I heard a rumor the other day that Hobby Lobby founder and owner David Green was building an obscenly expensive house on the Canadian river. I could not turn up any info on this, so I am inclined to not believe it.
However, it got me to thinking. In these days of the OKC Renaisannace, our major corporations and their CEOs have been playing (and paying) a large part in our success. They have been key in things such as bringing the NBA to our city (and hopefully bringing it back), Downtown in December, the boathouse, the bell tower on the OK river, and countless other programs, events, and projects throughout the city and state.
But what about Hobby Lobby? Alot of folks in OKC don't even realize that Hobby Lobby is HQ'd in their hometown. Nor do they realize that HL is projected to do $1.8 BILLION in sales this year. I did some research on HLs community involvement and found that they primarily give to conservative Christian interests. I have no beef with HL spending their giving dollars in these interests as I a Christian and like to do my chairitable giving thru my church. But I also believe that Christianity should be relevant to community in which it resides. A good Christian is a good citizen.
This brings me to the queston: Is Hobby Lobby a good Corporate Citizen?
If you are interested, here is the link to the corporate page: Hobby Lobby Creative Centers