Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
Chick Fil A is finally complete and packed each day. The Taco Bell coming soon sign is up as well.

As for Thai Delight it is very good. We also frequent the Chinese place next door, Foo Chow. It is pretty solid as well.

As for Buffalo Wild Wings, the quality is always consistent. However, the service has drastically declined since the time it has opened. We have stopped going for the time being in hoping it will turn around. Like it has been mentioned before, the quality of servers in this town is spread very thin and it seems to be showing here. Hopefully it gets better.
Somewhat related


Chains are going to have trouble attracting the top service talent in the market. The top tier talent will follow where the money is and that money is flowing to places like, Revolve, Empire, Mule, Barrios, etc etc etc. If you sit down and think we really do have lots of awesome local places to eat and its making chains worthless.