We've noticed that since about June of last year our OG&E energy usage has doubled - and we can't nail down the reason.

We've gone from being somewhere between 'conservative' and 'average' to now consistently 'above average' in our energy summaries from OG&E.

It seems as though it's our 'baseload' that is the major reason - but, we haven't added anything that we can think of that would be using so much energy.

EXAMPLE: Since June of last year our weekly usage averages in the 400's to low 500's kWh
Prior to June of last year we averaged 150 to 200's Kwh for the entire year.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing this or how to narrow down the energy sucking culprit ourselves?


So far we contacted OG&E and they were very unhelpful. The just said "everything looks fine from here."

We did have some HVAC work done around June of last year (AC stopped working and they replaced some sort of coil unit (?) under our furnace that was leaking). It's a heat pump and I've read online sometimes those can be set wrong or malfunction and cause energy spikes. The HVAC guy is coming tomorrow to check it out.

We've actually had our thermostat set to off for two months now and have noticed no change in our baseload or overall energy usage.

There are only two of us in the house so the dishwasher and washer/dryer only run a couple of times a week. And, I mostly wash all the dishes by hand anyway.

I've thought about buying a plug-in electric meter and testing different things that are plugged in to see how much they are drawing.

I've also considered shutting off different breakers for a day or so and seeing if it that has any major effect on our baseload.

Just wondering if anyone has any other ideas I'm not thinking of?