The very first day I moved to California, I stopped at Jack In the Box on PCH in Malibu and this woman stumbled while carrying a tray and spilled her soft drink.

She went *off* on the staff behind the counter for not putting the lid on tighter... I mean ranting and screaming like I had never seen. Said she was an attorney, was going to sue them... The manager apologized (even though their fault in all this was pretty dubious) and that just fired her up more.

I also worked at a sporting goods store during college and a man came in to buy an exercise bike that had been advertised. Turns out we didn't have any left and a rain check to buy one at the same price later only made things worse. This guy came in angry and yelled and screamed and swore and demanded the manager and then yelled and screamed some more. It was unbelievable.

There are indeed people like this and when they get called out or embarrassed, they just scream louder.