of it is that they are putting it on hold for a year. Hope that is correct. I can see a Crest going in but the idea of another Walmart Neighborhood Grocery so close to another doesn't seem to make sense to me (Covell and Coltrane and 2nd west of Bryant)
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