Pedestrian bridge proposed for Oklahoma River

A local architecture firm has drawn up plans to convert an abandoned rail bridge into a way to cross the Oklahoma River on bike or foot.

ADG of Oklahoma City has submitted a presentation to the OKC Riverfront Redevelopment Authority which will be reviewed at their March 28th meeting.

The plan would provide a link between the existing trails on either side of the Oklahoma River, a need frequently expressed by those who are active users of trail system. Currently, the only way to cross the river is to come off the trails and up onto roadway bridges.

The bridge is centrally located on the river trails and in close proximity to the Wheeler District , about a quarter mile west of its Ferris wheel.

As part of MAPS 3, a new West Trail was built to link the river trails to Lake Overholser and beyond.

Will Rogers Bike Trail, another MAPS 3 project, is currently under construction and will link the Lake Hefner Trails south to the Oklahoma River. When complete, it will be possible for cyclists and pedestrians to make one huge loop starting downtown, west and north to Lake Overholser, northeast to Lake Hefner, and then south again to the central city.

No funding source has been identified however the presentation suggests the possible inclusion in the 2017 General Obligation Bond which comes up for a public vote this fall.